period. no spinning
Let's be clear on something: this is not an issue of the quality of the game necessarily, but an issue with the state of the brand. (But the state of the brand is what it is because of the quality of previous entries)
I wouldn't even say 'quality' of previous releases vs. inconsistencies. XVI was well-regarded by critics but the fanbase seemed very divided on it due to preferences. Remake had less division among fans but there was still a bit of it. Intergrade might've actually conditioned some who picked up Remake or Intergrade to wait for an enhanced version of Rebirth (in this case for example, a PC port or a PS5 Pro patch) in order to pick it up.
Also a possibility that some unaware people could be under the impression the remake trilogy is just one $70 game split into three $70 games, instead of understanding they are taking parts from the original game and adding a shitload of new & expanded content to them. So in the end, the remake trilogy ends up being a much bigger game than the original ever was. But maybe that concept is hard to convey to some people.
Due to my backlog, I haven't even started the game.
Unless SE gives a PR statement for sales, this is BS.
Also, putting Daniel Ahmad as a Source is more BS, he's the guy that said in 2020 that SIE games don't make any profit at all. He's been wrong plenty of times.
He also spread the BS that Sony were locking down exclusivity with as many big 3P as possible when in reality that's only translated to a couple smaller Zenimax games and Square-Enix's big FF & new IP (Forspoken) releases.
And even then, in all those cases the exclusivity was timed, sometimes even still PC Day 1 (like with Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo). Then idiots started running with that as justification for Microsoft buying Zenimax and later ABK.
Clearly exclusivity isn't helping the brand, I continue to be baffled as to how Square thinks taking a $20 million check from Sony is helping them when they're trading millions of day 1 sales on PC and Xbox for it. Nobody gives a fuck about these games 1+ year later when they're catalogue subscription service fodder, of course they sell like shit on other platforms at that point.
If exclusivity was the problem, then Sony's own games would be struggling being PS5-only. But GOW Ragnarok, GT7, Spiderman 2 etc. beg to differ.
The audience for this game on Xbox is practically gone (consider how poorly Soul Hackers 2 sold on Xbox, when it didn't have a Game Pass deal) and much smaller than it was when XV released on XBO back in 2015. PC software sales in Japan aren't that great and regularly trail behind PS5, PS4 and Switch for multiplatform releases.
That said, there's an increased chance that for Part 3 (and FF XVII), Square-Enix make it cross-gen with PS5 & PS6, and a PC (EGS & Steam, maybe also GOG) Day 1 release. The only way it gets an "Xbox" release Day 1 is if the next Xbox is basically a consolized mini Windows PC/NUC gaming system (or maybe that and a handheld), which is where it seems their hardware is going (hence the recent talk of 'forward compatibility' likely bringing an Xbox OG/360/XBO/Series emulation layer to Windows 12).
They might also try finding a way to scale the graphics down for a Switch 2 version and offer cloud streaming to enhance the visual fidelity on that system for Day 1, like how Flight Simulator can stream in extra textures to the game in real-time. I don't know what type of check Sony'd have to cut to keep Part 3 a timed exclusive but I'd say anything over $100 million is probably a waste that I'd personally rather see directed towards a high-polish AA entry to a JRPG IP they actually own. Or to co-develop an exclusive with S-E on an IP like Parasite Eve. Though, I could definitely still see Sony going for global marketing rights.