I've seen Marie so often over the last two days in 30AP Duels I now hate Marie.
Does Thiers drop Berserker Monument? The last enemy is a rare Zerker but I don't see it listed on the wikia's drop tables.
I've seen Marie so often over the last two days in 30AP Duels I now hate Marie.
Does Thiers drop Berserker Monument? The last enemy is a rare Zerker but I don't see it listed on the wikia's drop tables.
I'm grinding spirit root in the dead heat event. I see that both 25 ap and 40 ap stages drop it but does the higher ap stage drop more or just the same?
Heh, they actually changed it to "All I Do Is Kill".It'll be "Kill, Justly". Or maybe "All You Need Is Kill".
I wonder when they're ever gonna fix 'Knight of Owner'.
I wonder when they're ever gonna fix 'Knight of Owner'.
Huh. I see.Yeah, they already fixed it. They mistranslated it as "Knight of Honor" when it was literally "Knight of Owner" in katakana, spelling out those english words, as in, referencing the duel he fought where he had to fight a duel using only a tree branch, and that anything he picks up and recognizes as a weapon becomes a 'master weapon' in his hands, and becomes its "owner."
They just misread the katakana.
Yes, I know it's not proper grammar. It's in a similar vein to the chant for Unlimited Blade Works - it's "cool sounding english."
Yeah, half AP for QP is...eh. I guess I'll do it, since it's always useful but it's still extremely boring.Half AP QP dailies is the best we get?
I'll just keep farming the Thursday and Friday ones in vague hope of Feathers and Crystals. Doubt there's many people near the level where QP is an issue at the moment. Been deleting quite a few people from my friends list recently where they haven't been on in several days. Can't really blame them to be honest. Doubt Kintoki or Martha are going to draw many people to pull, either.
At least next weeks half AP EXP will give newer players something meaningful to do.
At least next weeks half AP EXP will give newer players something meaningful to do.
Next weeks half AP is actually for Monster Hunting. There won't be any half AP EXP grinding.
Niiiiiice pulls, congrats!wew
Very nice! Congratswew
And commiserations90 quartz later I got a gold Saber card.
It's fucking D'eon.
Rate up is a LIE
Next weeks half AP is actually for Monster Hunting. There won't be any half AP EXP grinding.
I ended up burning my exp cards for prisms cos I thought all the dailies were half AP. RIP.
Is there any way to get rid of the orange numbers in the corners of the Singularity Banners? Seeing them makes me go nuts thinking there's so much to do.![]()
No, not to worry. I didn't read the announcement message properly, saw half AP and just assumed it applied to all the dailies. My own fault.I hope this wasn't in any way because of my post. If so, sorry. On the bright side, you've probably got a decent chunk of time to get some more before any significant content is released.
It's nice to see that we have something going on besides mat grinding even if it isn't the next story chapter, and the 1/2 AP is only for QP, at least it's something to talk about.
On the banner side of things I may try to get Alter or Martha from it, since I don't know if the new 5* is worth it, and I have Tamacat anyway.
One of the reasons why bosses EoR onwards have multiple healthbars is to prevent Servants like Kintoki and J.Alter from 1-turning them.
I wonder if the rates are busted.
4chan, reddit, here...lots of anecdotal evidence of people getting Golden even though people blew many more on Orion and didn't get her.
Probably not, but wew if they are.
If they are, I hope they're like this forever.
If you're looking at these 5* servants and thinking "hey, that could be me" I am here to warn you, don't do it!
I truly believe the rates are busted.