but the "before the attitude era" was PG as wellI don't think the reality era or the new era warrant the term era. for me there are 4 periods of WWF/E:
- before the attitude era
- the attitude era
- after the attitude era
- pg era.
it's still pg era.
I was reading a preview that basically said this is the first Zelda game to have an engaging beginning in over 20 years.95+?
That sounds... unlikely.
Kenny's getting the Switch.
#dropped #minus6stars #GedoWasRight
1974 brother
hahahahaThe oscars just went full carny
Edit: goddamn it geek >_<
I need to ask the experts; is this oscars thing a work or a shoot?
Invasion and Ruthless Aggression Eras were the best for sure. Attitude Era just wasn't that good.where's that really long post I did where i worked a shoot
oh here it is
Invasion and Ruthless Aggression Eras were the best for sure. Attitude Era just wasn't that good.
Invasion and Ruthless Aggression Eras were the best for sure. Attitude Era just wasn't that good.
guaranteed they're going to do a shitty forced reference to the oscar thing on raw
Who on wrassleGAF is eating the most crow when Zelda get a 95+ on metacritic?
I don't think the reality era or the new era warrant the term era. for me there are 4 periods of WWF/E:
- before the attitude era
- the attitude era
- after the attitude era
- pg era.
it's still pg era.
I've mentioned before that 3D Zelda games just don't click with me, so this could get the full 100 and I'd still probably find myself getting bored partway in.
That's fine. Everyone else can enjoy it, so long as they don't try and use the Metacritic score to say that I'm wrong.
The Curse of Menome perhaps goes deeper than we thought.Menome not liking Zelda is what's best for business, we don't want another Battleborn on our hands
The Curse of Menome perhaps goes deeper than we thought.
Just our of curiosity... did you put any money on La La Land winning best picture?
Brother, I'm presenting you all with kayfabe WM 19.Rip ratings
Apparently Road Dogg spent most of his day on twitter shitting on people who dare to boo Roman Reigns, called them "the antistablishment minority"
This company is just so full of empty minded pieces of shit 😂
Apparently Road Dogg spent most of his day on twitter shitting on people who dare to boo Roman Reigns, called them "the antistablishment minority"
This company is just so full of empty minded pieces of shit 😂
Yes, but announced in the best way possible: https://streamable.com/fitupI honestly don't give a shit about the Oscars. I'm presuming Moonlight won then?