So it's two weeks with half ap cost:
Free stuff:
Is Emiya worth levelling past 60? It seems he has the bulk of his final stats (10k out of 11k HP, 8.5k out of 9.5k ATK).
Likewise, is Georgios or Hans worth levelling when I already have (support) Waver?
Umu is just a vocal tic Nero has.
Leveling Emiya to 70 is still worth it. This will get him most of the way to max stats and unlock his third skill. Leveling to 80 however is not worth it as the gains are miniscule.
I think this misses the strengthening quest bonus that unlocks at max ascension. Getting from just 32% crit star up at max to 100% crit star& crit damage along with arts card +30% to any card +40% on the 2nd and 3rd will make a huge difference.
Not a single saber monument today despite fighting 5 Altrias. Monument farming truly is suffering.
I wanted to pop in and say my own Heracles just hit max ascension after getting the last monument today. Here's hoping you're fortunate like I was!Yay one more monument to go for Herc.
Hope I can ascend him this week.
Thank just got the final one! Can't believe it, two in a row.I wanted to pop in and say my own Heracles just hit max ascension after getting the last monument today. Here's hoping you're fortunate like I was!
Also, if anyone has room I'm trying to fill up my friend list.
Looks like earliest we'll get Okeanos is when the Kintoki Banner ends. Which is mid/end September.
Not gonna lie, I feel my interest in this game is slowly waning. I still login to clear my AP and such but have had much more fun with other mobages lately (HELLO AGAIN FE:H). There's only so much material (well...attempted since drop rates), monument, and mana prism farming that I can tolerate.
Ugh 1/2 AP....I'd rather have double drop rate.
Obviously never gonna happen though since Japan never got that and they're just lifting events straight from JP.
Looks like earliest we'll get Okeanos is when the Kintoki Banner ends. Which is mid/end September.
Not gonna lie, I feel my interest in this game is slowly waning. I still login to clear my AP and such but have had much more fun with other mobages lately (HELLO AGAIN FE:H). There's only so much material (well...attempted since drop rates), monument, and mana prism farming that I can tolerate.
I don't mind farming per se (almost every mobage has farming in some form or another).Play the game the way that is fun for you. That might mean taking breaks in between the story and events (which will both definitely ramp up in a huge way all next year).
Fact is, what you do in between events in this game is... farm. And there is no end to how much you can farm so you just have to draw a line for youtself.
I'm here for the journey and to see what kind of team I come out the other end with, if I stick with it all the way.
If worst comes to worst, i'll probably just login daily for the bonuses.Nothing wrong with taking a break if there's nothing going on. When one of my main three games is in a slump (I play RK and Heroes too) I tend to just log in for the dailies and that's it. At least we know good stuff is coming (even if we've got a while).
For a limited time, we'll be holding a "1 Million Download Pickup Summon (Daily)"
To celebrate the game reaching 1 million downloads, Limited Time Servant "★5 (SSR) Sakata Kintoki" will be available for the first time!
"★5 (SSR) Sakata Kintoki" will be featured everyday during the pickup period. Furthermore, different Servants will be featured each day as the additional pickup Servant! The featured Servants will include "★5 (SSR) Altria Pendragon," "★5 (SSR) Altera," "★5 (SSR) Jeanne d'Arc," "★5 (SSR) Vlad III," and "★5 (SSR) Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II)."
Also, "★4 (SR) Altria Pendragon [Alter]," "★4 (SR) Martha," "★3 (R) Robin Hood" and "★3 (R) Boudica" will be featured everyday as part of the pickup lineup.
Code:08-31 7:00~09-01 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki 09-02 0:00~09-02 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Altria Pendragon 09-03 0:00~09-03 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Altera 09-04 0:00~09-04 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Jeanne d'Arc 09-05 0:00~09-05 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Vlad III 09-06 0:00~09-06 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II) 09-07 0:00~09-07 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki 09-08 0:00~09-08 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Altria Pendragon 09-09 0:00~09-09 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Altera 09-10 0:00~09-10 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Jeanne d'Arc 09-11 0:00~09-11 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Vlad III 09-12 0:00~09-12 23:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki + Zhuge Liang (El Melloi II) 09-13 0:00~09-14 03:59 UTC Sakata Kintoki
I don't mind farming per se (almost every mobage has farming in some form or another).
Its just 90% of the time, farming in this game (in its current state) feels like I'm wasting my time with no sense of having progressed at all.
