Roflmfao! This isn't mineI bet Blue has Bonzai Buddy installed.
Roflmfao! This isn't mineI bet Blue has Bonzai Buddy installed.
So apparently Del Rio said Paige will be back in 3 months.
I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
Thanks for getting the bags m9
Sub wise, depends what you like really. ATTACK, OTT and Fight Club don't do subs, but are definitely the up and coming names on the UK scene, Rev Pro do the big indie dream matches with UK guys, ICW and WCPW are what they are, if you like their product, then their services are good.
I bet Blue has Bonzai Buddy installed.
I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
Data West, they say lovemaking is great exercise.
I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
Brother, you can install that shit on win 10. Gotta get my magilla Yokozuna in.LMAO
So... did you get her to sign up for GWF or what?
I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
Seph, I love you. Sorry about the shinanigans with the ex-lady friend
So... did you get her to sign up for GWF or what?
True but he's going to need more than a minute.
Only got three wrong, and that was partly chamber participants.Let's play a game.
Can you name everyone Punk defended against during his year+ long reign as WWE champion? Let's start with Del Rio since he won the belt from him. ]
I'm so sure that Punk's first MitB was meant for Jeff "got popped before Mania" Hardy.There was a former writer that said that CM Punks first ECW title win and at least one of his MITB wins was because who they wanted to win (Morrison for the ECW one) was about to get wellness popped.
There's an overwatch joke in here friend.I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that my diastolic blood pressure is too high at 98 so she told me to cut out the salt intake. which is probably why i've had these head issues for months now.
so if gedo could stop putting okada over everyone, it might help me live
What's general consensus here on Bobby Roode?
Maybe If I start liking Reigns, WWE will make him a midcarder or he will take some time off or quit. It seems to happen anytime I start liking someone. I might take one for the team and actually try this.
Dave was from the future.
So there's some speculation going around that Eva Marie may be done with WWE. She's removed all mention of them from her Twitter bio and she's unfollowed the WWE account.
Not exactly any screaming confirmation, but it is something to note. Especially considering they've had so long to bring her back and still haven't.
Meltz: For those asking, and many have, Eva Marie is still under contract to WWE
Hey, Goldberg didn't flub any of his promo last night. Those 3 were great together.
What is a heel?
I hate how as soon as a match ends they switch to the commentary table and start shilling their shit products instead of talking about what just happened, they did the same yesterday after the tag team championship match ended with that shit dq, they don't even pretend to give a shit at all
Gotta get your shit in bro.
I heard it turns you bi.
Wait. Wait. I wouldn't even have to buy a Switch to play this fancy new Zeldar game? We totally have a Wii U and it's gonna be on that, too. Ha! Nintendo, you so crazy.
I apologize for bringing up the Switch again.
May I have your attention please!
Pikma, I don't want you to feel trapped by this statement. I know that sometimes you hurt. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I will not judge you.
SFV is better than any SFII. Jabronies.
Never forget.
Wait. But in the shower. Sounds pretty clean. I'm gonna need a verdict on this, Menome.
Further undeniable proof that Bayley is the worst thing in the company
I like a lot of things.
Would you argue that this is the highlight of his career?
I never need to see a Menome post that long ever again tbh!
Brother, you are hogging all the spotlight.
Menome...... Wtf
I haven't posted since Monday thanks to the whole "WWE is American and thus broadcasts at silly times and I only get to read up on everything everyone has said on Thursday".
Just protecting my spot. Can't roll up what you can't reach the top of.
*roll up*
Menome gotta get his shit in.
How far do the numbers have to go in either direction to have RAW and/or SD live on WWE Network?
I think he's fairly good. Definitely getting better during his time at NXT, with the match against Nakamura definitely being his highlight so far. Plus, you know. Dat tune.
I would do it myself, but I don't want to go down for attempted murder.
Probably as it sounded like they let him promo freely again rather than the scripted-sounded bollocks from the other week.
A miserable little pile of secrets
Sounds more like they're getting their shit out.
Clearly a poorly-framed still. What's happening is Ziggler tried to force Crews to sit in that chair, but Crews unlocked the remaining 90% of his brain like Lucy and blasted him back with telekinetic energy.
So that's what did it.'s always been on WiiU?
I will.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 > Street Fighter as a series. I do love Street Fighter though.
Why is there not a crowd of Z-Men?
Depends on what he was cleaning and how vigorous that cleaning was.
Further undeniable proof that OwensIsNow is the worst thing in Internet Fandom.
Like me.
I long for the day of my career that I can sew my own name into my underwear.
WWE released a report of Paid subscribers as of Jan 31 2017
1.5 million paid with 1.1 million coming from US
As for ratings:
Smackdowns are up and WWE blows away USA networks ratings but Raw is declining faster.
Reminds me of my ex gf.Just protecting my spot. Can't roll up what you can't reach the top of.
When WWE is about a month out from them going out of business.How far do the numbers have to go in either direction to have RAW and/or SD live on WWE Network?
How far do the numbers have to go in either direction to have RAW and/or SD live on WWE Network?
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Is "Free" people who signed up with promos? If so that chart is a bit misleading
I was talking about Menome you mark!On t'a berce trop pres du mur? I've been here for a while meow.
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
I was talking about Menome you mark!
Free is basically people who have the network but are not paying for it do to offers from WWE.
So 18,000 people were not paying as of Jan 31.
Are you implying that imbask is a monsterI was gonna do this but then I was like "I'm not a monster. I'm a man, dang it! A man!"
So then I didn't.
Who quotes 10+ posts smh
Fuckin part timers
Are you implying that imbask is a monster
Are you implying that imbask is a monster
Are you implying that imbask is a monster