That's kinda why I want an ability sphere lol. Damn I don't wanna backtrack all the way there but fuck it. Everyone has 10 AP because I haven't leveled them up.
Dual Horns also appear at the very start of the Mushroom Rock Road iirc.
That's kinda why I want an ability sphere lol. Damn I don't wanna backtrack all the way there but fuck it. Everyone has 10 AP because I haven't leveled them up.
I just hope it doesn't take another 2-3 years for the XII HD Remaster.
And I hope they fix the god awful audio quality of the voices. It ruined the game for me.
And I hope they fix the god awful audio quality of the voices. It ruined the game for me.
My god, 10 minutes playing FFX2 and there are new features already!
4th party member! And they can learn 4 attacks, they just put Pokémon in my Final Fantasy, fuck yes!
Inazuma Eleven except blitzball instead of football.The expert grid continues to be excellent. If you are not watching what you're doing, you can accidentally lose your way onto someone else's section of the grid. So every time you use it, you really need to pay attention and plan ahead. Really fun stuff.
My Blitzball team! I got rid all of the original Aurochs' except Letty. Now I'm stunting on everyone. 5-0? Ain't no thang.
My team is:
Left Field - Tidus
Right Field - Wedge (17 shoot at lv 1)
Midfield - Zev Ronso (12 endurance, 7 pass, 7 block, 7 attack, 11 shoot at lv 1)
Left Defender - Ropp (15 blocks, 11 attack)
Right Defender - Zalitz (15 atk, 11 block at level 1)
Keeper - Jumal (14 catch)
Easy team you grab early on that shits on everyone.
Still disappointed S-E never made a Blitzball full game. It deserves it because it's awesome. Going around the world, recruiting players to join your team, waiting for players to have free agency so you can pick them up on your team. The competitions, the bow worthy loot and prizes, just all around fun. The bad thing is that it's just too easy once you get a good team. Imagine playing a sports-rpg game where you travel the world trying to develop the best team. You do quests to get the get best players, there's a storyline too, and rivalries. Ideally, instead of starring just FFX characters, it'd be like Dissidia meets Blitzball, and you'd be able to recreate FF main characters and shit. Gosh, WHYYYYYYYYYY? It's just a natural idea coming off blitzball in FFX.
They could put it on mobile and 3ds and it'd kick ass. Do the same for a Triple Triad game too.
Wouldn't have to cost much, either. But instead they insist on making titles like All The bravest.
Should have used a guide...
Just go with the flow. It'll make more sense laterSo is the story in X supposed to be so trippy at first? I'm about 30 minutes in and pretty confused about what's going on.
**spoilers for those who care**
Is that about right or did I miss something?-So Tidus is being followed around by some ghost/inter-dimensional being/random kid who makes cryptic statements.
-He also knows this Auron dude who gives no fucks about anything and also enjoys making cryptic statements.
-This huge monster called Sin destroys his town and then sends him 1000 years into the future.
-Tidus investigates some ruins with some future people and activates them, revealing a sunken ship or something that seemingly isn't too important.
-Then Sin comes in again just to dump Tidus at some island before he can find out more about what's going on, which is where I'm at right now.
Should have used a guide...
So is the story in X supposed to be so trippy at first? I'm about 30 minutes in and pretty confused about what's going on.
**spoilers for those who care**
Is that about right or did I miss something?-So Tidus is being followed around by some ghost/inter-dimensional being/random kid who makes cryptic statements.
-He also knows this Auron dude who gives no fucks about anything and also enjoys making cryptic statements.
-This huge monster called Sin destroys his town and then sends him 1000 years into the future.
-Tidus investigates some ruins with some future people and activates them, revealing a sunken ship or something that seemingly isn't too important.
-Then Sin comes in again just to dump Tidus at some island before he can find out more about what's going on, which is where I'm at right now.
So is the story in X supposed to be so trippy at first? I'm about 30 minutes in and pretty confused about what's going on.
**spoilers for those who care**
Is that about right or did I miss something?-So Tidus is being followed around by some ghost/inter-dimensional being/random kid who makes cryptic statements.
-He also knows this Auron dude who gives no fucks about anything and also enjoys making cryptic statements.
