So just ran across this image online...does the game ACTUALLY look like this????
Pretty much, that shot might be downsampled/anti aliased out the ass but it looks amazing on PC.
So just ran across this image online...does the game ACTUALLY look like this????
So just ran across this image online...does the game ACTUALLY look like this????
Pretty much, that shot might be downsampled/anti aliased out the ass but it looks amazing on PC.
That's all I kept thinking during that cutscene, all of that would have been for nothing, lol.It's a good thing this so much fun because the story is offensively bad. Looked up the other ending after finishing it earlierwould be a funny twist if Jason was infertile lol
It's still risky. One shot might actually not be enough, you know?It's a good thing this so much fun because the story is offensively bad. Looked up the other ending after finishing it earlierwould be a funny twist if Jason was infertile lol
It's still risky. One shot might actually not be enough, you know?
What do you mean? It's an open-world game. All open-world games are horribly paced.Holy shit the game did the whole "get knocked out and wake up somewhere else" thing like 3 or 4 times during the last 30 minutes. Horrible pacing.
Yes.When you get to the second island, can you still travel back to the first one and do the stuff you still have left to do there?
When you get to the second island, can you still travel back to the first one and do the stuff you still have left to do there?
Is the deluxe edition worth the extra bucks?
i bought it on amazon, installed it and im getting SHOCKING performance: about 24-27fps according to fraps.
3.2ghz, 4gb ram, 660ti
dx9, quality set to optimal (which is a combination of medium and low)
is that normal?
A beautiful game with some glaring flaws, but definitely worth a play. I don't know if I have the attention-span to finish it though.
I would recommend just skipping most of the side content, or at least saving it for post-game content, should you choose to continue playing after the credits roll. I agree with your complaints, the side content is generally shit, so I avoided most of it and just stuck with the story missions.
Far Cry 3 Zombie Island
That looks brilliant. Too bad can't download it because of weird editor restrictions...
Well, did you try switching them off? Don't leave us hanging here.It's probably hbao/hdao running at 2560x1440, I didn't realize this game was so meaty.
Well, did you try switching them off? Don't leave us hanging here.
I just ask because I hate to see threads on support forums and such where someone has a problem but then never reports back to anyone if the suggested fixes worked or, worse yet, they say "figured it out" or "got it myself" and never detail what they did.I didn't think anyone even cared lol, yep turning it down to ssao, not horizon based or high def ambient occlusion helped a lot. I had to turn a lot of stuff down to be fair. Also went down to 1920x1200.
New Features and Changes in Far Cry 3
Player feedback is an important part any games community. The ability to get first-hand impressions from players and what they think about the product is vital to make a game even more enjoyable. Thanks to the feedback, we are able to expand upon or add to the game experience.
During the games first few months, the Far Cry 3 Team has been collecting feedback from our players; those who enjoy the storyline, those who play online as well as our map makers. New functionality has been requested, and some have suggested improvements to already existing features. So here are some of the features that can be expected in upcoming patches:
Single Player: Ability to Reset Outposts
A big part of Far Cry 3s single player experience is taking over the outposts manned by Vaass pirates and Hoyts privateers. These outposts, when taken, offer a safe place to resupply as well as a base of operations when exploring new parts of the Rook Islands.
Taking over an outpost as a player also presents a fun challenge; everything from how to approach the outpost to what weapons and tactics to use. Hence, a lot of community members have requested to be able to reset the outposts, so that they can be taken-over again.
Here is how it works:
After conquering all the outposts and completing the game, the player can reset the outposts by selecting Reset Outposts in the gameplay options menu.
Doing this will reset and make all Outposts hostile again. All incomplete side missions and quests will become hidden. In order to finish the incomplete side missions, you will have to retake the outposts again.
Single Player: MASTER - A New Difficulty Setting
For those that have already completed the game on Adventurer, Survivor or Warrior settings and are looking for the next bill challenge, the all-new MASTER difficulty setting will be added in an upcoming patch of the game. Seasoned veterans will find themselves challenged by more aggressive wildlife, tougher pirates, and more deadly privateers. Your skills as a master of the Rook Islands will be tested.
Multiplayer: Feedback on User-Created Maps
The feedback system (while already having some information that is useful for other players looking for maps) has been expanded upon to give more information to the map makers. A new, more intuitive feedback interface and the addition of feedback tags have been added.
Multiplayer: New Beta Map Testing and Spectating for Map Makers
The Problem:
With the current system, when a map maker has finished their map, they upload and publish it, essentially just sending it out "into the wild". They are hoping that it will get sufficient plays in order to get some valuable feedback. With a ballooning amount of user-made maps, this becomes harder and harder. The map maker can also have hard time finding enough players to play the map with, so they can judge for themselves where the map can be improved.
The Solution:
1. Someone makes a map in the editor and uploads or publishes it.
2. They start their map with a special option called Start Beta Test.
3. Other players who wish to help out with testing new maps, can join the new Beta Test Playlist or go into the Map Archive where all current maps in Beta Test will be displayed.
4. While in Beta test mode, the map creator can use the new spectating feature to monitor how their map is played.
5. After the round is finished, the players give feedback that the mapmaker can then use to improve the map.
Multiplayer: Find Other Maps by the Same Author
Suppose you play a map you really like, and you want to find more maps by that same author. Youd favorite the map, go to the Map Archive and (after the patch has been implemented) search for more maps from the same author. It shines the spotlight on a good authors other maps, and also gives the author an incitement to improve all the maps he/she has uploaded and published.
Multiplayer: Removing Idle Kick Time in Custom Matches
Far Cry 3 removes idle players from a match after a few minutes, to ensure the quality of online play. This works well in the standard playlists to weed out inactive players. But players of custom matches have told us that they typically like a much longer wait time before that happens, or want it removed completely. So in keeping with your requests: from now on, idle kick is disabled in private and custom matches (MP and Co-Op).
Multiplayer: Skip Map Voting System
The community has told us that the voting system for skipping a map in the user map playlists lacks a certain degree of visibility and provides too short a window for people to cast their vote. We have now made it more visible and also extended the time people have to cast their vote.