Nah, I don't really think it matters. Type-0 explains the way it uses everything, it doesn't really assume any knowledge of FF13 whatsoever.speedpop said:Okay, thanks. Guess I really need to spend a week to cruise through FF13 before this hits elsewhere.
Midou said:Having a hard time believing this came out with no localization announcement, there are companies like XSEED, Aksys, etc, working hard at translating niche RPGs, but Square Enix can't talk about localizing a damn Final Fantasy.
kiryogi said:Realistically, the PSP is dead domesticallySE would be the only one left that would actually release something if anything. For the most part though, all other publishers have abandoned ship.
Midou said:Having a hard time believing this came out with no localization announcement, there are companies like XSEED, Aksys, etc, working hard at translating niche RPGs, but Square Enix can't talk about localizing a damn Final Fantasy.
Midou said:A downloadable version means it has new life on the Vita though. I mean, they might just make an upscaled Vita version, but it probably would not be for a while, since Japan already got a release of it.
duckroll said:Square Enix is not going to blow the launch of the game outside of Japan on a download-only PSN release. That would basically ruin the game's potential in the overseas market forever. On the other hand, if they wait about a year, they could easily release an enhanced version of the game on another platform worldwide - including Japan.
kenji said:Are the game areas well designed or they're corridors like FF13?
I played the demo and the areas were too much simple, but I hope they were so because it was only a demo
Midou said:Having a hard time believing this came out with no localization announcement, there are companies like XSEED, Aksys, etc, working hard at translating niche RPGs, but Square Enix can't talk about localizing a damn Final Fantasy.
duckroll said:Square Enix is not going to blow the launch of the game outside of Japan on a download-only PSN release. That would basically ruin the game's potential in the overseas market forever. On the other hand, if they wait about a year, they could easily release an enhanced version of the game on another platform worldwide - including Japan.
entrydenied said:It's a pretty huge game to translate.
Midou said:Doubt its as huge as Sora No Kiseki Second Chapter though, and XSEED is currently trying to translate that for the PSP, and currently its still UMD only, I very much doubt in their success though.. they will probably have to try to wait for falcom to do a vita port.
djplaeskool said:Mission areas can be somewhat enclosed, but there's a ton to explore.
well that's not bad, we'll see, thanksentrydenied said:They're not corridors but not expansive either. They're more like some of FF12's smallish size rooms. Reminds me a bit of Lord of Arcana and The 3rd birthday sort of rooms when it comes to size but with better art.
After defeating enemies in random battles, you'll get the option on whether to keep on fighting or not. The same group of enemies will appear again, but they'll be higher level than the previous group.Labadal said:A question to Aeana: Levelling up enemies, what's that all about and how does one do it?
Liking it so far. I also love the work Ishimoto did for TWEwY and both Dissidia games.Labadal said:One more question to everyone who got the game: How do you like the music so far? I have only heard the music in the demo when I played it, and I loved those tracks.
Guess I didn't notice the part of tutorial that mentioned "they're getting stronger" part and was almost wiped out by a group of level 32 soldiers (I was on lv 10-11 at the time)...Netto-kun said:After defeating enemies in random battles, you'll get the option on whether to keep on fighting or not. The same group of enemies will appear again, but they'll be higher level than the previous group.
Perfo said:The point is that Final Fantasy is not a small title, releasing it making small numbers it's not an option. It has to sell at least as much as the first Dissidia, and today PSP's market will not grant that success. Moreover when they want to make it the first of a long series. If I have to bet on something, I'd say that an HD remaster is an option even more realistic than a late port on VITA/PSP. The west market shown BIG interest in the latest years for HD remasters (GoW, Team ICO) and they're willing to pay big and alot for having them... If Square Enix plays it good, they can market Type-0 here as a "new FF for current-gen consoles" and achieve an huge success compared to other platforms like PSP or VITA.
Midou said:Well HD remasters can easily go to Vita as well, like MGS HD collection is, I'm sure the Vita will get some version of Type-0 down the line, since a major-enough FF on the Vita should easily help boost sales.
Dunan said:「大丈夫。、よ。この子たちは絶対守るの。」母は強し
"Don't worry; I'll take care of these kids."Moms are tough!
Yeah this can be quite annoying. At one point I sorted out the quest I was going to do (and made a mental note of an item I needed for another one) so was heading out to the world map to get it done... and ran into someone else near the front gate who just wanted 3 potions that I had on me. So I had to cancel the mission I'd accepted from the Crystarium to accept that one, handed the potions over immediately, then had to go all the way back to the Crystarium to accept the mission again. Which was a bit annoying.Keiician said:One thing that annoys me is that you can have only one side quest at a time, and because going out of school takes 6 hours, if you don't talk to everyone and check if they want something from outside, the quests are gone if you don't have enough time left.
