How you dare to compare this game to Oblivion and Skyrim. At least these games had something to offer when you explore. FC3 and AC3 are just plain dumb open world games. They just fill it with items to collect.
Ubisoft just wish they could nail beautiful worlds like Bethesdas.
I guess, but I found those games boring too due to Bethesda's auto levelling and hand holding. That's an argument for another time though, and for different reasons.
I think in the case of Far Cry 3 the STALKER series is an apt comparison. Due to weapon degradation, scarcity of weapons, and very high value of goodies looted from discovery, such as artefacts, medkits, bandages, and so on, there was a real encouragement to discover because the game's economy (and by economy I mean essential goods for you to seek out and use, not just "money"), much like the diamonds in Far Cry 2, was fairly well balanced. The game understood value, and when you understand value you understand reward.
Far Cry 3 has such little value for near everything you do because it's all reliant on fairly easy grinds and incremental cash rewards. You can't look off into a mysterious grove, dark cavern, haunting tunnel, or abandoned shack, and wonder what amazing things could be inside. You know it's going to be the same shit you've found everywhere else.
It's the same approach Ubisoft took with the Assassin's Creed series and it's one I'm very opposed to. I think it's really poor, ill-conceived and badly matched game design. And I hate typing this because I really want to enjoy the game more than I am.
I do think I need to stop whining though. I'm still playing the game, but I don't want to shit up this thread with multiple negative posts a day when I've made my point. Rants won't stop, but I'll space them out

EDIT: Oh, and last complaint, which I don't blame the game for so much as my own taste: the jungle is fucking boring. I don't even think it looks very good, even though I can identify some pretty set pieces. There's one point where I was looking out over this huge vista, seeing the first island in all its glory, and the only thing I could think of was "wow, look at that sea of green, green, and more green". There's such an immense reuse of very samey looking assets, and I'm so unbelievably tired of fucking jungles, that the entire experience so far has been devoid of identity and individuality.