Quiet you. I'm going to RW that and I'm going to like it.
I guess that would give me time to save up even more mythril for Force Stealer. It WILL be mine.![]()
Low blow, I know. I shouldn't be an enabler. :-/
Ugh. I whaled a little trying to get Vaan's LMR, wound up with everything on the banner except that. Happy with the USBs and Reks' BSB of course, but kicking myself for spending money going after one item and not getting it. I think this may be the loss I needed to quit spending money on this game.![]()
My experience so far is that LMRs are harder to get / have worse drop rates than even USBs. It shouldn't be that way... they should be maybe just a bit harder to get than an SSB.
downed the 300 CM yesterday with 3 FFIII characters after a whole lot of experimenting. Knees were weak and palms were sweaty during the last 10% of that fight, whew.
Tried Sephiroth a few times and can't get him past 40%, so I'll have to revise.
cpp, since you're a big OSB guy.
For this 300, I could try that one time, but I don't have many or very good ones I don't think.
Vaan's OSB based on debuffs, WoL holy OSB, and Sephiroth Dark/Fire OSB.
I'm not sure how well 9 OSB uses would take bahamut's life, but I would have to figure out with the remaining 2 slots (and perhaps with Vaan as well) how to get some debuffs and imperil on him before OSB rush. Also would still need to actually you know.. have heals.
I could also RW a good healing USB or another OSB, or a debuff/imperil BSB.
I'm kinda forming this in my brain as I type it. I'm trying to get through the boring fights of Reks event without distraction at the moment.
Does all the torment return along with CM reward later?
By the way Relm USB is ridiculous.
Turn 1: Shellga + RW 30% MAG + OK BSB + Raine BSB + SG
Turn 2: Relm USB -> Terra OSB + OK OSB + Meltdown + Dance
Turn 3: Relm USB -> Terra OSB + OK OSB + Meltdown + Dance
Turn 4: Relm USB -> Terra OSB
Chadanook Dead!
I usually only like using OSBs for things where something becomes very dangerous after a certain point, and I use the time before that to build up SB gauges and/or buffs and breaks so that when the time comes I can end the fight quickly.
9 OSBs by themselves won't do jack shit to Bahamut, you really have to set it up with buffs, debuffs, etc. The other two things to be aware of are
a) Bahamut resists everything but Wind, and he's not even vulnerable to wind until the very end.
b) Magic does more than physical for equal MAG/ATK values. If you've got a physical OSB with 500 ATK versus a magical OSB with 500 MAG, the MAG one will destroy it.
In this fight especially I liked OSB because if you set it up properly it counters his Counter Curaja more effectively than a Burst. Burst gives good long term DPS, but the counter curaja is effectively a ~50% DPS decrease when using burst-type abilities (you damage him for 20k, he heals for 9k), whereas with an OSB you damage him for 50k and he heals for 9k, much more efficient.
If you're going with a non-Wind OSB then you'll probably want to add an imperil to the mix. I didn't, and Rydia OSB with VoF + Moogle Boost + History Truth did about 46k per hit (resisted).
Vaan OSB seems like your best bet in this case, because it's physical so it's not going to be resisted. (unless you have an Imperil Holy lying around somewhere)
When I beat him (although I still need to go back for mastery), I started with full buffs/breakdowns + Deployment Tactics + Fujin BSB with Rydia spamming Meltdown and Tiamat (getting 3 hit Tiamats easily) until i was out of hones. Once I was out of hones Rydia would just Defend until ~50%. At 50% she started hitting OSBs while Fujin and Alphinaud kept spamming BSB commands.
Wow thanks for the breakdown/detailed response.
I knew all about the atk/mag differences with caps, and effectiveness but I had never tested/read/or even though about how big of a difference it would make on a physical vs magical OSB.
Edit: I just realized I am about to run out of time on White orbs. My goal was 84 and I didn't pay attention so I'm at about 60. So need a couple of opinions.
Ultra Cure to Rank 4 for 10 uses
MultiBreak to Rank 3 for 6 uses.
Ultra cure is taken almost every time. But I do have 8 uses of it already to go along with Curaja, Curaga, Renewing Cure, and Curaise.
Multibreak is not always used, and I will be honing Full Break to 6 uses soon, but I do use Tyro, Mog, and Penelo, Faris, a lot. And 4 uses doesn't go far in a long long fight.
I haven't gotten anything from 100 gems in a long time.
I'm also conflicted with Vaan having both his USB and BSB now.
All you guys grabbing Vaan's BSB for the first time are going to be VERY happy with it.![]()
Don't worry you're not the only one. I believe my last 100 gem pull was Tifa's BSB or a dupe Platinum Sword in the last fest. But I'm not sure.
Is the boss focused on magical attacks -> BSB. Physical attacks -> USB. Or just go with whatever the piercing attack is.
If you want high DPS with him and have a well honed Thief's Revenge go with his USB.
Yea, I'm glad the debuffs synergize. He's going to be invaluable either way I use him.
I was thinking about Cecil's USB and I guess I'll need to hone up GuardBringer for him. Anyone know off hand what his def needs to be for max hits?
Yea, I'm glad the debuffs synergize. He's going to be invaluable either way I use him.
I was thinking about Cecil's USB and I guess I'll need to hone up GuardBringer for him. Anyone know off hand what his def needs to be for max hits?
Holy shit, got my third 5* in a row in a 100 gem draw. A fucking dupe Magical Brush, what a gigantic waste of luck.
Is Terra's USB useful if you only have her Burst? It seems to be for people who have her OSB only...
I'm not even sure how Gilgamesh's USB fits in. You don't have to bring retaliate anymore?
I have no hones.Terra's BSB isn't a great source of fire damage so you'd probably be better off with Chain Firaga/Meltdown. It won't be as good as Wrath/OSB spam but it'll work.
Oh well. lolBasically. It's not bad but doesn't bring the kind of utility most of the EX modes do.
I have no hones.lol
I wish there was a way to downgrade or sidegrade... or chase for her OSB without other stuff in the way.
Oh well. lol
I should be happy with discoballs, but I'm not sure if my characters improved any.
Does Terra's LM that increases stats and cast speed come from a relic? Is it soon?
lol+10 ATK from mastery!
Just trying to think positive...