I notice now I didn't quite finish the postI'm not caught up in classics yet, so I'm still gotta do those, and I'm also way behind in Elites. Like, the only elites I've cleared are the initial set, and random ones where the boss was just in an event, or I did it for the MC
Although today is black orb day so...
Any particular dramas? I had the following things happen in my run: left Cecil in the front row, let draw fire expire (so Tellah took more damage than needed) and did not use dispel on time (Cecil took a flare to the face). I also didn't bring shellga relying on the defend command and healing from hymn of the faith RW instead (it works well).Finally mastered dark bahamut. Feels good man
My next classic dungeon is the one with Archeoaevis as the boss, I'm looking up how to beat it and jesus that's daunting. I'll try it and probably beat it, but it sounds awfully complicated
Is that FFXIII really hard? Seems like a big deal out of nothing. We already had to fight 2 ranged bosses in a row in a previous FFXIII dungeon. These days, I'm way more worried about the trash than the bosses themselves.
Is that FFXIII really hard? Seems like a big deal out of nothing. We already had to fight 2 ranged bosses in a row in a previous FFXIII dungeon. These days, I'm way more worried about the trash than the bosses themselves.
Hi RKGaf, More questions!
I've just unlocked the IX and XII dungeons, but stamina shard gain has dried up quite a bit. Is it better to start clearing the early Elite paintings at this stage, or would i get better XP/rewards continuing with classics at a slower pace long term? IE is Stamina increase > all.
Can you control which RW you select? Returning to front end and re-entering didn't seem to change the selection.
Is it a waste of stamina going for Golbez memory crystal? I managed to beat Rubicante in Cave of Eblan relatively comfortably, so i am only 2 stages away but the advertised difficulty jumps from 55 > 70.
Long and short is stamina doesn't seem to be as abundant as it was for first few days and wondering what best investment of it will be. Will definitely go for Mastery on the daily dungeons again tomorrow.
Notice how the classic FFIX and FFXII paintings are difficulty 43. The early elites are lower difficulty than that and many offer 2 shards per completion. Do note that FFVI stars with some difficult (and expensive) dungeons for some reason then difficulty drops massively starting with the Phantom Train (which is also very cheap in terms of stamina spend).I've just unlocked the IX and XII dungeons, but stamina shard gain has dried up quite a bit. Is it better to start clearing the early Elite paintings at this stage, or would i get better XP/rewards continuing with classics at a slower pace long term? IE is Stamina increase > all.
Can you control which RW you select? Returning to front end and re-entering didn't seem to change the selection.
Is it a waste of stamina going for Golbez memory crystal? I managed to beat Rubicante in Cave of Eblan relatively comfortably, so i am only 2 stages away but the advertised difficulty jumps from 55 > 70.
Long and short is stamina doesn't seem to be as abundant as it was for first few days and wondering what best investment of it will be. Will definitely go for Mastery on the daily dungeons again tomorrow.
Bartz "Spellblade User" - have a chance of double-casting a Spellblade ability
Vivi "Black Mage's Awakening" - Attack turns into a non-elemental magic attack
Vanille "Pulse Girl's Effort" - Attack turns into a medium heal
Yes, yesss
no new announcement today
it should be standard to have 2 event banners active at all times!
Yes, you get 1 free death without penalty.How many people can die before you lose a medal now? Two? I had one dead character but still didn't lose any medals.
How many people can die before you lose a medal now? Two? I had one dead character but still didn't lose any medals.
How many people can die before you lose a medal now? Two? I had one dead character but still didn't lose any medals.
I'm not sure about that. I did over 3 actions against each of the dragon trash mobs in the Golbez event, I felt for sure that I lost a medal but nada. Unless the formula changes when it is a single tough enemy rather than a normal trash wave?On that note, I think it's also 3 actions per mob now instead of the 2.? the first balance changed.
This is just from observing
Jecht event starting soon in Japan.
Set 1
Full Metal Rod (X) (Yuna), SSB "Dragon's Roar" - 5-hit non-elemental magic damage on all targets and raise whole party RES; MAG +10 for learning
Sin's Claw (Jecht), SB "Jecht Beam" - 3-hit physical attack on all targets and raise whole party ATK
Traveler Shield (Tidus), SB "Haste Form" - whole party Haste and refill 1 random ability
Buster Claw (Rikku), SB "Hazard Shell" - all-target damage and chance to cause Sap
Set 2
Jecht's Bandanna (Jecht), SB "Jecht Rush" - 4-hit single target physical attack and cancel action
Lullaby Rod (Yuna), SB "Prayer Song" - medium heal and large regen on whole party
Guard Armor (Rikku), SB "High Mega Baor" - whole-party ATK and RES up
Shiranui (Auron), SB "Ryuusei" - 3-hit single target physical attack and cause Paralyze
Rikku's armor looks godly. It's yet another buff type that stacks ATK.
unrelated: Was expecting Golbez's friend summon to hit for more than 14k in FFIV realm. Disappointing![]()
Ran out of things to do.
I mastered both classic and elite easily, but thanks to recent luck during the SB fest I'm able to field a full mage party with all 5* weapons. I used Tyro with the Ice Whip (counts as ranged) to apply Mental Breakdown. I also have Firaja, Waterja, Diaga, Valefor, and Shiva all at r3, along with Firaga r4 and Meteor r1.
On elite some of my members ran out of offensive spells right at the end of the 2nd boss fight, but overall I had more than enough uses for both boss fights. Had Tellah's Font of Wisdom but didn't even use it.
RW was Lunatic High. Also could have used Quistis in place of Tyro, but I have Tyro's SG mastered, though I didn't need it. With Lunatic High and everyone in back row damage was already mitigated enough, especially with Hastega making sure the boss only got 3 or 4 attacks before going down.
These past few months DeNA has been on a crusade to put physical ATK back on the spotlight (from physical SSB being stronger, to change in damage formula, to multiple ATK buffs soul breaks and new physical abilities) and I think they have succeeded. I wonder if they have gone too far...
I always thought that e.g. Sentinel Grimoire is a flat damage reduction, which is why it stacks with Shellga/etc.
That's actually incorrect - all buffs/debuffs affect stats, and stats affect damage done/taken. The catch here is:
Buffs of a certain type will overwrite each other. DEF buffs will overwrite other DEF buffs. AOE DEF buffs will overwrite single DEF buffs since it basically applies it to the entire party. On the other hand, an ATK/DEF buff (Advance, etc) is considered a different type, and thus will not overwrite. Ditto DEF/RES (Sentinel Grimoire)
This is why SG (DEF/RES) stacks with Shell (RES) and Protect (DEF)
This is why Status Reels (DEF/RES) stacks with Armor Breakdown, but Deprotega (DEF) doesn't.
This is why Full Break stacks with all the individual Breaks or Breakdowns.
This is why Advance/Boost works, or better yet Advance/Boost/Class Change (ATK/DEF/MAG/RES)
or didn't connect in days
Currently completing the Elites. I had a scare against Titan, since I forgot Magic Breakdown. Thanskfully I brought SG as my RW, so with a little luck I managed to kill it.
I am not looking forward doing the FFXIII battles, especially the one against the flying boss.
*sigh* I need more Luneth RW. The ones I had either disappeared or didn't connect in days. It is getting a little depressing. If any GAF member has a Luneth RW, please send me a PM, I'm interested (my RW is Tyro with SG).