Really nice!I think the best example I have (that I can remember) would the games reveal
Fun starts @5:35
The cover style seems to be a bit sticky. So no button press that I can see (ala Gears of War). Looks great.
Talking smack in the "Skyrim is shallow" thread.Why was he banned for ?
Why was he banned for ?
Talking smack in the "Skyrim is shallow" thread.
For hating on every game?
I don't know?
For hating on every game?
I don't know?
The dude's a fixture in the Absolution thread dissecting how it sucks and he hasn't even played it, it's becoming self parody at this point.
Yup. I love the Hitman franchise, and Absolution is very much a different game than prior Hitman entries. But let me tell you, you still get spotted easily. There's still lots of creative ways to kill dudes. It's still a really fun game. Different, but I think it made the Hitman franchise accessible but kept a lot of the things that made Blood Money so great.
I just don't see how you can get so upset about one video game changing it's tone.
Hyperbolic reviews have me a bit worried. It smacks of starry-eyed reviewers going straight from climax to keyboard. Every game has flaws, usually big ones. Bring them up and let me judge if I care about them or not.
The RPS article was the one that convinced me. I'm not expecting perfection but if the game lives up to half its potential and fixes the majority of the issues I had with Farcry 2, it'll be a worthwhile game to play.
RPS is the only gaming website I read nowadays, so that review definitely put me on the hyped(albeit cautiously so) wagon.
The dude's a fixture in the Absolution thread dissecting how it sucks and he hasn't even played it, it's becoming self parody at this point.
Are there respawning guard posts in this one?
Are there respawning guard posts in this one?
To be fair it does suck as a Hitman game. And he was pretty much right about how the game would turn out.
Hope your surgery goes well. Wisdom teeth?He's banned? That's a shame, I distinctly remember the time he said GTA IV was one of the best games this generation - Made me like him. He is right though, GTA IV is an excellent game and I'm so glad he agrees.
On another note, I'm actually really excited about this game. Going into surgery Tuesday and I'm home again Wednesday, then I got 4 days to just play the hell out of it.
Hyperbolic reviews have me a bit worried. It smacks of starry-eyed reviewers going straight from climax to keyboard. Every game has flaws, usually big ones. Bring them up and let me judge if I care about them or not.
Hope your surgery goes well. Wisdom teeth?
on, and I COMPLETELY disagree about GTA IV. SMH
Nah, second ablation for my A-fib - It sucks.
Held og lykke og god bedring.
Nah, second ablation for my A-fib - It sucks.
He's the freaking worst. Hope it's permanent.
2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7
8GB 1600MHz memory
Intel HD Graphics 4000
NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M with 1GB of GDDR5 memory
He's the freaking worst. Hope it's permanent.
Looking forward to punching a shark in the face
Please tell me you just saw that tiger run up stairs after him!
Not watching, i don't wanna get spoiled but which version are they playing?Two livestreams at the moment, and they're both in French.