I'm actually finding this spin-off to be more compelling than most of the mainline entries that have come out in the last few years.
.jaundicejuice said:I'm actually finding this spin-off to be more compelling than most of the mainline entries that have come out in the last few years.
inner-G said:.
Anyone that copped XII or XIII at MSRP should have no qualms dropping $35 on this.
BocoDragon said:Hey it's just my usual experience with the FF spinoffs. I would love to be proven wrong.I'm not buying it now, though.
Oh shit. Buy buy buy!!
Teknoman said:Damn it. I just bought Etrian Odyssey 3.
In some ways, yeah. And 4HoL doesn't even have chocobos.Pinko Marx said:And is it just me, or does anyone else feel that the FF spin offs capture more of what makes Final Fantasy Final Fantasy than the mainline these days?
Canvas Curse says hiTheFLYINGManga_Ka said:Agree. I think it's the best looking DS game so far.
Hah. That's so true.TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:In some ways, yeah. And 4HoL doesn't even have chocobos.
blu said:Hah. That's so true.
I think this line of thought deserves its own thread: 'Does a chocobo a FF make?', followed by 'Does a chocobo a good FF make?', and 'How many chocobos do a good FF make?'.
I think I'm a better person now.Crazetex said:
Incitemaybe said:I was under the impression this was a multiplayer game. Any word on how multiplayer works or doesn't in this game?
lordoftherink said:Thanks for the impressions jaundicejuice. I was really interested in this title and still am, but it being $40 in Canada and having plenty to play means I can wait for a price drop. Looking forward to playing it eventually.
I actually just checked and it's just EB/GS charging $40 for it. It's five dollars less elsewhere.........................fuck it I'm getting this.jaundicejuice said:I think 4 Heroes of Light is definitely worth checking out, once you find it at whatever you deem an acceptable price. I didn't quite know what to expect based off of the mixed impressions but I find myself juggling Freedom Unite, Etrian Odyssey 3 and this. It's been a pleasant surprise.
jaundicejuice said:What's nice is that when you level up a Crown/Job, you don't have to do it for every person individually.
Crazetex said:Also, harps seem really overpowered compared to knives and staffs and shuriken. Maybe I just haven't found any good not-harps yet.
Crazetex said:You can sequence-break to Uberth (Uberith?) and get a +7/7 Harp, better than any other weapon there except for a +8 Hydraxe hidden in town, which still doesn't have MAtk.
So, even if you go to Uber(i)th at the right time, it's the best weapon. It's still the best weapon after you get to Arbor.
AND, if you're a Poet, they add +1 (or possibly +10%; unsure) to STR/INT/SPT.
Crazetex said:Untrue. Crown levels apply to each individual person.
Everything else you said was right, though.
Pinko Marx said:Well of course if you sequence break you're gunna get a weapon better than the ones you currently have.
jaundicejuice said:Really? You mean I enhanced a crown and don't even remember doing so?
Pinko Marx said:Forgot where I'm spose to be going.
The princess lady just got turned into a cat and I'm supposed to be heading to a town called Arbor. Which way is that?
Crazetex said:Ruzai: I think you have to beat a single fight, then talk to Yunita. Jusqua will have his tail between his legs (well, surprisingly not literally, since, uh, you know...) and ask for help. No promises, though.
I suggest loading and buying a Darksteel Shield. You have to beat a Demon in front of the weapon shop to make them all go away. For the fight, Yunita was temporarily a Bandit (highest STR/HP available) and Jusqua was a Poet with a +7/7 Harp for maximum spellcasting and healing.
For the record, I pity Yunita. She's practically the boys' punching bag. :<
Thanks. Can't believe I missed that! :lolsundrenched said:You need the very first job that you get, the cowboy hat one. First ability is running away, second one is a better chance of running away.
blu said:But I still could not find a water tome so openly advertised for the darn boss fight. So I took that boss entirely on the reinforcements' sole Air magic offense, and a lot of perseverance.
Darn, I knew I was missing a detail in the artifact hunting tactics. Thanks, the tome might be a past concern, but the tip is actual ; )Ruzai said:Not that it does you a lot of good now, but when you have difficulty finding something, remember that town residents behave differently depending on the time of day.
_Alkaline_ said:Just going through Golden Sun for the first time, but this is definitely on my radar later on in the track. The visuals alone are gorgeous and apparently the soundtrack is even better.
I keep saying it again and again:Sinople said:There were as many positive impressions than negative ones in the import thread if I remember correctly.
I thought it was an even more enjoyable experience than DQIX, and I liked the latter a lot too.
I'd be glad to see people who were interested give it a chance.