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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted




Because that shit was jarring.

Not that I've heard so far.

I've played for about 2.5 hrs and I'm really impressed so far, it looks great, the shooting feels good and there's shit loads of stuff to do. Haven't got the bow yet which is making hunting a bother, you need a lot of goat and boar pelts for early upgrade so when you open up on an group animals with guns they scatter everywhere. The tattoo upgrade systems is a neat touch.
I've been playing for the last 3 hours. I can't say much about this game that hasn't already been said. But wow, I didn't follow this game at all. Like it was not in my radar, and it really seems like its an achievement. DX11 can go to hell, runs around 30 fps on my rig when it's maxed, and that's not good enough for me. [email protected]/6 gb ram/GTX 680 should be enough, but it's not.

But regardless, this game is flat out fun. The amount of choice and agency given to the player is incredible. Bandit camps feel like a puzzle if you wanna go stealth and they reward you for it.

Great great game.


I used http://www.vpnsecure.me/ and paid 2$ for a 2 day trial. Installed the app and connected to australia. Launched steam with the VPN open. Steam unpacked the game files automatically (if you haven't done the pre-load already do it before connecting to the VPN since that connection is really slow). Once it's unpacked switch Steam to Offline mode and launch the game! That's it.

You will have to enter the cd-key in Uplay but still have to launch it via Steam every time. As long as steam is in Offline mode it's gonna work. Oh and you can disconnect the VPN once it's in offline mode.

Edit: Also, install the uplay app before connecting to the VPN. There's a version that comes with the pre-load so it will install automatically but it will have to update and that takes a while on the slow connection.

How can we force uplay to update while not connected to the VPN?


So I had to restart my PC, and when I try to restart Steam in offline mode, and launch the game, it tells me that the game is not available yet, and Uplay is asking me for my Key again...

What did I do?


So I had to restart my PC, and when I try to restart Steam in offline mode, and launch the game, it tells me that the game is not available yet, and Uplay is asking me for my Key again...

What did I do?

I'm assuming you clicked the .exes directly since it asks for a key? When you do that, it installs another instance of uplay that seems to hold a different set of data aside from the Steam version. So it needs to be launched through Steam to work.


I know, I know...

...but, has there been any PS3 v 360 comparisons done yet? I'm being lazy. Unfortunately, consoles are my only option with this. So, I'd like to get the best version, if there is one.

Based off the videos I've seen they look identical, but I'm just wondering If I'm missing some key info somewhere.
Located in the US and about to buy the Steam version. If I use an Aussie VPN to play it early, is there any risk of getting my Steam account banned?



I downloaded it through Capsule, started the game, of course it launches uPlay and...


It's just uPlay, empty. Under the "Games" tab there's a default icon with a gamepad that I can't click.

edit: fixed it...



I downloaded it through Capsule, started the game, of course it launches uPlay and...


It's just uPlay, empty. Under the "Games" tab there's a default icon with a gamepad that I can't click.

I had a similar situation. As I mentioned in previous post I had to pirate the game as GMG download is super slow, it would take almost 3 days to finish. I launched the game and it opened in uplay and entered the key, the game is now registered to my account, but the install is not detected. I had to re-download the game again this time from uplay, which is pretty fast actually, so it's not a big deal. 5 more hours.


I had a similar situation. As I mentioned in previous post I had to pirate the game as GMG download is super slow, it would take almost 3 days to finish. I launched the game and it opened in uplay and entered the key, the game is now registered to my account, but the install is not detected. I had to re-download the game again this time from uplay, which is pretty fast actually, so it's not a big deal. 5 more hours.

I solved it somehow. I re-installed uPlay, launced it through uplay.exe instead of Far Cry 3, then I was able to activate the key... the fucking age we live in man... just let me play my game!
Same here. I looked at a walkthrough to check my progress. I should have it wrapped up before the weekend is out.

I'm on the fence about which platform to go with. The PC version doesn't seem optimized. My 7970m is good. But people with desktop 670's are barley getting 60fps. The PS3 looks good from the streams I've viewed. It may be the no hassle way to go.

