Decided to make a pull on banner 5 as I had wanted to pull, but didn't get the mithril in time. Got Eiko's USB! Thrilled to get it.
Amazing relic. Congrats
Decided to make a pull on banner 5 as I had wanted to pull, but didn't get the mithril in time. Got Eiko's USB! Thrilled to get it.
"Due to popular demand from our investors", yea sure! The biggest missed opportunity is not reopening 100 gems but they might not even be able to. Oh well, time to farm some Dark Orbs!
The Kuja raid apocalypse is rough.
Finally got it down, the ultima/ ultimate flare star combo is super rough to time, even with multiple healers and AOE curaja bursts
The Kuja raid apocalypse is rough.
Finally got it down, the ultima/ ultimate flare star combo is super rough to time, even with multiple healers and AOE curaja bursts
Celes is MVP there, runic helps so much. If you additionally can get someone with magic blink it's even better
Kill me. Another pull on 1 and 4, four dupes, but at least I have three more yellow relics, right? Two being robes... will pull on lucky draw and xi next.
Do I burn mythril to level my team of five- 3 mc3s and the two noobs-, or do I just use regular stam? Alternating black and summons dungeons. Hmm decisions.
Thanks to Orbfest, Reynn and Lann are both 80. Tyro and Lenna now 99.
You guys done d140 on WoFF? I don't need it since we can get the MC3 from the "store" but that Counterstance stuff was giving me fits. I ultimately said screw it.
I got a notification on my phone about 3rd year kickoff login bonus, but i logged in and don't have anything. It's not talking about the extended anniversary banners is it?
It was a mistake.
It's pretty easy, just... don't attack him during counter stance!entire event was a bit of a walkover to be honest.
Tyro, Vaan, Minfilia, Eiko, Relm
I wasn't planning on doing any mithril refreshes on this Orbfest due to how close the daily dungeon revamp was...
...then this stupid 2nd Anni Encore happened. RIP 25 mithril.
At least I got quite a bit of what I wanted (Dark Orbs). Because they're in stupid demand compared to everything else right now for older players.
12/51. Incoming White Mage Robes dupes.
The glow changes when he's done (usually two turns after activating it). I want to say he always exits it with Tail?
Either way, I did it by bringing summons / Alphinaud with his BSB since they don't trigger counters. Figured that was easier than hoping he didn't randomly enter Counter stance when I was issuing commands.
This 140 boss in new event is like a d600. He could stomp a hole in boundless nemesis.
Yes. Did you see me bitching about it? In case you missed it, a team of full summoners makes it trivial.
For mage meta, spells/summons do you generally want to have?
Cid Raines's BSB entry is Mag/Def.Chain spells. You want different mag boosters. Mag, Att-Mag(OK BSB), Mag-Mnd(Serah SSB) for instance. Dunno if there's a Mag-Def or Mag-Res...probably.
That's basically only viable for the single stage boss fights right? Because you'd run out of uses during the normal dungeon battles?Chain spells. You want different mag boosters. Mag, Att-Mag(OK BSB), Mag-Mnd(Serah SSB) for instance. Dunno if there's a Mag-Def or Mag-Res...probably.
Oh crap, there go all of my 4★ motes. :-\I JUST GOT ONION GAUNTLETS ON THE HALF PRICE BANNER.
Whats good about refia's burst that made it something to whale for?