He always follows the second dispel with that sequence.
Ahh cool, so maybe defend after the second dispel or something? Is the dispel status or magic blinkable?
He always follows the second dispel with that sequence.
Ahh cool, so maybe defend after the second dispel or something? Is the dispel status or magic blinkable?
Are any armors on the VII banner or just weapons?
Anyone else not really doing Orbfest? I've done each of them once to collect the prizes but I'm getting so burnt out by FFRK I just can't.
The events and challenges are much more fun IMO. I've been doing those and they've proven to be good fun.
Pulled Shantoto's chain relic! Is it any good?
CSBs are generally good but dependent on your being able to build a team of that element to get the most out of them.
Shantotto's has that group short charge 2 which is really helpful. She is also a strong mage to begin with even if her 4* monk access is a little silly.
I give up with FF IX being really good in this game. .__.
Will still pull on it because it's FF IX.
Every character in IX apart from Amarant has not only good skillsets, but strong SBs all round.
What in particular is bad about IX to you?
Japan will get a new FF IX event: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/6k5zp4/jp_ffix_garnetdagger_event/
I'm talking especially about Garnet. They don't really know what to do with her. Healer? Buffer? Summoner? Let's do everything! If you just use her USB as a pure summoner she can't really do anything to utilize it. Give us at least a pure 3-hit lightning summon or give her an Ether attack so she can use Valigarmanda. Sure it may work with her BSB2 but it's really hard to get SB gauge with her. And instead of quick cast for her trance mode I would like to see dual summon.
Steiner's new USB is strange. Because it seems like YOU have to attack him to gain the En-Element effect. I understand that it's a reference to the game and probably works with his BSB2 but it feels like a wasted turn for your mage. Then we have his BSB2. It's the same cmds we had at the beginning of the game except it offers you tri-element. Nothing more. Oh and if we talk about Steiner let's not forget his BSB1 and LMR. His BSB1 commands are combat type, while the LMR only works for spellblade attacks.
The only thing that's really nice is Vivi's USB because it seems like you can triple cast with a 50% probability if he's in Trance. Oh and I guess Marcus BSB is also great. Like Vaan's but without the instant cast.
Yes they may not be bad but I want overpowered shit like FFT gets for my favorite FF.![]()
I had a look at the Garnet/Marcus event and they all look like fairly strong relics to me.
It could be so so much worse. IX could be II.
Yeah, it could be worse.
Seems like Vivi's USB will be even better than I thought. Chain Firaga will get buffed to 4-hits!!!! Same goes for Meltdown and the 5* ST Spellblade abilities. (https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKe...jp_ability_balancing_teaser_1_meltdown_chain/)
Just imagine you get the triple cast that would be 12 hits. I doubt that you will reach 9999 per hit with it but if you do it would be 120k damage with one attack. lol
Completed Sephiroth but I'm having a hard time getting mastery. I initially ran with two healers, but missed mastery because he did his super attack more than 10 times. Switched to one healer and now I'm having trouble beating the fight at all because my pacing is all off; the dispels come too fast and I can't get SG back up afterwards. I guess I'll try switching back to two healers.
Completed Sephiroth but I'm having a hard time getting mastery. I initially ran with two healers, but missed mastery because he did his super attack more than 10 times. Switched to one healer and now I'm having trouble beating the fight at all because my pacing is all off; the dispels come too fast and I can't get SG back up afterwards. I guess I'll try switching back to two healers.
If he used it more than 10 times you're going too slow. I had over 2 SB bars when i got him below 50%, so i was able to do BSB (for stat boost) followed by 2 back to back OSBs to just outright end it. I think he only used that attack 2 or 3 times. Not sure who your dps is but if they have OSBs you could try that
So RWing a Wall against Sephiroth is essentially useless? I have Stoneskin but not Asylum, and I feel like if I pick Asylum as my RW, it wouldn't be enough to finish the fight...
My fastest time so far on Sephiroth (43:54). I think I can get it under 40 secs with a few tweaks.
I'm sure the answer is yes, but does battle speed affect the clock?
I have gotten in the habit of doing the hardest fights at speed 3 ever since I found out from you folks its the smart thing to do.
Battle speed should have no effect. I was referring to tweaks to my team/abilities/timing of things...
I played hard shit at Speed 1. Ensures no slippage of time and minimizes 'waiting' time on party members' actions.
Okay, I'll try tweaking a few things and give it another try. Does he hit you only once with Dispel > 3 AoEs during the fight? Because if that's the case, I might have a chance.I think it would be after seeing the dispels (pretty often, don't know the script though) and someone else complaining about getting it back up in time. I didn't try, but he dispelled me I think 3 or 4 times. Since I don't have native wall, there was no point to RW for 2 uses that would be, as you said, useless.
I imagine if you can memorize his script you would know exactly when to use it between dispels.
Edit: Unless you want to try cpp's method of using OSBs, and thus maybe RW an OSB, I would think that Yuna USB, Eiko USB, and anything instant or last stand or healing would be best. Perhaps even Edge's last stand since has blink and Sephiroth attacks a ton. You could also try RWing Deployment tactics since that takes him down fast plus gives you OK-610 buff to Atk/Mag
Ya I should probably do 1 or 2 also, but I'm already the most impatient person in real life as is, haha.
Edit: d200 torment done. Great wind team with Zidane/Fang/Alphi wind BSB and imperils.
If I take mind breakdown for d250 and d300, will this be useful with his curaja at the end?
Don't bother with mind breakdown, his curaja goes from almost 9.5k to slightly below 9k. You'll have to nuke him.
When I just fought him, his curaja was 7960, nearly the same as d250 without a mind breakdown.
I'm not sure how exactly works to be different for us, but I was using Wakka.
edit: so my first try at d300 got him to 40% but I ran out of soul breaks and abilities. I need to change my strategy all around.
I may use wind for a medal but ultimately depend on radiant shield and a bunch of healers.