Horrible! It doesn't go away either, which sucks. I get it, you want to help me with something new, but that's what the games menu is for, not the HUD!- Yes as every men and their dogs know by now, the HUD is terrible. Only thing i hated in
Horrible! It doesn't go away either, which sucks. I get it, you want to help me with something new, but that's what the games menu is for, not the HUD!- Yes as every men and their dogs know by now, the HUD is terrible. Only thing i hated in
Steam finished unpacking Far Cry 3. Immediately installs and launches Uplay, which asks me for my Far Cry 3 key so that the game will turn up in my Uplay library, from which I have to actually launch the game from. F*ck me. I don't want Uplay. I have Steam, I have Origin and now I'm forced to have Uplay. Uggh.
Not bad, tried only a two kind of jeeps but they control fine.
- My main concern about it was, enemies being bullet sponge but they are not at all. On normal difficulty, they die with 2 bullets at chest with an AK-47.
Played only for a few hours or so. I will post more later as i play it.
Yes!. That´s one of the things that make shooting so satisfying as well as recoil, recharging and dying animations, weapons design, etc. And you also die on normal with 2-3 shoots. This is more Operation flashpoint that Dragon Rising!.
And one thing more: yesterday i tried a boat´s machinegun... best machinegun in a game ever!.
How ya feeling? Are you all doped up? You're gonna have fun playing lolAny way, just got home from the hospital - What's the latest? Can we VPN it open on Steam or
How ya feeling? Are you all doped up? You're gonna have fun playing lol
Nah, local anesthetics however I got put under for the 7 times I had to be DC-converted which didn't help. My entire body is wrapped in burn marks from the patches and the latest DC Conversion was with an older unit that shocks at higher rates which means my chest is fucking crushed. Was in A-fib for 30 hours which has made me real tired and drained.
Plus, my hands are trembling like ass.
Besides that I'm great, thanks for asking![]()
Used an Australian VPN to unlock it on the US Steam store. Ran the game once with the VPN still active, then quit the game, put steam in Offline mode, then quit the VPN and the game runs fine.
Also, I had DX11 enabled in my version. This is on a 660ti with latest Nvidia Hitman Absolution beta drivers.
Holy shit Sethos what went down man![]()
Ablation is the removal or melting away of an unwanted structure or tissue
Awesome I was about to ask about that...
So is Uplay working too? Cause I was thinking, as long as you use a vpn on steam to unlock the files and then activate it in uplay you can probably just shotdown steam completly and just go through Uplay.
German version, uncut according to the shop.
1.01 patch (around 90MB) is already out and HDD install is mandatory.
shhiiit my heart
don't think you can, steam games must be launched through steam, a few smaller titles are the exception.
I took a couple of pictures. Most of these are on Very High settings, some are on Ultra. MSAA is not turned on though.
You can see them all here in my Steam screenshot gallery
From what I can gather it was running around 30fps on Very High on my rig which is:
i5 2500k @4.2Ghz
Awesome I was about to ask about that...
So is Uplay working too? Cause I was thinking, as long as you use a vpn on steam to unlock the files and then activate it in uplay you can probably just shotdown steam completly and just go through Uplay.
Nah, local anesthetics however I got put under for the 7 times I had to be DC-converted which didn't help. My entire body is wrapped in burn marks from the patches and the latest DC Conversion was with an older unit that shocks at higher rates which means my chest is fucking crushed. Was in A-fib for 30 hours which has made me real tired and drained.
Plus, my hands are trembling like ass.
Besides that I'm great, thanks for asking![]()
Yes, Uplay seems to be region agnostic. Running the game in offline steam mode, it loaded up Uplay. Running the game from the Uplay launcher, it logged itself into the Ubi servers with no problem.
CRAP, I just realised my previous posts could have been the perfect oppertunity to say "I went into cardiac arrest when I saw the FC3 graphics".
Perfect wasted oppertunity![]()
CRAP, I just realised my previous posts could have been the perfect oppertunity to say "I went into cardiac arrest when I saw the FC3 graphics".
Perfect wasted oppertunity![]()
How does it looks?
Blurry? not blurry? like Black Ops 2 blurry?
Hows the performance?
Awesome! Now I just need to find an Australian VPN to unlock it tonight!
Guys, I am confused. In all the gameplay vids I have seen there has only been 1 island map (even on the official Ubisoft site for FC3 it only shows the top island of these 2 maps)... yet this screenshot shows 2 separate islands?
Did they both make it into the final game?
One of the islands is the setting of the co-op mode.
Nope, they are both labeled single player (North and South), also, the coop island is clearly labeled over on the right of the map!
Your image wasn't appearing before, so I took a wild guess and tried to pass it off as me knowing stuff![]()
Guys, I am confused. In all the gameplay vids I have seen there has only been 1 island map (even on the official Ubisoft site for FC3 it only shows the top island of these 2 maps)... yet this image shows 2 separate islands?
Did they both make it into the final game?
Your image wasn't appearing before, so I took a wild guess and tried to pass it off as me knowing stuff![]()
I feel dirty doing it but I'm going this route I think. they should just push up the release date for everyone.
Firing up the 360 version now!
Some more testing. I turned off Vsync and enabled 2xAA. On Very High settings I got about 40 fps. If I turned down a few settings like Post Processing and Shadows I got around 45-55 fps. It's looking quite nice like that.
This is what it looks like:
As I said in my previous post, this is my rig:
i5 2500k @4.2Ghz
I think the game is very heavy on the GPU rather than the other two.
The two big islands are indeed the single player campaign. Not one, but two islands that big. The others are for co-op, multiplayer and the editor.
Please give us some impressions later.