Are there any good blitzball players I can hire in Luca? I want to spread out my blitzball playing through the entire game instead of spending 10-15 hours all at once near the end getting Waka's Overdrives and the stuff for his Celestial Weapon.
Are there any good blitzball players I can hire in Luca? I want to spread out my blitzball playing through the entire game instead of spending 10-15 hours all at once near the end getting Waka's Overdrives and the stuff for his Celestial Weapon.
And 10-15 hours is far too long.
I always pick the airmail box that the site says has no tracking, yet I get a tracking number every time.Anyone ever order on Play-Asia? How reliable is the free shipping? Trying to get a 32gb Vita card on there. I'm not super worried about the length, but I am about the fact that it doesn't have tracking
For that price, you'd might as well get a 64GB from Nippon-Yassan. Play-Asia's shipping is kind of meh unless you go for the most expensive, and they generally charge too much on the actual products.
I think I'm going to try sticking it out with the original team. I've played my fair share of blitzball and scouting/creating your own team is a lot of fun, but this run is for new experiences!
So, (post-Macalania/Macarena temple spoilers)for the Wendigo, is Dispel NEEDED, or does it just make the fight easier? I'm like, 20 spheres away.
I had a playthrough where I did that. It's definitely possible! Just got to baby the guys that don't seem so good just so they get exp and don't get further behind.
any one have any advice for the lightning dodging? any place particular to get it done faster?
It may not take that long, but it sure feels like it.
I've dodged the lightning on two different occasions. These are my personal tips.
- Wait til you get a no encounter accessory
- I dont think it matters where on the field you stand. I remember doing my dodges close to the lake on the left side of the screen, maybe mid-way through the Lightning Fields.
- Make it as dark as possible in the room your playing
- Don't look at the screen, press X when your room lights up
- When you make it to 200 (Count out loud) Do an extra 5-10 for posterity's sake.
a trophy should activate when you get to 200, so I'll be depending on that lol. and following this
a trophy should activate when you get to 200, so I'll be depending on that lol. and following this
So, (post-Macalania/Macarena temple spoilers)for the Wendigo, is Dispel NEEDED, or does it just make the fight easier? I'm like, 20 spheres away.
The trophy won't pop til you claim the prize though, at least according to the description.
so what would happen if you get up to 200 and get struck by lightning, is the prize still yours?
I just want to play FF X would anyone be interrested in X-2 for 25 USD ?
Vita R1How would that even work if they are on the same disk?
So, (post-Macalania/Macarena temple spoilers)for the Wendigo, is Dispel NEEDED, or does it just make the fight easier? I'm like, 20 spheres away.
Yes, as long as you dodge the 200th bolt.
There's a crater on the left side of the First half of the Plains that when you approach it, it forces the system to produce a lightning strike. This is where I'll be doing my 200
Can you screenshot that for me? I see a lot of craters, is it the one near Shelinda?
Can you screenshot that for me? I see a lot of craters, is it the one near Shelinda?
Dunno about this crater he's talking about, but it's true that there are areas of the Plains in which lightning strikes more often, letting you dodge bolts more efficiently.
There's a good map of it in one of the Ultimania guides. I can't post scans here, but if you google image search "thunder plains frequency map" (without quotes), you'll see it in the first few results.
Go and ahead and read this train wreck of a thread. It's amazing. We discuss WILL and the NovelHoly shit. That audio drama. Holy shit.
That's the new worst thing I've ever heard. No way am I considering that canon, and now I'm astonishingly concerned about FFXV's writing.
Question guys
Is the PS3 version 1080p @60fps
and Vita Native Res @30fps or has anyone said the difference yet?
Although Yuna's name doesn't quite mean "Moon".
And learning a little something about foreign cultures once in a while isn't exactly a bad thing. Does everything always have to be dumbed-down? "Ohnoes, cultural differences! Let's not even try!"
No complaints about the Vita version? I want that one primarily if it's a good version. Suspend/Play is just awesomissimo for RPGs