If thats considered ban worthy there should be about 3 posters left on gaming side. WTF
You don't fuck around with the Android mods.
I got threatened with a ban by a mod for posting a NEWS STORY about Android once in the Android thread.
I didn't say Android sucked. I never said it ever and had participated there on and off for a while, because I've been interested in phones for years. I actually injected
zero of my own opinion at all. I simply posted a NEWS STORY from a major news outlet about a scientifically-conducted survey of consumers' future buying plans from a major polling company that contradicted a bunch of Android fans who said that iOS would probably cease to exist in a couple years (this was in 2011, IIRC, so LOL.)
The mod first tried to tell me that the scientific poll was probably conducted by Apple, (It wasn't, it was a polling company never associated with Apple but often commissioned by Microsoft, and the data wasn't particularly flattering to Windows phone) then he threatened to ban me, saying I should know better than to post something like that in the Android thread.
I deleted all my posts and ran away from there, never to return. Fuck that hive-mind shit. It's creepy as hell. I've always been welcomed in RIM, Windows Phone and iOS threads, even when expressing a negative opinion. But I couldn't even post scientific DATA in the Android thread...LOL