Dude, there is no reason for you to get the console version, your GPU is fine. A 7970m is roughly equivalent to 7850-7870 dektop. Just drop a few settings, play in Dx9 and you'll be playing at 60fps and it will shit on the console versions.
For anyone interested in the story, watch these interviews of the lead writer (Jeffrey Yohalem) because he seems to be mentioning a lot of what Spec Ops The Line was going for, with tackling player agency in games, the 20-something cliched characters, the intro, addressing violence in games:

Far Cry 3's Sex Scene 'Subversive' - Lead Writer

"Games Need More Interactivity, Less Cutscenes" (Far Cry 3)

Lead Writer on FC 3's intro

Lead Writer Jeffery Yohalem talks about creating a story which revolves around the game's central mechanic

Don't know if he'll be as successful as The Line, but it's great writers are trying to address the disconnect of having fun in a shooter and moral responsibility but not feel like a lecture.


Played for 4 hours. I didn't think is say this but I may be finally tired of the "giant open world tropical island" setting in video games. As gorgeous as this game is it really isn't THAT fun to explore and i think i preferred the over all feel of Far Cry 2's environment despite all the other flaws of the game. Probably in the minority in that department hah. At least the story so far and characters in Far Cry 3 are a million time better then what we usually get in the genre.

And the people are not lying..the UI and indeed the ENTIRE menu system and inventory controls in the PC version is flat out terrible. Obviously its not meant for mouse and keyboard but its a pretty big oversight when you put so much effort into the other areas of the game which are really really great. Also vehicle controls are shit but i was expecting that(especially Quad bike), makes doing the racing and Supply Drop missions beyond frustrating.


Has anyone commented on the voice acting yet? I'm only about 30 minutes in the game but I find this voice acting to be on par with GTA's. Which means amazing.


Please tell me you can turn off the mini-map? Please.

Did it come from pitfall Harry? Seriously.

Jarringly bad.

Also- the taking fire white directional circles, gotta go. At least turn down the opacity.

At least an option to turn all off....


Anyone else having trouble exiting Dennis' car in the very first mission after disabling the radio tower? Holding down the key doesn't do anything. It's as if my character's stuck inside the vehicle, since when pressing any number key he initates a weapon switch animation... really weird.

Reloading the checkpoint doesn't help. This is really bumming me out.

Edit: Nevermind. Re-bound the key and then it worked.


Borderlands 2 UI isn't that much better, but it has scaling. Playing these new games on PC the last couple of years have been terrible. So much double clicking to make a simple selection.


This game....this game. Such a lot of fun. Pity the whole campaign and island isn't co-op though.









Decided to play a few more hours and now I'm enjoying it. A question for the console guys. If using HDMI what display settings are you using. RGB or Ycbr? Ycbr looks more realistic in coloring but can look wish washy in certain areas while RGB looks great but sometimes too way too dark at night. I can't seem to get a good setting in game or the LED.


First pic has tons of black crush, second looks much better.



