The Strokes
Movie or Marvel?
Hasney's jobber material for the GWF, don't worry, Seph will bury him.
Movie or Marvel?
At least it's not broccoli.
Well aren't you just better than everyone, Menome?!
Also: All this talk of things being unable to emulate N64 games. I'm just bemused as I was using a perfectly capable N64 emulator on my stepdad's PC back in the early 2000s. Was definitely pre-2002 as it was before him and my mother split up.
That was how I first completed Super Mario 64, and it definitely was working save for a couple of visual glitches.
Yet, I keep hearing people saying the N64 was too difficult to emulate properly throughout the past decade.
Also: All this talk of things being unable to emulate N64 games. I'm just bemused as I was using a perfectly capable N64 emulator on my stepdad's PC back in the early 2000s. Was definitely pre-2002 as it was before him and my mother split up.
That was how I first completed Super Mario 64, and it definitely was working save for a couple of visual glitches.
Yet, I keep hearing people saying the N64 was too difficult to emulate properly throughout the past decade.
Steamed broccoli and mayonnaise, the GOAT.
Steamed broccoli and mayonnaise, the GOAT.
Steamed broccoli and mayonnaise, the GOAT.
wtf is wrong with you
I'd never heard of it until I spent the night at Georgie Sutton's house in 3rd grade, and that's how his entire family ate their broccoli. My life changed forever, in a good way.
Mayo is also the top-tier way to eat French fries, too.
1. It did not play as well as you remember it.
2. Mario 64 was one of the first games ever working on an N64 emulator, I remember playing it on one in 1997 or 1998.
3. Some games only have minor glitches, other major ones. It's still not up to the level of PS1 or PS2 emulation. Saturn, another system that had awful emulators for years and years, figured it out almost a decade ago. N64 is just incredibly hard to do right.
N64 emulation is weird. UltraHLE came out while we were on Pentium 2's and could do OOT and Mario 64 while the N64 was still out as long as you had 3DFX. But it was Jacky and it didn't do things accurately. You could still finish the games, but they weren't right of you really looked into it. HLE actually stood for High Level Emulation. I had an NvIdia Rival 128 at the time and there were emulators for 3DFX to emulate N64 on that card even then.
So I might be able to score an Xbox One S for about $100. Thinking about pulling the trigger on it just so, at the very least, I can have a 4k BluRay player.
I'd never heard of it until I spent the night at Georgie Sutton's house in 3rd grade
avengers have you watched the latest AJPW show? I think you'll like it for one particular reason.
Doering and SUWAMA murder Kai. Just totally take him out on the floor.
The story they are telling with Doering in AJPW is fantastic.
Friend of mine on another forum ended up being Matt Hardys waiter.
King Maxell did not look amused.
Yep. Don't know about Hasney though.Broccoli is good.
Mayo is good.
But not together.
Also, Hasney facts are good.
At least it's not that Pineapple on pizza shit
This is scary
N64 emulation is weird. UltraHLE came out while we were on Pentium 2's and could do OOT and Mario 64 while the N64 was still out as long as you had 3DFX. But it was Jacky and it didn't do things accurately. You could still finish the games, but they weren't right of you really looked into it. HLE actually stood for High Level Emulation. I had an NvIdia Rival 128 at the time and there were emulators for 3DFX to emulate N64 on that card even then.
Y'know.. uhhh.. plans change.. y'know.."So yeah uh....Hasney's got some real heat backstage. Seph...Seph just tore into him when they all found him booking events with other promotions. Now things could change, he's never been double booked or anything, so they could be...fairly lenient but I doubt it. He's-he's really in *cough* he's really in the doghouse this time. I wouldn't be surprised if they put him in wrestler court."
Middle of Oregon, USA, but I believe both sides of his grandparents immigrated from the Netherlands.
Why you like mayo so much then man ha. When I went Amsterdam it's all they served with chips.
Because it is the superior way to eat fries, silly American.
Not sure why you would put it on Broccoli, since that goes way better with cheese, but hey, I've seen people put weirder shit together.
Mayo mixed with ketchup on fries 😩 😩 😩Mayo on fries?
When did glide come out? I'm pretty sure there was a hook you could use so you didn't need a 3dfx card in one of the earlier iterations of the emulator but that just brought in additional emulation problems. I remember getting a voodoo 3 2000 (or were those the voodoo2s?) And playing the hell out of the n64 emulators in the late 90s/early 2000s. This was back when counter strike was so in beta and I was on a pro team for it though, but that's neither here nor there.
"So yeah uh....Hasney's got some real heat backstage. Seph...Seph just tore into him when they all found him booking events with other promotions. Now things could change, he's never been double booked or anything, so they could be...fairly lenient but I doubt it. He's-he's really in *cough* he's really in the doghouse this time. I wouldn't be surprised if they put him in wrestler court."
Mayo mixed with ketchup on fries 😩 😩 😩
Sounds just like that mark, not enough stumbling over words though."So yeah uh....Hasney's got some real heat backstage. Seph...Seph just tore into him when they all found him booking events with other promotions. Now things could change, he's never been double booked or anything, so they could be...fairly lenient but I doubt it. He's-he's really in *cough* he's really in the doghouse this time. I wouldn't be surprised if they put him in wrestler court."