Just got to the, and my drive to complete this game is gone. How much longer is it? I'm interested, but if I can't finish it in the next couple of days I probably won't ever pick it up again.second island
about 1/3 of the story left.
Just got to the, and my drive to complete this game is gone. How much longer is it? I'm interested, but if I can't finish it in the next couple of days I probably won't ever pick it up again.second island
Normal is OK with weapon tagging turned off. I don't even know what the higher difficulties change, specifically. If it's just enemy health, then I wouldn't even bother. I approached it the same way I did stealth. Careful and considered, intent on never getting seen, but once things went sideqays I accepted it and threw everything I had at them. So: play carefully, but if you find yourself near death (and stay there for a long time) just take it in stride. It's melodramatic, but It's saving you a re-load, or in this case, a walk back to the same spot. That would be my suggestion, anyway, not knowing what the higher difficulty changes, exactly. If it modifies the AI as well, then it might be worth playing that way. I think snipers for instance don't take every shot they could.So, would you then say stick with normal? Because thus far normal - I've only died once against a Tiger.
It was pretty sad to see that once my health was "depleted" - I put my controller down and it took literally 10 seconds for me to die even when there were about 3 guys right next to me shooting at me.
Only a handful of missions left at that point. Check the handbook, the first page has statistics, the first of which is the number of main missions you've played. It'll show exactly how much game you have left.Just got to the, and my drive to complete this game is gone. How much longer is it? I'm interested, but if I can't finish it in the next couple of days I probably won't ever pick it up again.second island
I HATE games that takes many dozen hours to complete but reward the player only a 1-3 minutes ending, if even that long. Fuck that shit.
At least appreciate those who have the will to complete the game you lazy ass developer, sigh.
Man, persona 4's epilogue
to be fair, its startup is roughly four hours long
Wait what? Persona 4? That's pretty random, hahaha. I am actually commenting on this game and not Persona 4...?
Are you sure you're not confusing this thread with the Persona 4 thread...?
Hallelujah! I'm done with the co-op, the worst Ive ever seen in a videogame, thank god I don't have to play it again.
Just finished this splitscreen with the wife, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Every mission just felt like "CLEAR THESE GUYS OUT!" or "PROTECT ME AS I DELIVER THIS BOMB". Completely unlike the main game, I kept having to explain to her that the main game was a lot more fun and I didn't just spent 25 hours doing these kinds of missions.
Screen tearing, is it common with everyone with the ps3 version? I'm having rough times![]()
Is there a way to holster weapons once they're out?
I dont think I noticed any, but I seem less sensitive to these type of issues, and alsoplayed the game high.
I wish Vaas had a bigger role, one of the best villains in videogames in a long time. Overall the characters were really good, save for Hoyt and Sam.
Being German I thought his accent was awfully fake. I don't know anyone who ends sentences in "ja?" all the time. It was probably another one of those intentional exaggerations though, so whatever.At least he didn't betray you, like I expected he would.
Being German I thought his accent was awfully fake. I don't know anyone who ends sentences in "ja?" all the time. It was probably another one of those intentional exaggerations though, so whatever.At least he didn't betray you, like I expected he would.
So I'm 12 hours in. I've done every outpost, every tower, every hunting mission and every assassination mission... along with a lot of exploring.
So I thought with the first island pretty much completely finished, it was time to start the story.
I just got to the mission where you escape the burning mansion and so far I'm underwhelmed. Shit story, shit characters and for an open world game boy do they love restricting you. On that mission where you blow up the weapons I snuck to a point with a sniper rifle, about to plan my attack, when "GO TO THIS VANTAGE POINT" popped up.
Thanks for that.
At the moment I just want to get the story missions done so I can get to the second island.
just got back from target and farcry 3 is $39.99
well worth the graphical downgrade (for 360 and ps3) at that price.
*off topic but Hitman absolution is as well
I loved Sam, but I agree Vaas was the star of the show. Finished this game yesterday and despite the last few hours being a bit of a drag its safe to say this game is my GOTY for 2012. I embraced the craziness and it paid off big time IMO.I wish Vaas had a bigger role, one of the best villains in videogames in a long time. Overall the characters were really good, save for Hoyt and Sam.
Damn straight, good ol' Uncle Sam.Sam is AMERICAN goddamnit
just got back from target and farcry 3 is $39.99
well worth the graphical downgrade (for 360 and ps3) at that price.
*off topic but Hitman absolution is as well
The billboard missions are open and fun unlike the badly scripted main missions.I never understand why they do not just cast german speaking actors for such roles. It's just bad and makes me cringe. It's not even stereotypical because it's totally random and not funny.
I like the story missions more than most of the side missions. 30 hours in and just got the second island, and I have not done all the stuff you did. I am just having fun with the random world. Screw those billboard missions, they are bad and repetitive. And I actually like Jason's tranformation, but everything else from the story is a bit meh.
The billboard missions are open and fun unlike the badly scripted main missions.
Did it unintentionally on the 360 version so no sorry, I hope for your sake its not glitched out. Maybe try a new game and as soon as you get mines or C4 give it a shot.Anyone else had trouble getting the 'Love the Boom' trophy to unlock? I've managed to get 4 enemies in the same explosion 3 times, getting 6 on another occasion, and the fucking trophy didn't pop any of those times.
Early game spoiler, really nothing but I'll tag it: The little cut scene when you meetat Dr. Earnhardt's house (when she awakens) was SO well done. The subtle music playing in the background was so good. The voice-acting, facial expressions, mannerisms, even the dialogue, holy mackerel. When Jason tells herDaisy, perfectly done. This type of scene would be "pretty good" in a real life movie, which is a huge accomplishment for a video game. Seriously, just a great little scene.Grant died
Edit- I hope this is a sign of things to come for the rest of the game in terms of high quality acting. Looks like it will be. I hope next-gen brings more of this and takes it to another level.
LOL. Magical tattoos how do they work? Mine doesn't do much but look awesome.As soon as she saw the tatau, she knew what was what.
True. Only ein Amerikaner would scream Blitzkrieg at ze top of his lungs. He still hat ein awful Tschermen accent, ja? Und his tattoos are even tackier zan Jason's.Sam is AMERICAN goddamnit
It's in no way garbage on 360. I received a copy as a gift so played it on 360 and had a ball despite having a perfectly usable gaming PC too. The old girl is doing pretty good for being in her 7th year I'm quite impressed.Only about like 2 hours in, but this whole "omg, its garbage on the 360!!" is so fucking overblown.
Yeah, I'm sure if you are comparing PC to 360, then yeah. But I am having no problems on the 360 version.