I think I will backtrack for Jecht Spheres now that I have the monster weapons, dunno, feels like I want to do ti, for some reason.
You can't go back to the big one (Besaid) at that point, so you might want to just wait for the airship.
I think I will backtrack for Jecht Spheres now that I have the monster weapons, dunno, feels like I want to do ti, for some reason.
I think I will backtrack for Jecht Spheres now that I have the monster weapons, dunno, feels like I want to do ti, for some reason.
Was the "extract" skill in the game before? I honestly don't remember ever having that.
Was the "extract" skill in the game before? I honestly don't remember ever having that.
When exactly do the Dark Aeons spawn?
Wow Dona's face is god damn terrifying.
Once you get theAirship, post-Zanarkand
Ah okay. So when exactly should I return to the previous areas to get the Jecht spheres? Some people said after you get the monster capturing weapons, others said that is too late? It's been quite a few years since I've played FFX, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. And I never had to worry about the Dark Aeons either (since I had the NA version). lol
Ah okay. So when exactly should I return to the previous areas to get the Jecht spheres? Some people said after you get the monster capturing weapons, others said that is too late? It's been quite a few years since I've played FFX, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. And I never had to worry about the Dark Aeons either (since I had the NA version). lol
once you reach the calm lands, you can no longer backtrack passed. The best time is directly after you find the first one.guadosalam
once you reach the calm lands, you can no longer backtrack passed. The best time is directly after you find the first one.guadosalam
On the highroad right before you enter mushroom rock road she sayssomething about taking taking a nap and then says Bartellos name seductively. The implications are fucking horrifying.
;____; I don't want to imagine thatThey're a couple, she wants exactly what you think she does.
Just gloss over it till its over, then get to the rest of the game.Got to blitzball part and hit suspend button. I don't even wanna play anymore
Holy shit, I swear FFX International with expert grid is much harder than vanilla FFX. I just had the second fight with Belgemine and I've lost that fight and the first fight with her. I never lose to her.
to get one of the jecht spheres you need to go to Besaid Village wont you run into one of the dark aeons?
On the highroad right before you enter mushroom rock road she sayssomething about taking taking a nap and then says Bartellos name seductively. The implications are fucking horrifying.
If you don't backtrack to Besaid immediately after the bossfight that unlocks the spheres, yes.
Ahahaha. NOPE.If you don't backtrack to Besaid immediately after the bossfight that unlocks the spheres, yes.
Ah okay. So when exactly should I return to the previous areas to get the Jecht spheres? Some people said after you get the monster capturing weapons, others said that is too late? It's been quite a few years since I've played FFX, so my memory is a bit fuzzy. And I never had to worry about the Dark Aeons either (since I had the NA version). lol
Ahahaha. NOPE.
you'll want those to get the Slayer overdrive and the Don Tonberry AP trick.
Dod you have a link to said trick? I'm at that point now, right before final location
Dod you have a link to said trick? I'm at that point now, right before final location
Don Tonberry (Unlocked by capturing enemies in The Cavern of the Stolen Fayth) has a counterattack that does damage depending on the number of fiends the character has killed.
Basically you use Overdrive -> AP with the Comrade Overdrive mode to quickly gain AP. Triple AP and Triple Overdrive obviously makes this much faster. You can even flee the battle and still get AP.
Bookmarked, thanks!http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Don_Tonberry_(Final_Fantasy_X)
This goes into a little more detail than the above post. If your characters aren't taking enough damage from grudge, just farm up weak kills while monster catching. I've consciously made sure to give everyone a lot of kills throughout my game.
That was me going 'nope' as in 'nope, never going back there, even if it means filling the monster arena'. Fuck the
That was me going 'nope' as in 'nope, never going back there, even if it means filling the monster arena'. Fuck theDark Aeons.
Just Yojimbo them if you don't want to fight 'em normally.
To quote the guide book on post-game bosses, "There's always Zanmato..."
love it .... when it works
If you don't backtrack to Besaid immediately after the bossfight that unlocks the spheres, yes.
Lucky, He's never liked me that much lolMy first time playing the game it was the international edition and I was following a US guide and got blindsided by the Dark Aeons. Had no idea what was happening, so I just Yojimbo'd my way through all of them. His affection was pretty damn high that game lol.
Took me about 45 minutes to do the chocobo race. uuugh
Do the nine in the Calm Lands just to getjust got the hunting weapons. any point in doing it now or should I just wait until I can travel the world map?
Do the nine in the Calm Lands just to getand get that out of the way.Nirvana
fuck im stuck at the part where im fightingjust before thethe machina boss. i dont remember it being this hard ten years ago. damn.macarena temple
You have to wander a bit; I found a Malboro and it proceeded to hand me my arse, so I'm grinding.are they all just in the first area or do I need to move around to find them all?
are they all just in the first area or do I need to move around to find them all?