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February WrassleGAF |BO-T| And Bo-ing is Half the Battle


Some pics I took from the Little Rock Smackdown















Waching the Nitro set, Rey's physical evolution is crazy. You see him in 1996 being a scrawny little kid, then a match from 1997 where he's a good 50% bigger, than a 1998 match where he's 50% bigger than that. There was a point in 2000 where he was almost as big as he got in 2006.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Will there ever be a more perfect back and forth than WM 18 with Rock and Hogan?

And don't make me laugh by suggesting Punk would get half the reaction that either got back then. No amount of Stone Cold would fix that.

and no JR on commentary or past his prime JR
Will there ever be a more perfect back and forth than WM 18 with Rock and Hogan?

And don't make me laugh by suggesting Punk would get half the reaction that either got back then. No amount of Stone Cold would fix that.

and no JR on commentary or past his prime JR

If Punk vs Austin happened in Chicago or somewhere super smarky like The Garden that might be the ONLY way it would get a reaction like that.

But crowds are so dead now even in there home town, no one gets a reaction like the Rock got in his prime on a random Smackdown taping in middle of nowhere USA..
So is anyone thinking that CM Punk might actually win tomorrow and then retain at WM?

No of course not...what a fucking stupid question :-(

I just really want to see a heel retain at WM. It rarely ever happens.


I forgot about Eric Bischoff's return as a face commentator in 1999. He was even worse than he was in 1995. WCW was actually worse in 1999 than in 2000. From about May on, 1999 was just brutal. Summer of 1999 was probably the worst time ever to be a WCW fan.


Ah yes... I remember those days.

Cena actually put somewhat of an effort into selling his opponents' promos back then.
Just like he put an effort into selling their offense.

I was still on the side of Edge & Carlito back then but at least Cena acknowledged & responded to them with "something" that could be mistaken for emotion.

Not any more, though. Now it's just smirking, jibber jabbering, WWE Universe pandering and mugging.
Back then, you hated Cena and wanted to see him get beat. Now he's insufferable and you just pray that he goes away.
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