I threw more at Banner 3 and walked away with Alph Super (dupe) and OK's healing Super. Orlandeau's OSB will forever evade me.
Well I guess later I'll have time to look what's on every banner, but two of you folks threw more at Phase 3.
What's the main get there? Orlandeau OSB?
I have WoL and Sephiroth OSBs, a bunch of medicas, and about 15 BSBs.
Which is probably the best phase to spend 50 mythril on?
It was a typo on my end and on Credo's.It's actually banner 4. It's for Alph's BSB, Orlandeau's OSB, and Eiko's BSB. All three of those relics are very high tier items and make the game much easier.
I think this. We only seem to get new banners added during maintenance (they are merely released when events occur) which I imagine is for a reason and these are essentially old banners re-released. Likewise, setting all 100 gem flags to 0 would be the kind of thing you would do during a maintenance."Due to popular demand from our investors", yea sure! The biggest missed opportunity is not reopening 100 gems but they might not even be able to. Oh well, time to farm some Dark Orbs!
Started around one week ago..
should i "grind" levels to get the prism for the rewards of woff event or not worth it?
I'd gladly take the various memory lode and the lode for specific characters for starters..
As getting my "main" team to a max lvl 99 would *definitely* ease a lot of stuff..
Currently with my
65 quina (vanille bsb, quina bsb i think)
65 beatrix (random 5*)
65 orlandu (osb)
39 cloud (random 5*)
50 ashe (osb)
I'm struggling quite a bit with diffculty 80 stuff..
Also how much longer will the "half realm stamina cost" be ongoing?
I've got half a mind to try and push it as much as possible for dem mythril and stamina cap raise...
As usual any advice from expert players is welcome!
as a new player...
i have
ashe osb
orlandu osb..
eiko usn
2 generic 5*
freya ssb
yuna ssb
vanille bsb
quina ssb
which banner i should pull out of those 5 anniversary one?
i'd be thrilled in using agrias (one of my favourite ff char) :L
advice gaf!
i can do 2x50 pull, but potentially i can farm mythril in the story map![]()
so uhm any banner of those 5 i should pull ultimately?To add-on the above poster, you may not fully speak the language of FFRK yet since you are pretty new. So if I tell you anything you already know, then my bad. I'm just going to explain a little bit what all his fancy (lol) words mean.
Retameta or whatever, use to be the way a lot of people would beat content using the Retaliate skill. As he said, it's not used nearly as much anymore, I never personally used it, so I'm not up to speed on the ideal setup for that.
This game, as you get in higher difficulties, is going to expect you to have what we all call 3-5 layers of mitigation, in other words.
1. Break or Breakdown (like Power Break) -- Breakdown being the 4star and much better version. They don't stack or anything. Or also the Dancer versions.
2. MultiBreak or FullBreak -- Does most all stats at same time, stacks with the breaks/breakdowns, but they are 5star, and I personally didn't have them until much further along in the game.
3. Shellga/Protectga - These stack as well, or can use the Bard versions.
4. Soulbreaks that have stat buffs or debuffs. This is where it gets tricky. So that will require a little google on your part or more questions here.
Bonus: People refer to Tyro's SG and Yshotola's similar Soulbreak as "Wall" they both do the same thing and raise your defense and resistance "a very large amount".
Many fights coming up, will somewhat expect that you are using Shell/Prot, "Wall", and Break/Breadown all stacked on top of each other.
Also, Shout if you didn't know, is Ramza's popular Soul Break. Raises everybodys attack a godly amount. The idea here if using pretty much all melee characters with 1 healer or some such.
Wow playing this game off and on for a year, and I just realized I never changed my shared unit from Tyro who I never leveled past like 50.....bahaha sheesh.
which banner i should pull out of those 5 anniversary one?
i'd be thrilled in using agrias (one of my favourite ff char) :L
advice gaf!
i can do 2x50 pull, but potentially i can farm mythril in the story map![]()
and I assume then that i have to switch back in tyro and kick say, cloud?
so uhm any banner of those 5 i should pull ultimately?
and I assume then that i have to switch back in tyro and kick say, cloud?
Thinking about using my two available multi pulls for banner 5 for Eiko's OSB. I don't have anything with last stand at the moment. If not that then I am just gonna throw two more at banner 4 for Orlandu OSB because it's fucking Orlandu. So how important is last stand?
Very important, and Eiko is one of the best sources of it. You could also consider pulling on P3 as it has Relm's BSB, which is IMO the best BSB in the game and has Last Stand.
My only problem with 3 is I have literally every other banner relic. I was pulling for Relm/Raines/Gilgamesh and in the process pulled everything on it except Relm.. P5 I have 0 of the Relics. So while I don't mind dupes since I can combine them...I don't really want to come away with NOTHING new.
Time to hoard for the next Extreme Fest in 3 months
Re-pulled on some of the redux banners and wound up with Minfilia SSB, Zell SSB, Quistis BSB, Ashe OSB, and Yuna BSB.
Do Tyro USB and Kain BSB from banner 1 recur ever? I have half a mind to pull on that one again even though I have like everything else on the banner already.
Tyro's could show up in a festival banner again.
Kain's BSB is on Ceodore 1 with his OSB.
Time to hoard for the next Extreme Fest in 3 months