am i wrong or is this game really hard?
Agreed, Ubisoft's games (and likely design process) revolve around ticking off boxes, and they see adding content as a player being able to tick off more boxes. Collect feathers. Collect memory cards. Collect letters. Not enough? Okay add some relics that the player can collect.
It's nice for OCD players, but for everyone else it feels inane.
Took me just over 31 hours to finish everything (although I was taking my time - I didn't use the purchasable maps to find relics, as I enjoyed hunting them down on my own and the main map already gives visual clues as to where ruins/bunkers/caves are).
I have already complained about how easy the game is even on the highest difficulty.
I am sorry, this is a little awkward for you now.....
I think it checkpoints you once you die a certain number of times, or run out of ammo. Trying to do you a favour somehow. It's pretty annoying.Something up with the checkpoints? I feel like I've actually lost progress when I die before checkpoints. I did the weed burning mission and ended up checkpointing back to before I met willis...
All in mission:I can already see the end "decision" of this game coming a mile off
Main standout for me so far is theTesting facility that opens up after the second main mission with all of the dogs lurking around. Is there anyway to finish that mission without triggering the gas explosion?
Strangely enough... I hated that mission. It was easily the worst part of the game for me. A linear, scripted sequence that didn't make sense within the game world (how are the dogs there still alive? A random bear?). It felt like it was done by a junior design team.
Isn't that part of the DLC?(And no, there's no way to not trigger the explosion - I tried - and that played into my distaste for the scene.)
I think it's more a symptom of open-world games. When you give a player a sandbox, it's difficult to justify from a production standpoint a substantial amount of meaningful optional content when you can't be certain the player will experience it.Agreed, their games (and likely design process) revolve around ticking off boxes, and they see adding content as a player being able to tick off more boxes. Collect feathers. Collect memory cards. Collect letters. Not enough? Okay add some relics that the player can collect.
It's nice for OCD players, but for everyone else it feels inane.
Wingsuit rules really hard, wish they gave it to you way earlier though, second island is too flat and I already did most of the sidemissions on the first
As someone who has a stupid fear of water levels/sharks in games, how many times would you say you are forced into shark and under water situations?
As someone who has a stupid fear of water levels/sharks in games, how many times would you say you are forced into shark and under water situations?
That's all it has goingSecond island is great for it IMO, loads of hills.
I don't even know why i have this fear.I have a stupid fear too. You don't really have to unless you wanna go exploring.
I love the tension though. It's just perfect, especially if you need to run away from a group of enemies but the water is filled with fins *.*
Thought I was only with water level fears lol. Idk it has always been a problem for me.As someone who has a stupid fear of water levels/sharks in games, how many times would you say you are forced into shark and under water situations?
Co=op is fun. Hard, and it really is left for dead. Have to work together as a team. I'm on 360 and everyone is using a mark.That's all it has going
How's the co-op? Is it easy to get into a game, are randoms using mics or do you have to get a mumble/Skype room up?
Thanks for the info. Looks like I will just finish anything I didn't get to after. Long ways to go Still anyway.The last couple of missions follow up directly with no chance to freeroam. The game will warn you when this is about to happen, and ask you if you want to proceed.
However, you will return to the open world after the last missions, so there is no point of no return like Far Cry 2 had.
Quick question guys, would appreciate a quickish response as I am wandering the island while I wait (I would Google but I am averse to spoilers)
What mission do you cross over ontothe second island? The name if possible.
Following that, is it possible to returnto the first island?
FC2 had the best Fire ever. I would often just light fires to watch it, amazing. that, the moving foliage and the lighting when in a boat on the river were heads and shoulders above FC3
I don't even know why i have this fear.
I can't even play games like Bioshock because the first part of the game had you underwater and i can't play dead space 1+2 because of how terrifying the atmosphere is and the kicker? the kicker is that i am a HUGE horror film fan, i have over 800 dvd/blu-rays and i would say at least 40-50% are horror specific yet i cannot play horror games![]()
FC3's campaign missions continually get worse the longer I play. The openworld is absolutely brilliant and really allows you to approach the outposts any way you see fit.
It's too bad Ubi Montreal had to horsefuck the story missions into "do it this way or fail". That style of game design is utter garbage and sadly it seems to be a part of the ubisoft design credo across all their IP nowadays. It's utter bullshit to see "leaving mission area" in an openworld game. WTF Ubi you've successfully made an openworld sandbox into a shitty scripted hallway.
Of course i don't know why im so surprised they did the same thing to the first 5-6 hrs of AC3...Bravo morons!
Could I get an answer for this, if possible?
FC3's campaign missions continually get worse the longer I play. The openworld is absolutely brilliant and really allows you to approach the outposts any way you see fit.
It's too bad Ubi Montreal had to horsefuck the story missions into "do it this way or fail". That style of game design is utter garbage and sadly it seems to be a part of the ubisoft design credo across all their IP nowadays. It's utter bullshit to see "leaving mission area" in an openworld game. WTF Ubi you've successfully made an openworld sandbox into a shitty scripted hallway.
Of course i don't know why im so surprised they did the same thing to the first 5-6 hrs of AC3...Bravo morons!
I'm pretty much done with the interior of the Lab for Groznyj Grad.
How'd I do??
Framerate is really jarring on the Xbox after playing games like Halo 4 and Blops II. Looks shocking if I had to be honest.
So do more weapons pop up? I'm doing missions for Buck,, I'm starting to get some Signature weapons. Will I get some more weapons that I can purchase and deck out in stores?and I think about about close to the end of the first island
Also, is the second island about the same length (in terms of content) as the first one? This game is pretty lengthy, and I'll be very pleased if it's as content rich as the first.
So do more weapons pop up? I'm doing missions for Buck,, I'm starting to get some Signature weapons. Will I get some more weapons that I can purchase and deck out in stores?and I think about about close to the end of the first island
Also, is the second island about the same length (in terms of content) as the first one? This game is pretty lengthy, and I'll be very pleased if it's as content rich as the first.
6 signature weapons in total;
.Shadow - custom 1911 pistol with larger magazine, silencer and better accuracy - unlocked by taking over 17 enemy camps .Shredder - custom Vector .45 SMG with reflex sight, suppressor, extended magazine and better accuracy & damage - unlocked by collecting 10 memory cards .Bull - custom M133 shotgun with extended shell capacity & greater damage - unlocked by finding 10 relics .Bushman - custom P416 with optical scope, extended magazine, suppressor and better accuracy & damage - unlocked by activating all the radio towers .Ripper - custom MKG LMG with optical scope, extended magazine, better accuracy & damage and low recoil - unlocked by completing 6 Trials of the Rakyat .AMR - custom Z93 with extended magazine, high power scope, explosive rounds and better damage - unlocked by finding 20 relics
Plus, the.Japanese Tanto sword with increased damage - unlocked by finding 6 Lost Letters
Just finished the main story. Amazing but I have to say it really climaxed atVaas, who is totally still alive.
I've only just got to the part wherebut I am PRAYING TO THE GODS thatyou "kill" himhe is still alive and it was done in a weird or trippy way to elude to that.
sweet, thanks.
Were they implying that Buckraped Keith during his captivity?
Were they implying that Buckraped Keith during his captivity?
Implying? They were practically screaming it.