Seph down!
Dispel is so annoying, especially if you do too much damage and trigger the 2nd one before your SBs are ready again thanks to a double cast cmd2 from Squall...
RW was Eiko's USB as a panic button + an extra source for haste and last stand, which prevented 3 characters deaths, including one for Squall right at the end of the fight.
SB overview: BSBs for Setzer and Squall, Ramza for Shout and one use of Chant (because I wanted the stoneskin effect for extra protection and he had nothing else to do), Tyro for Wall and one emergency heal at the end with his USB and of course Rosa's USB, which helps a lot against the spells.

Started the fight with Wall, Shout, breaks, Lifesiphone and then Protect/Shellga. After that tried to get Wall and Shout ready before I reached the first dispel. The important thing was that I had to predict when he was going to do his dispel attack and used Shout/Wall right before it, so it could be casted right after it. Even with heavy debuffs he still hit like a truck. Squall alone did all the damage! Last phase was really close with all the Octoslash spam. Was really scared that Rosa would die, especially when last stand was triggered.