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Far Cry 3 |OT| Sex, Drugs, and the Call of Battle in the Uncharted

The M.I.A. song sucks. Granted it fits with the whole douchey tone of the little groups escapades at the start. Guess that was the whole point of choosing that song / artist lol

Thought the off the beat Rachid Taha song Barra Barra was pretty awesome for Far Cry 2.

The FC2 trailer w/ song.


Paper Planes is a classic. o_O Few songs are critically acclaimed AND huge hits. And as you said, it fits.
still on the fence about what platform I should get this on. I would really like to get it for PC but if the multiplayer is good I might want to pick it up on 360.

anyone have any impressions about what the MP is like? does it feel tacked on?


unless you post a video, from everything i have seen both HD twins are the same and locked at 30fps. would like to see GAF video of GAF members saying its less than 30 fps.
Unless the 360 version runs differently, I gotta tell you that the console versions run terrible. Its like the framerate doesn't even get past 25fps or something. Then you have all sorts of other visual problems like low low res depth of field, bad LOD, etc etc
So fun:



I've been playing for the last 3 hours. I can't say much about this game that hasn't already been said. But wow, I didn't follow this game at all. Like it was not in my radar, and it really seems like its an achievement. DX11 can go to hell, runs around 30 fps on my rig when it's maxed, and that's not good enough for me. [email protected]/6 gb ram/GTX 680 should be enough, but it's not.

But regardless, this game is flat out fun. The amount of choice and agency given to the player is incredible. Bandit camps feel like a puzzle if you wanna go stealth and they reward you for it.

Great great game.

I quite like hearing this from someone on PC, as they are usually the most critical bunch because of their high end hardware and all. Good news.
Unless the 360 version runs differently, I gotta tell you that the console versions run terrible. Its like the framerate doesn't even get past 25fps or something. Then you have all sorts of other visual problems like low low res depth of field, bad LOD, etc etc

yeah it sounds like its an ambitious game and so the PC version def seems the route to go


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I quite like hearing this from someone on PC, as they are usually the most critical bunch because of their high end hardware and all. Good news.

Im surprised it runs so well on my rig which is anything but high end hardware and looks nice on top of that!


Okay now. Some people say that the PS3 runs bad and some people say that the 360-version isn't any better?

So is there a framerate difference between the versions? And does anyone know if you can upload/download your own maps on 360 without Live Gold? I'm guessing not..


I've been playing for about 5 hours I guess. Bit surprised by the very positive reviews since it's basically just a loot grind. Hunting isn't much fun, gathering collectibles just involves checking where they are on your map and the missions so far haven't been great. And the kb+m controls aren't great.

As plenty of people have said, the outposts might be the best part of the game but I feel they're like Crysis 1 but worse.


Gold Member
Remember when that trailer said that this game was pretty much "Skyrim with guns", and how we all laughed?

Well this game is pretty much Skyrim with guns.

Quick question - do the arrows have 'bullet' drop?


Remember when that trailer said that this game was pretty much "Skyrim with guns", and how we all laughed?

Well this game is pretty much Skyrim with guns.

Quick question - do the arrows have 'bullet' drop?

Yeah the arrows do drop.

And I'll agree it feels like Skyrim in that after a short while of playing I felt I was just fighting things so that I could get better stuff so that I could fight things better. They both feel a bit Skinner boxish to me.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
This is truly rare for a game of this caliber coming out in December. I would have bought this over most of what came out in the last month. Now, I have to decide if I should spend $60 and play it now, or play the mound of stuff I have and wait for the Deluxe Edition to go on sale on Steam in late December/ January.


The team who worked on FC3 really do have some amazing artists. It's so atmospheric.

Agreed- except the damn UI-especially the mini map! Does not fit the rest of the graphics...

Side question- what all can I do with the map editor? Console version.

Can I set up maps, place enemies and then play solo or coop?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Where's the MIA FarCry video?

Thankfully I dont think there is one... At least I hope not.


On another note whats with them letting you put attachments on only some of the guns? Do hope that changes later on in the game. Along with how lacking the general arsenal is. Not too happy with the selection of weapons.

Its strange how they say the suppressed pistol is supposed to be accurate but it sure does not seem like it when using the thing. So I stopped using it all together. I mean sure it works when you are like about 5 feet from someone, but at that range you might as well stab the bastard.

Agreed- except the damn UI-especially the mini map! Does not fit the rest of the graphics...

Side question- what all can I do with the map editor? Console version.

Can I set up maps, place enemies and then play solo or coop?

Info from the OT on the first page.

Map Editor Features:
-Mold and shape terrain, give it textures such as sand, grass, gravel, etc.
-Use the collection system to easily place groups of trees, rocks, and bushes.
-Place over 1,000 different types item in your map, Move, and rotate on any axis.
-Place custom lighting
-Place Waterfalls, and bodies of water on different level of the terrain. You can even place
waterfalls and bodies of water that are filled with BLOOD! Also, you are able to change the
color of the water.
-Place spawn points, weapons, emplacements, and ammo dumps for all game modes.
-Place AI and Vehicles (these are DISABLED for Multiplayer and WILL NOT VALIDATE for
sharing with the community. Perhaps these will be patched in, or introduced in a
new game mode with DLC?)
-Take a snapshot of your map before uploading it, so that the community can get a
glimpse of it prior to download.
The advantage being you dont give Ubi the nice warm fuzzy feeling that their service Uplay is wanted or appreciated.

Buy it from Steam.

Went with the cheapest I could find online but slow download (10 hours or so). Gonna go with Steam next time, even if it's a little more expensive.
Thank to the guys that hung out in my 360 stream last night! There was some really funny moments that happened. Random alligator dragging me into the water while chasing another animal. Barrrel Rolls in first person perspective. Fires spreading unexpextedly. Crashing off a bridge on accident. Good times!


