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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Why did WWE upload this today.

Samoa Joe vs. Essa Rios: Jakked, March 3, 2001


To prepare people for Samoa Joe's WWE debut after Wrestlemania.

This is happening




If you seriously think that he's only in a ton of movies because of his WWE return or even that they've been timed to coincide with his WWE run, you're an idiot. 3.5 to 4 million people watch Raw each week. That's nothing, especially for a Michael Bay film and Fast and Furious sequel. And it completely overlooks the fact that Rock's movies were already really successful before his return and yes, that includes the Tooth Fairy.

As for his WWE title win, shocking fucking news: The Rock isn't the one booking these shows. If the WWE wanted to make new stars (or even knew how), they would and Rock has nothing to do with that decision.
I can basically guarantee you his "return" contract has in it that he wins the wwe title. Just like I'm postive Punk's after mitb had his 400+ title reign in it.

Rock's movies started to bomb before his "once in a lifetime, but takes a year to setup" contract. Are you that big of a mark that you don't realize the entire reason old wrestlers come back is to promote shit or because they are broke? The Rock has 3 movies coming out between the Royal Rumble and Summerslam, even Nicholas Cage will have a hard time doing that. Before his wwe return, when he reffed cena v miz, he was promoting a movie. When his Disney crap stopped making money, guess who came crawling back after distancing himself for nearly a decade?

Do you know who went and saw those terrible "Dwayne Johnson" movies? WWE fans. Do you know who will go see his new stuff? WWE fans.

Do you know why the guest GM of raw ended? Because the Rock is now the promoting shill who "entertains" 3 times a year off the mic. Austin came back to promote his garbage show, ditto for HBK.
I can basically guarantee you his "return" contract has in it that he wins the wwe title. Just like I'm postive Punk's after mitb had his 400+ title reign in it.
I'd like to hear more about this guarantee that you know about, as well as the part in Punk's contract that he would have a specified length of a title reign.
I can basically guarantee you his "return" contract has in it that he wins the wwe title. Just like I'm postive Punk's after mitb had his 400+ title reign in it.

Rock's movies started to bomb before his "once in a lifetime, but takes a year to setup" contract. Are you that big of a mark that you don't realize the entire reason old wrestlers come back is to promote shit or because they are broke? The Rock has 3 movies coming out between the Royal Rumble and Summerslam, even Nicholas Cage will have a hard time doing that. Before his wwe return, when he reffed cena v miz, he was promoting a movie. When his Disney crap stopped making money, guess who came crawling back after distancing himself for nearly a decade?

Do you know who went and saw those terrible "Dwayne Johnson" movies? WWE fans. Do you know who will go see his new stuff? WWE fans.

Do you know why the guest GM of raw ended? Because the Rock is now the promoting shill who "entertains" 3 times a year off the mic. Austin came back to promote his garbage show, ditto for HBK.

Oh my god. I was going to bold the stupid but decided not to once I realised that it'd be the entire post. You crazy.


As long as The Rock is back, I don't give two shits about making new stars.

That's the whole point, Beef.

He's not back. Not really.

What we have now is the shambling corpse of the twisted parody lovechild of Rock and John Cena. What we have now is the answer to the question nobody asked: "What if you took everything good about the Rock and made it totally suck?"

That ain't the Rock out there, man.


That's the whole point, Beef.

He's not back. Not really.

What we have now is the shambling corpse of the twisted parody lovechild of Rock and John Cena. What we have now is the answer to the question nobody asked: "What if you took everything good about the Rock and made it totally suck?"

That ain't the Rock out there, man.

Rock and Brock both kind of show that you can get paid more and main event more in WWE if you leave and get big elsewhere, then come back, instead of staying.

I wonder how much of a box office draw Cena could be if he was allowed to star in a big box office film instead of a WWE Studios film. Rock basically had to go through developmental (kid/family movies) before he could go to the big leagues (action movies)


I always laugh when people say stuff like "coincidence the Rock is wrestling and all 3 movies of his are coming out." That is of course good business, but do you seriously think The Rock needs wrestling to sell GI Joe? Or Fast and the Furious? Hell when 2 fast 2 furious was out, wrestling was always "BROUGHT YOU BY."

You can tell The Rock loves wrestling by the way he speaks about it. I just saw him from a 2011 tough enough episode and when Steve asked him to cut a promo for the kids the dude can turn it on in an INSTANT. Then you see everyone's faces in the room light up, the dude has a great energy.


Man, Shane's hair. Full on white in his early 40s? That isn't that big of a deal, but the sides all puffed up and crazy is hilarious looking. His face still looks like a guy in his early 30s at most.
Shane having white hair already is just like what happened to my old man, oh damn I wonder if that's hereditary?

As it's that time of the year I rewatched an old Elimination chamber match.
I went with HHH vs HBK vs Y2J vs Umaga vs Jeff Hardy vs JBL from 2008.