For instance, I need Snake Eyes (for Medusa) and Reverse Scales (For Gilg), these drop at like 3-4% drop rates from 30/40AP Dailies every Friday. Meaning, I have a few attempts to try to get these on one day a week. Surprise! I've been farming these at every chance and have a grand total of zero drops.The 1/2 AP event looks good on paper....till you realize that you can only farm for the specific materials/monuments you need on that one (well two for monuments) day during the event period.
I assume there is no point for me to roll for Kintoki? I've got NP2 Herc, and maintaining another similar berserker (single target NP) is too expensive (5*).
I know he has higher attack and can self charge np, but his survivability is horrible.
True, but he is still not a necessity for people who have already got Herc. I would wait for Cu Alter.Also Kintoki frees you to put Kaleido on a different servant (if you only have one).
Agree with that. Personally I'll roll for him for the same reason that I'm rolling for some other servants that I don't particularly need, and that's out of respect for saving my ass on the JP version at times. I won't use too much on him though since Drake is just around the corner, maybe like 5 tickets.True, but he is still not a necessity for people who have already got Herc. I would wait for Cu Alter.
The rate-up is an increase on that particular Servant appearing, but not a rate-up on the 5* itself. Therefore, the rate is always 1% for a 5* (unfortunately).When there are boosts on summons how much is the actual boost? 1% on 5 star to...?
The rate-up is an increase on that particular Servant appearing, but not a rate-up on the 5* itself. Therefore, the rate is always 1% for a 5* (unfortunately).![]()
When there are boosts on summons how much is the actual boost? 1% on 5 star to...?
There was a post on reddit months ago by an account botter or something who did a little research on this.Oh sorry I wasn't more clear. I understand it's just for the particular Servant. I meant how much does the boost raise the chance to get that particular Servant? Do they reveal that info? I guess that would mean assuming you get lucky and get a 5* what percentage chance will it be that particular boosted one over all other 5*?
There was a post on reddit months ago by an account botter or something who did a little research on this.
Basically it was something like a 69%+ increase in chance to get the 5* in the banner if you end up getting a 5*.
In the Japanese version, it would definitely be the case, however from the pulls in this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking the Global version is handled differently. Many people here pulled numerous 5* Servants during the past Gilgamesh rate-up, a few actually manage to pull 2x 5* in a single multi-pull. The number of people pulling non-Gilgamesh was surprising. Aniplex even had a video of a group of 10 or so people in their office summoning for Gilgamesh, and not a single person got him despite a couple other 5*'s being pulled.Thanks! Interesting info. So if I see that animation for the 5* pull at least there's a fairly good chance that it'll be the boosted character.
In the Japanese version, it would definitely be the case, however from the pulls in this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking the Global version is handled differently. Many people here pulled numerous 5* Servants during the past Gilgamesh rate-up, a few actually manage to pull 2x 5* in a single multi-pull. The number of people pulling non-Gilgamesh was surprising. Aniplex even had a video of a group of 10 or so people in their office summoning for Gilgamesh, and not a single person got him despite a couple other 5*'s being pulled.
Granted, this could all be RNG, but from the videos I've watched of Japanese streams of people pulling for a 5*, any time they showed they were almost guaranteed the banner card. If Global has those same rates, we must be a cursed set of individuals (that's entirely possible).
In the Japanese version, it would definitely be the case, however from the pulls in this thread, I wouldn't blame you for thinking the Global version is handled differently. Many people here pulled numerous 5* Servants during the past Gilgamesh rate-up, a few actually manage to pull 2x 5* in a single multi-pull. The number of people pulling non-Gilgamesh was surprising. Aniplex even had a video of a group of 10 or so people in their office summoning for Gilgamesh, and not a single person got him despite a couple other 5*'s being pulled.
Granted, this could all be RNG, but from the videos I've watched of Japanese streams of people pulling for a 5*, any time they showed they were almost guaranteed the banner card. If Global has those same rates, we must be a cursed set of individuals (that's entirely possible).
That is still a pretty small small sample size you are basing your observations on. And while 70% are pretty good odds, it is still nowhere near guaranteed to pull the rate up servant. Couple that with the fact that people who didn't get the rate up servant will be much more vocal about it than people who did and a healthy dose of confirmation bias, it is imo too early to conclude that US banner rates differ from Japanese ones.
I for example rolled on the Nero banner and my one five star servant was Altera, and out of three four star servants two were Nero. During the Gil banner I used some tickets and got two four star servants, both of which were on rate up.
1 Million Download Campaign
We already know about the login bonus and half AP stuff so I'll skip that.
we grind.
lol yup. Just going Keep grinding for mats until the servants I want are released.
First week of half ap is only for QP dailies.