Good call on the AOEs - I didn't think about that. I'm almost tempted to put Meteorite on (or something equally worthless) for a few days to try to get some of these random Cloud Sonic Break and Tyro Judgement Grimoires to stop taking up space on my followers list, but I don't know that it will actually work.
I've started playing around with the JP version for fun. The new UI can be quite confusing when you don't understand JapaneseSo many rewards for everything though. The V event gives out 5 characters, 3 MC and 1 MC2 which is crazy
What's even more ridiculous is I actually make less on my main account that has Sazh with Boon. Sad
I'm probably going to switch my RW over to Thancred's Dancing Edge myself.
Go team Thancred.
He doesn't get thief abilities*Hi5 Team Thancred*
His kit is kinda eh now but those new THF and NIN skills coming should fix that. Thankfully the THF skills are pretty soon.
He doesn't get thief abilities![]()
Damn you caught my edit, I meant Celerity, specifically Dismissal.
Ah, okay.Damn you caught my edit, I meant Celerity, specifically Dismissal.
This game has got its hooks on me - im on holiday in Lisbon and still making time to play as much as possible :/
Not sure if i want to do any relic draws this time. Is the upcoming FF7 one supposed to be good?
His ability set is a bit all over the place but Dismissal and Dual Delay should suit him really well. His equipment spread is great, too. If he had one more star in Support he'd be ridiculous.
Ah, okay.
His skillset is really weird to me and I don't think I'll ever really use him after this event. The upcoming Celerity abilities help a bit, but eh.. As Balphon said, 4* support would have helped him out immensely.
Even if I were to use that ability I'd rather use someone else (probably a Celerity user with synergy). As of right now he's pretty useless to me, though I can see why he would be amazing if you got his relicsDo not underestimate Dismissal cheesing.
PixyJunket is like the role model of saving hahaha, he was sitting on I believe 400+ Mythril until Soul Break fest came about?
PixyJunket is like the role model of saving hahaha, he was sitting on I believe 400+ Mythril until Soul Break fest came about?
Even if I were to use that ability I'd rather use someone else (probably a Celerity user with synergy). As of right now he's pretty useless to me, though I can see why he would be amazing if you got his relics
question about experience points
when a character reaches level cap and he/she is in the party, does the experience points gets distributed to the four remaining characters or to five characters? (the capped character wasting exp)
damn it. I don't know how to play this game without Cloud lol
I could bring Maduin, Valefor and Meteor as that would be enough with Mana Spring II and Summoning Spring II. They're just almost useless for the bossGod bless Meteor/Valefor
This has probalby been posted before, but I've been noticing for a while that some attacks show the hit to the enemy's hp bar and then a slight pause and then a smudge more coming off. I just realized that this is the rms such as pugilist or soldier or sniper ticking off a little additional hp. Or at least that is what is appears to me. If so, I wonder why it's animated like that and not one larger hp chunk taken in one animation.
Lol. Claims he's only spent $700. Someone did the math to show how incredibly unlikely that is: I guess there's someone named Fairy Kid who has spent over $5,000 and has 1 more 5* item than this guy.. so it's pretty clear he's full of shit about $700.
God, the concept of spending $700 on this game is just so patently absurd.. yikes.
What's the magic stat on your BM nukers without RS usually, Falk? I feel like I have some decent gear and ok hones but I can't get mage meta to work for me.
For instance, I tried FFV Titan and Manticore elite with an all mage team and even with mental breakdown applied, I only hit for like 5000 with ga spells. Or are you rocking all r3+ ja spells now?
I could bring Maduin, Valefor and Meteor as that would be enough with Mana Spring II and Summoning Spring II. They're just almost useless for the boss
(This is with the caveat you have 3 black and 1 white rod (interchangeable with red rods) with a leeway of possibly 1 black/white freebie from events usually being better anyway e.g. Stardust Rod FFIX, Flail FFVIII, etc)
In my experience:
- Take Wakka or Sazh or Irvine or Fran or Gordon or whoever has synergy (They're all almost virtually interchangeable)
- Give support person some shitty 4* RS knife because I have no ranged weapons (Or, well, PSICOM rifle in XIII)
- Power/Magic Breakdown in slot 1, Mental Breakdown in slot 2, Zeal/Sky Pirate's Pride
- Cycle defensive breakdown, mental breakdown, attack (or defend), repeat this 3-turn cycle
This keeps almost perfect 2x Breakdown uptime. I stick support person in the back row regardless of melee weapon - he's not even there to DPS.
Mental Breakdown + -ja/Meteor/Valefor will virtually always guarantee 9999, and in my experience at the very least 8.5k on Break resistant bosses.
The thing to remember about mage meta v bosses is most of them will die in ~8 turns. (3.5 people doing 8.5k a turn = ~240k damage done). This means that if you somehow get a combination close to that and make sure everyone has 8 shots of 4* spells, the boss is simply going to die in 8 turns.
I have:
r4 Valefor
r2 Phoenix
r4 Ramuh
r1 Meteor
r3 Bioga
r3 Waterja
r2 Firaja
r2 Thundaja
r1 Diaga (lol)*
It's exceedingly easy to setup 3 casters to have 8 shots each, with buffer coming from 2 r4 comets, 1 r4 Biora which hit for ~5k (Okay, so boss dies in slightly over 8 turns instead) and/or take into account AOE considerations, vulnerability/absorbtion considerations, etc. You can also balance them to do equal damage by juggling around Devotion, Rod Master, Impetuous Youth, etc.
Not Falk, but this was my first time clearing almost everything with mage meta (with three 5* black mage weapon), and, yeah, I was using mostly Ja spells -- I have r3 Thundaja, Firaja and Waterja and r2 Blizzaja. 3* spells are too weak unless it's exploiting elemental weakness or a 5* RS weapon. The fight will last about twice as long.
Oops, went dumpster diving for old post and ran across this too. Tackling replies at the same time.
So judging from the pulls people have been making in this thread, pretty good luck with the gacha?
I'm considering blowing 50 mythrils on it.
Anyone else in the same boat as me that hasn't gotten a single 5* from any of the 100-gem draws, despite doing it for each banner since they started?
So judging from the pulls people have been making in this thread, pretty good luck with the gacha?
I'm considering blowing 50 mythrils on it.
damn it. I don't know how to play this game without Cloud lol