-This huge monster called Sin destroys his town and then sends him 1000 years into the future.
-Tidus investigates some ruins with some future people and activates them, revealing a sunken ship or something that seemingly isn't too important.
-Then Sin comes in again just to dump Tidus at some island before he can find out more about what's going on, which is where I'm at right now.
You can get those back, no worries. Just don't miss the ones at
(Mild Location spoiler)
Al Bhed Home (3) and the starting of the Bevelle Temple
Only 19-22 are permanently missable. You're still good
So is the story in X supposed to be so trippy at first? I'm about 30 minutes in and pretty confused about what's going on.
**spoilers for those who care**
Is that about right or did I miss something?-So Tidus is being followed around by some ghost/inter-dimensional being/random kid who makes cryptic statements.
-He also knows this Auron dude who gives no fucks about anything and also enjoys making cryptic statements.
-This huge monster called Sin destroys his town and then sends him 1000 years into the future.
-Tidus investigates some ruins with some future people and activates them, revealing a sunken ship or something that seemingly isn't too important.
-Then Sin comes in again just to dump Tidus at some island before he can find out more about what's going on, which is where I'm at right now.
I thought a lot more than that were missable. Thanks!
In the remaster is getting the ultimate weapons still silly bullshit?
Use this for future reference.
Some of the locations could be considered spoilers if you've never beaten the game before.
Was it just the voices though, or every audio files ?
My copy has arrived! Not sure if I'll start playing tonight, but I'm excited to play my favorite game again.
Trying to decide to do 'smart' customization with the Expert Grid or just go nuts and make Lulu into Auron or something.
I love the Aeon designs in this. I kind of think of FFX's Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut as the "canon " likeness of those summons, even if I shouldn't.
I don't have any more input lag than normal for my LED (on gaming mode).
The Vita d pad kinda sucks for Aurons overdrives. In fact, I am having trouble with Tidus and Wakka's overdrive too in this version.
Should have used a guide...
Have you guys noticed how it takes longer navigating menus in battle ? It used to be super snappy but now when you change menus by pressing a button, there's a slight delay before you can input another action. It's quite irritating.
Quoting myself as I'd like some input. Am I crazy or is navigating the battle menus slower ?
If you actually decide to follow the default paths of each character (which they still exist on the Expert Sphere Grid, or at least it did back in the original release) it has a few interesting bonuses, like being able to teach Auron Haste for something like 4 additional steps early in-game (while the Standard Grid just denies you that possibility altogether until end-game) and giving Yuna some black magic so she isn't just a healer.
Going nuts and making Yuna the new Auron was something I did in one of those saves I had back then![]()
I don't think I've tried Auron's, Tidus's, or Wakka's overdrive yet on Vita, but I've tried Lulu's and maybe it's just me, but I have trouble using the right analog stick for her overdrive on Vita compared to PS3.
No, no. Guides are for suckers! So far I've managed to get primers 1-14 except 11 without a guide and I will never resort to using a guide. Ever.
Quoting myself as I'd like some input. Am I crazy or is navigating the battle menus slower ?
I got used to it but I feel like I am going to break the right stick so I am very careful. When I played on the PS2, I was never so gentle with the right stick.
No, it shouldn't be turn based but they should still have stats like any other sports game.
Yeah, that too. The Vita analog sticks almost feel more delicate than PS3/2 analog sticks, not to mention replacing a controller is a lot easier and cheaper than replacing a Vita analog stick (or Vita itself).
I only notice it when canceling out of actions / going "up a level" in the menus by pressing 'O'
I meant take out the football from Inazuma Eleven, and put in Bliztball from FFX. I used it as a comparison not for the sport gameplay itself, but the fact you go around town, talking to people, recruiting players, and there's an overarching story.I thought Inazuma was turn based?
I was at Best Buy and had the guy look up the Vita version. He said that none of the stores in the region are even getting them. Wtf best buy?!
I was at Best Buy and had the guy look up the Vita version. He said that none of the stores in the region are even getting them. Wtf best buy?!
Actually the analog sticks are rather cheap and easy to replace, but I can understand not wanting to open the system up and take that risk.