I randomly made this tier list at work today, tell me what you guys think:
Legends Tier:
Comments: Only show up a few dates a year, have (relatively) awesome matches, cut (relatively) awesome promos, and just get people excited about the product in general.
Top Tier:
CM Punk
Daniel Bryan
Dolph Ziggler
Antonio Cesaro
Chris Jericho
Comments: These guys are the complete package. Awesome in ring and awesome on the mic.
High Tier:
Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns
Wade Barrett
Cody Rhodes
Damien Sandow (the above wrestlers are on their way to top tier. well rounded performers, good mic work and good in ring, not great... yet. can't point out any flaws, they're just not quite at that top level right now)
Mark Henry
Big Show
Kane (three veteran monsters. understandably limited in ring abilities due to their size and age, but they still can cut a solid promo and are a presence in the ring)
Alberto Del Rio
John Cena
Ryback (the three super friends and Del Rio, who is on his way to the group it's seeming like. Del Rio is probably the best of the four in ring and on the mic. Cena is mediocre in ring... but I think he has an okay promo. It's just the, well, FUCKED UP subject matter that really gets on everyone's nerves. comedy cena is unbearable. we've seen the guy cut a pretty good serious promo... like once in a blue moon. Sheamus is Cena lite... the same shit but worse in every way. Ryback is still green in ring but his chant is over and it's fun to watch him absolutely beast on people. The one thing you can't take away from them is they're over as fuck for the little Jimmies, which makes them fun to cheer AGAINST as a smart fan. Cena is the best heel in the company!)
Wellness Policy Purgatory Tier:
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Low Tier:
Brodus Clay (have been royally fucked by god awful gimmicks. especially matt bloom. poor guy. from Giant Bernard to this garbage)
Sin Cara (injured too much. hasn't been very impressive during his run)
Kofi Kingston (vanilla as fuck)
Miz (change the channel heat)
Divas and everyone else
Conclusion: The roster is pretty solid, but the writing and ESPECIALLY the booking is just fucking AWFUL. They don't use 3 of the 5 guys in my top tier to anywhere NEAR their full potential.