That session went alright. I had the sindicat remenca event fire about 2 years into the game, giving me -1% revolt risk and +20% goods production in all my cores, and then had the cathedral of Saint Mary event fire 6 months later for a permanent +2% missionary strength, so pleased with that. I also won a war I had absolutely no right to - my 11-stack started attacking a 5-stack from Lorraine across a river on a mountain penalty, and then a 16-stack from Provence joined in, but against all odds I rolled four 9 die in a row, narrowly beat them, then stack-wiped the low morale Provence stack, seiged Provence successfully and pushed them out of the war, and managed to sue Austria for peace, winning Corsica and 72 ducats. Only downside was that Austria annexed my ally, Urbino, and cored them by the end of the session - a nice surprise for zzmitch when he arrives next session. The craziest thing is Aragon's starting monarch is 63, I think, and I lost an initial battle to put me down to negative prestige. If I hadn't had those crazy rolls, I'd have a) definitely lost the war, and b) lost my PU with Naples because of it. So yeah, extremely lucky start.
I've now recovered war exhaustion and so on to the point I'm ready to have a go at Castile, who have been weakened by a war with England to form a PU with Navarre. Somewhat annoyed about that because I was literally a month away from vassalizing Navarre when it happened, but oh well. Win some, lose some. In the long run I think it'll help because Castile now has 22 troops to my 20, and Valhelm has a 13 stack in Portugal, so we're well positioned to start dividing Castile between us. My original monarch died, and I got a 3/1/4 heir, who had a 3/2/2 heir. That 3/2/2 heir made a crazy 4/2/2/1 general that got me a lot of my wins, but as a result died in battle. He was replaced somewhat later by an 0/6/0, which is... less good. I also helped Portugal win a province in Morocco, although it was AI Portugal. Still, if you're wondering why you own Casablanca, Valhelm, that was me.

Iberian buddies.
Allies Gained: Portugal, France
Allies Gained, Lost: Burgundy, Navarre, Urbino
Vassals/junior partners: Naples
Provinces gained: Corsica