Depends on how many gamers leave the PS ecosystem and go PC.
I don't know. PS gamers seem pretty loyal to the console and brand. How many of you PS4 or PS5 gamers will abandon ship PS console gaming and buy a good PC to play their games?
The brand loyalists are very vocal on the internet but pretty much a minority on the real world.
Yes, playstation is probably the most recognizable brand for videogames in the world and the default choice for many but... you can't ignore the guy who most plays his FIFAs and GTAs, but buy a playstation because they also think they might miss out on games like Spider Man and God of War. If those people take their business elsewhere Sony loses 30% of the obscene amount of money they spend on FUT and GTA Online. They definitely don't want that.
If that's their plan, which it very well may be. It's dumb. Very few people are gonna be so enticed by Days Gone that they drop PC gaming and buy a playstation to buy multiplats there. People like me are probably not that valued by Sony. I bought a ps4 last gen and played bloodborne, god of war, spiderman, odin sphere, a few other things. Never bought PS+ and never bought anything multiplat. THey are not making money selling hardware, or very very little. The money is in software sales and services. MS is making money hand over fist on steam and obviously Sony sees this.
I predict by the end of the gen we'll either get a Sony launcher and day/date releases. A partnership with Epic to make EGS a second home for their stuff. Or they just end the PC ports altogether. I really doubt they continue this slow trickle they're doing now.
I can only see them doing Day 1 releases on PC if they expand their ecosystem to the PC through a Playstation Store client (including selling multiplats there). But that would also take a hefty push to become a viable competitor in that space.
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