I'd say that this is secretly one of the very best chamber matches, everything flows well from start to finish. It kicks off with Jericho and Michaels rolling around with pinning reversals all over the place, Umaga comes in and starts maiming them both complete with a double Samoan Drop that's just awesome.
JBL is a sore loser when he gets eliminated and returns to wallop everyone with a steel chair, Umaga running hip thrusts Jericho through the BULLETPROOF (why?) chamber glass and then proceeds to get walloped by everyone elses finishers culminating in a fan pleasing Jeff Swanton from the top of a chamber.
Then the finisher fest continues down to a Jeff and Trips finale, of course HHH wins and deflates the crowd a bit who went bananas when Jeff kicked out of the first pedigree but Trips needed more WM title matches.

This one holds up well on repeat viewings, what it lacks in a big time feel it makes up for by just being pretty fun all the way through, most chamber matches these days tend to blend into one solid if unspectacular blob so it feels kind of hard to rate them against each other. Though it was funny last year when the Smackdown jobber chamber came down to an electric Santino and Bryan finale.
i recently rewatched the first 2 and i think they hold up pretty well. RVD kdestroying his leg.Jericho/Triple H team up. 3 finshers needed to beat Kane. Shawn retuning to win the title.

Goldberg going ham is such a delight to see
i recently rewatched the first 2 and i think they hold up pretty well. RVD kdestroying his leg.Jericho/Triple H team up. 3 finshers needed to beat Kane. Shawn retuning to win the title.

Goldberg going ham is such a delight to see

I remember how when I first got the Elimination chamber anthology I held off on the second chamber for a bit because I remembered it being sort of lame but it's actually kind of fun, mainly because Goldberg entering and wrecking shit.
And then it becomes unintentional hilarity as an injured HHH who does nothing all match gets the win because it's HHH.

Speaking of injured HHH, RVD totally crushes the mans throat in the first chamber with that sloppy Frog Splash off the chamber, great match though that was even better at the time because all of the Chamber tricks had yet to be repeated multiple times, really the only bad thing is HBK's bloody awful attire.
also it seems that they made the chamber bigger lenghth wise or smaller pods becasue there is more room for people to stand up there in later matches
If thats considered ban worthy there should be about 3 posters left on gaming side. WTF

You don't fuck around with the Android mods.

I got threatened with a ban by a mod for posting a NEWS STORY about Android once in the Android thread.

I didn't say Android sucked. I never said it ever and had participated there on and off for a while, because I've been interested in phones for years. I actually injected zero of my own opinion at all. I simply posted a NEWS STORY from a major news outlet about a scientifically-conducted survey of consumers' future buying plans from a major polling company that contradicted a bunch of Android fans who said that iOS would probably cease to exist in a couple years (this was in 2011, IIRC, so LOL.)

The mod first tried to tell me that the scientific poll was probably conducted by Apple, (It wasn't, it was a polling company never associated with Apple but often commissioned by Microsoft, and the data wasn't particularly flattering to Windows phone) then he threatened to ban me, saying I should know better than to post something like that in the Android thread.

I deleted all my posts and ran away from there, never to return. Fuck that hive-mind shit. It's creepy as hell. I've always been welcomed in RIM, Windows Phone and iOS threads, even when expressing a negative opinion. But I couldn't even post scientific DATA in the Android thread...LOL
You don't fuck around with the Android mods.

I got threatened with a ban by a mod for posting a NEWS STORY about Android once in the Android thread.

I didn't say Android sucked. I never said it ever and had participated there on and off for a while, because I've been interested in phones for years. I actually injected zero of my own opinion at all. I simply posted a NEWS STORY from a major news outlet about a scientifically-conducted survey of consumers' future buying plans from a major polling company that contradicted a bunch of Android fans who said that iOS would probably cease to exist in a couple years (this was in 2011, IIRC, so LOL.)

The mod first tried to tell me that the scientific poll was probably conducted by Apple, (It wasn't, it was a polling company never associated with Apple but often commissioned by Microsoft, and the data wasn't particularly flattering to Windows phone) then he threatened to ban me, saying I should know better than to post something like that in the Android thread.

I deleted all my posts and ran away from there, never to return. Fuck that hive-mind shit. It's creepy as hell. I've always been welcomed in RIM, Windows Phone and iOS threads, even when expressing a negative opinion. But I couldn't even post scientific DATA in the Android thread...LOL

Certain GAF mods definitely have their biases, it's best to keep out of threads where a mod posting there is passionate about the subject matter.
WWE clearly trolled me by having DDP vs Jarrett and Booker T vs Jarrett from 1997 on the Nitro collection.
Jeff Jarrett was a hot commodity back then. I remember all the kids in elementary school having Jeff Jarrett t-shirts. Everyone called each other slap nuts. Great times.


The best part is the matches from 1997 were way better than the matches from 2000. And this was in DDP still looking half homeless and Booker having the weird Harlem Heat singlets with the cock ring in the middle.

Double J was MUCH better suited as the upper/mid card cheap Southern heel than lead heel with over booked finishes that could make Lawler, Cornette, and Heyman speechless.
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