  • Combat feels good. The shotgun feels less like a bad video game shotgun and more like an actual shotgun. Well, about... 40% of an actual shotgun. But it has a respectable range.
  • Graphically it looks pretty good. A mix of Just Cause 2 and Crysis in terms of colour and saturation.
  • You know how everyone hated the respawning enemies in Far Cry 2? It's exponentially worse in this game. Holy shit. While you can now take over outposts and stop enemies respawning there, the game has compensated by making infinite respawning roaming jeeps. It's insane. It's terrible. At least when assaulting areas in FC2 you got to be smart about it and have a little fun by taking advantage of terrain and buildings. Now, every 1-2 minutes, I'm attacked by a jeep patrol on the road. And by the time I kill them, assuming I'm going for stealth kills or want to loot their bodies or do some hunting / gathering, by the time that happens, more jeeps have appeared. I had reached a beach crossing as I was going to an objective, and two jeeps passed by as I was hiding in the bushes. I sneak past after they've gone, and then I get hit by some roaming foot patrols. I kill those guys, start walking, then a jeep shows up. I kill those two dudes, start moving, another jeep shows up. I kill those two dudes. I start moving, notice some guys in the distance, and see I'm close to a jeep that has a gun on the back. I jump on the gun, shoot down the two foot guys, and holy shit two more jeeps show up. I wasn't even near a plot area or anything, just on my way to it. I kill those two jeeps, and just fucking sprint. Along the way I notice some guys who had been taken hostage. I kill their captors, and start running towards them. Midway through, I look behind me to make sure there's no more enemies.
  • Everything disappears. All bodies and jeeps had disappeared. I was only about 400 metres away. The only thing that remained was the one jeep I got in to shoot. I turn back to the hostages I rescue, and they'd disappeared too. I can't tell if this is a bug or if the game is seriously in need of that much memory. (About 200 metres later I run into two more parked jeeps and a few more foot soldiers.
  • There is no quicksave.
  • The UI is obnoxious. ESC is both the main menu and the 'get information about the newest alert / tutorial' button. And most alerts seem to be nested four levels deep into a menu. So if I want to press ESC to pause the game I get put into this really deep menu instead of at the expected options / save game / etc ingame menu.
  • The inventory management is a pain. There's an assload of junk loot, which gets put in the same area as your crafting loot. In order to craft more slots, you need to kill very specific animals (you need a pig for a wallet, a goat for something else, a weird black animal I forgot the name of for a larger loot pouch), which isn't enitrely painful except for the endless relentless jeep attacks. The problem I had early on was that I had too many items in my loot bag. So I go to sell them, but I can't get rid of them because I have too much money to fit in my wallet (which can carry $2,000 worth of banknotes and coins). So I have to manually delete individual junk items, which is super tedious due to the poor UI design. Then go off and hunt the respected specific animals, craft the thing I need... I dunno. It's an issue that probably won't come up too many times but all the same I found the process ridiculous.
  • Lots of loot markets on the minimap that don't have any loot there to collect. Either the loot is hidden (perhaps I need a shovel or something?) or the loot markers are fucked.
  • I've encountered a few invisible enemies driving vehicles. Don't worry, they can still be killed. They still try to run you over, too.
  • The music is kind of droll and garish. But whatever, you can turn that off if you like atmosphere.
  • Ironically Far Cry 3 has better climbing puzzles than Assassin's Creed 3. I genuinely enjoyed climbing to the top of the two towers I've gone to, even if they are incredibly simple tasks.
  • There are a lot of New Zealand accents in this game. For what it's worth they sound genuine. I have no idea where the game is set so maybe it makes sense that they're mixed in with a bunch of other accents.
  • I like that you can get a decent inventory very early on if you do a lot of hunting. Makes the game feel a lot more open.
  • I like that you get to select your FOV, and I like that it goes up to 110 where most games cap it at 70. It's kind of weird that the number is a two decimal float, though, and you can't manually set it to a specific number. So at the moment I can set my FOV to 89.65 or 90.2.
  • I enjoy a FPS where my character speaks.

So, in all, my immediate impression is that I'm a bit baffled by the high review scores. First impressions are that this game is pretty fucking janky, but not in the ways I usually like. I was a big fan of Far Cry 2, but I'm not really feeling it so far.

That being said, the combat is genuinely enjoyable and I'm interested in where the story goes. Plus it feels like as a player I have a respectable amount of agency to wander around and do what I want.

Except for one early on mission that I failed because instead of fast travelling back to the quest giver, I decided to drive there. And halfway to the guy it just failed me without warning for being 'too far from the quest objective' or some shit, despite driving in a straight line to the guy. That wasn't cool.

Would love to hear some other impressions, though. Hopefully I've just had a bad experience and the game is actually as good as people are expecting.

EDIT: For transparency's sake, I am a bit over two hours into the game. So don't take this as like, comprehensive opinions. Just initial.


you know what, im curious to see a console comparison, because this looks pretty amazing on the ps3, ill show you guys some pics soon that look pretty incredible.

might the be the first multiplatorm game that looks amazing on the ps3.
[*] There are a lot of New Zealand accents in this game. For what it's worth they sound genuine. I have no idea where the game is set so maybe it makes sense that they're mixed in with a bunch of other accents.

It's pretty hard for anyone to pull off without sounding Australian, so I think they're genuine. Definitely not set anywhere near NZ, it could pass for a one of NZ's Pacific islands though (unlikely).


It's pretty hard for anyone to pull off without sounding Australian, so I think they're genuine. Definitely not set anywhere near NZ, it could pass for a one of NZ's Pacific islands though (unlikely).

There are dingos, komodo dragons and cassowaries on the island, which confuses me. Dingos and cassowaries are Australian, komodo dragons are Indonesian. And everyone has a New Zealand accent.

So maybe there's a mysterious island in the middle of the ocean between Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand. New Zealanders came and took over, while Australia and Indonesia dumped crates of animals on it.
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