Wait, for the changes they made to the medal calculations
1 Character KO at the end of the round isn't even a medal anymore?
1 Character KO at the end of the round isn't even a medal anymore?
Yes. Watch out on bosses though as many have a do not be KOd condition so you would lose 3 medals there.Wait, for the changes they made to the medal calculations
1 Character KO at the end of the round isn't even a medal anymore?
Right now? Dark Bahamut at about half as lucrative the orb/stam ratio, but you get small shots at 5* Black orbs.
White Dragon is the best GSO/stamina ratio we've had since virtually forever, but I'm finding it more and more of a chore as Orb Dungeon creeps closer and closer.
Right now I'm sitting here with a full stamina bar and don't even want to take 10 minutes to empty it on white/power daily, let alone White Dragon.
The secret best part about mage meta is not even bothering to change anything to do dailies. Just nuke everything.
There appears to be a separate campaign going on at the same time, called "Lucky Relic Draw". Apparently during this campaign, you can do an 11-draw for half price (doesn't specify whether this is gems or mythril or both), limited to once per day. During this campaign, if you draw a 5*, it'll definitely be a character relic.
and one debuff guy who just sits there with whatever shitty 4* RS dagger I have in the back row with 2 r2 Breakdowns.
That sounds like Sazh! He's pew-pewing breakdowns and occasionally putting up Boons as well. It'll be tough when he reaches 65
You still have around 28 hours until the end of the event.So busy with work. Managed to beat four fiends but no time to do the other two boss rushes
I'm pretty sure I could master them but I just don't have the time.
At least I got Bioga.
This week is going to be a good catch up week. Dungeon update, despite having a couple of 100+stam stinkers, didn't really take that long, FFXIV event is really short, no new events for a good few days.
I'm tempted considering the stats and SBs on the banner, but considering I'm not having a hard time with stuff right now, I'm gonna scrooge and just wait for SSB bannersso I can get more disappointed!
I got two 11 pulls with no 5 stars back to back in the phase 5 of SBC so I'm keeping my expectations low tooI'm doing an 11 pull. I know I'll get jack crap, but maybe I'll get the sentinel grimoire 2.0 and live the dream.
What's the magic stat on your BM nukers without RS usually, Falk? I feel like I have some decent gear and ok hones but I can't get mage meta to work for me.
For instance, I tried FFV Titan and Manticore elite with an all mage team and even with mental breakdown applied, I only hit for like 5000 with ga spells. Or are you rocking all r3+ ja spells now?
If the server JSON is anything to go by, the 5* rate is still 10%.
Anyway, did one pull and got the staff. Be jealous.
Are you sure it's only 10%? I've only been playing for a week, but I just did a 3 relic draw with saved mithril and got Thancred's daggers and Y'shtola staff.
Not bad. Not the rod I wanted, but I'll take it![]()
Are you sure it's only 10%? I've only been playing for a week, but I just did a 3 relic draw with saved mithril and got Thancred's daggers and Y'shtola staff.
Fuck it, one more 11 pull...
Ninja Chainmail XIV 5*
With a shared limit break that hits all targets with a high chance to slow them!