Map Editor Features:
-Mold and shape terrain, give it textures such as sand, grass, gravel, etc.
-Use the collection system to easily place groups of trees, rocks, and bushes.
-Place over 1,000 different types item in your map, Move, and rotate on any axis.
-Place custom lighting
-Place Waterfalls, and bodies of water on different level of the terrain. You can even place
waterfalls and bodies of water that are filled with BLOOD! Also, you are able to change the
color of the water.
-Place spawn points, weapons, emplacements, and ammo dumps for all game modes.
-Place AI and Vehicles (these are DISABLED for Multiplayer and WILL NOT VALIDATE for
sharing with the community. Perhaps these will be patched in, or introduced in a
new game mode with DLC?)
-Take a snapshot of your map before uploading it, so that the community can get a
glimpse of it prior to download.