Perfo said:The point is that Final Fantasy is not a small title, releasing it making small numbers it's not an option. It has to sell at least as much as the first Dissidia, and today PSP's market will not grant that success. Moreover when they want to make it the first of a long series. If I have to bet on something, I'd say that an HD remaster is an option even more realistic than a late port on VITA/PSP. The west market shown BIG interest in the latest years for HD remasters (GoW, Team ICO) and they're willing to pay big and alot for having them... If Square Enix plays it good, they can market Type-0 here as a "new FF for current-gen consoles" and achieve an huge success compared to other platforms like PSP or VITA.
Takao said:I'm not sure how embracing the western market will be of a brand Final Fantasy title being on PS3, yet not looking like it's a PS3 game given both Final Fantasy XIII, and XIII-2 will be out by then. It doesn't hold the excuse that it's an old game, nor does it hold the excuse it was on another platform, since in the west, it wouldn't be on another platform.
It also kind of deflates the idea that Type - 0 could be the start of a new handheld series. Square Enix trademarked "Type-1"etc.diabetes
You didn't have to cancel anything, I'm just past that point and the truth is, that the only side quests that need to be active are the ones that require you to kill the X number of monsters and to get Y number of items from monsters. Items from bosses (like the oneVarion said:So I had to cancel the mission I'd accepted from the Crystarium to accept that one, handed the potions over immediately, then had to go all the way back to the Crystarium to accept the mission again. Which was a bit annoying.
Oh come on, what did you expect?Aeana said:Kinda disappointed with the sleep mode leveling. The amount of EXP you get isn't much. I made about 4000 EXP while I slept, and naturally since this game hates the player, only the active member gets that EXP.
If you got too much there'd barely be any point in playing the game at all though, surely? As soon as I read the description for that I figured it would be either completely useless or completely broken. Seems like it's the former.Aeana said:Kinda disappointed with the sleep mode leveling. The amount of EXP you get isn't much. I made about 4000 EXP while I slept, and naturally since this game hates the player, only the active member gets that EXP.
I was really hoping it would go to everyone since the amount is so paltry to begin with. Keeping all of the characters leveled manually is a hassle I don't want to deal with.Keiician said:Oh come on, what did you expect?![]()
Well, it's true that having to level all the characters is a pain in the ass. For me the quickest way to do so is to take one high level and 2 low level ones to the field and fight with the strong enemies, while being near a city. That way even if the weaklings die, I can ress them fast.Aeana said:I was really hoping it would go to everyone since the amount is so paltry to begin with. Keeping all of the characters leveled manually is a hassle I don't want to deal with.
You were able to keep more than one quest active?Keiician said:You didn't have to cancel anything, I'm just past that point and the truth is, that the only side quests that need to be active are the ones that require you to kill the X number of monsters and to get Y number of items from monsters. Items from bosses (like the onedon't require you to have an active quest to the cave
Nope there isn't. Your best bet is to RUN LIKE HELL away from the world map symbol encounters. If the chocobo you're chasing is in the vicinity of one, give up on the chocobo.Keiician said:Is there a way to escape from map battles other than having your whole team wiped out and not calling the reserve? Those damn monsters visible on the map are killing me when I try to interact with running chocobos![]()
Use a teleport stone.Keiician said:Is there a way to escape from map battles other than having your whole team wiped out and not calling the reserve? Those damn monsters visible on the map are killing me when I try to interact with running chocobos![]()
Perfo said:I'm sure they don't have problems like the guy before said to release it also on VITA like MGS HD Collection. They could do something like that, embracing a solid market first (PS3) and a newborn (VITA) too. I'm pretty confident though in thinking that Type-0 if published at the same time for both platforms, will sell way more on PS3. Imagine also the Limited Editions they could come out with in Europe too.
Keiician said:Oh come on, what did you expect?![]()
709zzy said:I sincerely wish Type-0 never gets an English release, so the losers who didn't buy a single PSP game will reap what they sow.
709zzy said:I sincerely wish Type-0 never gets an English release, so the losers who didn't buy a single PSP game will reap what they sow.
Keiician said:Enough Type-0 for today, but I've got to say, it's the most fun I had with a FF game since IX.
That would have been soo much better.duckroll said:A game which is designed to represent a fighting force as the "main character" with military based gameplay and story should certainly consider having an exp pool instead, allowing the player as the master strategist to distribute the points accordingly whenever required. This is why Valkyria is the best.
709zzy said:I sincerely wish Type-0 never gets an English release, so the losers who didn't buy a single PSP game will reap what they sow.