Thank to the guys that hung out in my 360 stream last night! There was some really funny moments that happened. Random alligator dragging me into the water while chasing another animal. Barrrel Rolls in first person perspective. Fires spreading unexpextedly. Crashing off a bridge on accident. Good times!
Man, I wish I knew how to stream games on PC I'd stream games all the time!

I hear Origin is launching streaming in their service


I got a chance to play the game for a few hours last night and here are my first impressions:

  • Speaking purely from an entertainment perspective, I think Far Cry 3's intro is fantastically well done. For the first 20 minutes the game dumped a large and exciting amount of exposition on me, and it's very memorable. Not Half-life-intro-amazing but it's definitely one of the best. It really got me excited to play. :)
  • The amount of side stuff in this game is mind boggling. That in itself isn't awesome, what IS awesome if all of it seems to have some type of reward. Something you do will decrease prices or permanently remove bad guys from locations or net you some XP or money.
  • Even the crafting is fun soup to nuts. I thought it was going to be a drag hunting down animals, but you know what? I found chasing some of these little suckers around was a nice break. Heck even trying to sneak up on them and taking them out silently was nice practice for the real battles.
  • Tagging is useful--much like it was in FC2--however you can now use anything with a lens. Plus it denotes what kind of enemy they are (rusher/sniper). So for instance I was able to tag out a whole camp, perched from a ledge above before taking everyone out with my sniper-scope.
  • FarCry3 is gorgeous on the X360. I had a few frame rate drips here & there, but it's still spectacular considering it's running on hardware that's 7 years old. Not to start an argument because they're both gorgeous however I think some people will immediately declare Hitman Absolution a better looking game. It is indeed a damn good looking game, however Far Cry 3 is truly a massively open-world game and I content the tech stuff in Far Cry 3 is incredibly more complicated and impressive.
  • The 'autolog' (for a lack of a better term) stuff is great. For instance there's a side-game which essentially spawns you into a separate instance and the goal is to score as many points within a certain amount of time. Basically it's just a big killbox, but you're rewarded with more points when you stealthily take someone out. So the game tracks your score + everyone one else you're buddies with & then ranks everyone. The silly, but kinda cool thing is whomever's on top gets their gamertag displayed in the game world where you access this content (it's a boulder).
  • The lead antagonist--Vaas--is unsuspectingly spectacular. His voice acting is fantastic, he's comically insane & super-imposing. I mean, he just feels like a real threat and totally out of his mind.
  • The mocap is great because it doesn't stand out from the rest of the game world. It's not overly animated/annoyingly suggestive.
  • There are a lot of weapons, skill points and....omg there's just a lot of stuff.

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the game and I'll try to answer them if I can. :)


Contemplating buying this at 40 AUD at G2play, or waiting for a slight Steam sale... I'm sure it'd only be 10-25% off right? Seems ridiculous to think it would even go on discount, but who knows.


Last time I tried, the functionality didn't show up :/

Hmmm I have to look at this.

My other problem is I can get my voice to show in video recordings. Not sure if my afterburner is setup right for it.

think its only if you're running a beta, under settings should be an option to participate in origin beta. reboot and it should update


As plenty of people have said, the outposts might be the best part of the game but I feel they're like Crysis 1 but worse.
Shoot, that's what I was hoping they'd manage to avoid. The difference between fights in Far Cry 2 and Crysis is that one is about things going unexpectedly wrong and the other is crazy empowerment.

Maybe once you level up enough it's similar to having suit powers?


Shoot, that's what I was hoping they'd manage to avoid. The difference between fights in Far Cry 2 and Crysis is that one is about things going unexpectedly wrong and the other is crazy empowerment.

Maybe once you level up enough it's similar to having suit powers?

The perks you get from levelling up don't seem to empower you that much. You get a few new tricks, though.

Anyway, I'm just one dude in a large group of people loving the game. It may just be me.


Gold Member
They should dial down the spawn rates too for predators. It's pretty silly to get overrun by komodo and tigers at the same time, big predators shouldn't even spawn in the same area.

Biggest problem is that they all need a mag of bullets before they go down. It's crazy.

It's not a game breaker like the bear and cougar spawns in Red Dead Redemption though, you couldn't walk 10 feet without getting mauled by 10 bears in that game.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Did a VPN unlock last night and played for three hours solid. After the entertaining script hallway intro section it was off into the woods to skin a bunch of animals and cap some radio towers and outposts along the way.

At the tail end I finally got around to a pack of goats so that I could unlock the rest of the weapon holster slots (happened to have the materials for 3 and 4 slots already, haha, so just needed the initial goat-based one). Now sitting pretty with four weapon slots and a big-ass wallet, so I'll go complete more story missions to get access to more skill choices, etc. etc.

It feels a little disappointing that doing radio towers effectively buy guns for you, and that's one of the big things to spend money on. Seems unnecessary and cheapens the excitement-factor for buying a gun when the next radio tower you go to ends up unlocking it for you too. Other than that, and all the enemies just carrying AKs, it's a good time so far.


So anybody else is having audio corruption issues on PC?

It's not game breaking but the sound effects/voice clips a LOT on my pc. I can't find anything on the forums about that.


Hmm? It's because they're such sponges that I find bow hunting to be awful. Even komodo dragons take about four arrows or something.

I feel like you can one shot with most bows, yet it takes a full clip of bullets. It also sucks that there's no hit indicator, so who knows.
I watched a video of the intro up to the first radio tower and was immediately turned off to see a blubbery wimp of a white guy be deemed the chosen one who'll lead a tribe of darker skinned people to victory.
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