Rentahamster said:Did you really think you could take that on by yourself?
Rawk Hawk said:lol Tek, that's unfortunate. How much dmg did you do to him?
Raoh said:is this where everyone from gaf is playing?
for ffxiv and other mmorpg's i might start tagging along the shadowing (or stalking take your pick) the gaf community to be a part of a larger in game community
cause could start this week on fairy.. i would lose the 400k i have though.. world transfer would be $25that's just insane
are people doing missions still or are people so far up that helping on low rank missions too much of a chore for the community at large?
sorry for the questions.. its just a big deal starting over..
ahh, i could always start over with a new content id and if i dont like it i can go back to my old garuda server character..
is there a gaf guild i can join on fairy?
Raoh said:thanks for the info..
so i should wait for the server merge to happen? figures the 2 servers i would want are closed for new characters and transfers
Eh? I fought it randomly recently. I was raping it until it petrified me through shadows. It took him a few minutes to knock off the shadows I had up before that. Still petrified... Then it started hitting me occasionally for 300+ damage. Still petrified... FML. If not for that one move, it would be a complete joke, though.Rentahamster said:Did you really think you could take that on by yourself?
Rentahamster said:So have the mechanics of farming changed any? When I used to play 7 years ago I remember running around low level zones making a huge train of monsters, then doing the AoE staff WS earthcrusher and killing them all in one shot.
I never leveled my THF higher than 25, so I didn't get to try it with the AoE dagger WS cyclone, though I always wanted to. I had also always wondered if I could party with a BLM, gather a train, cyclone, then use a ga spell to finish them off for some fast farming goodness. Never got to do that, either.
Tabris said:There is so many things to make gil on if you have the time. That's the key, the time. Like fishing + cooking to 100 takes an extremely long time but can be very profitable without needing any initial capital (make gil with fishing while skilling up then use that gil to skill cooking, once you get 100+3ish you can start t3 HQ'ing some nice recipes)
Now I'm all about the quick buck personally. Quick bucks in this game require either some good luck or some initial capital. I've made a good chunk of my gil 2 different ways.
1) ENM's duo or dual-boxed solo. This can be extremely great for gil but requires skill to solo or duo, and some luck on the drops. If you do it every week (about 2hrs a week required), it averages out in the end. Hagun's (3m), Hedgehog Bomb (1m), etc. One month I got 2 Hagun's and 1 Forager's Mantle dual-boxing. That's 6.5m direct to me.
2) Buying low and Reselling high. This requires high amount of initial capital to do and sometimes requires you to wait on items before re-selling. Sometimes can make an insane amount of profit if willing to server hop mules every 6 months. I've doubled up 10m before doing this. Harder to do this now due to the economy evening out across the servers more and more.
Otherwise, for you, I recommend making gil by doing quests first. The economy is cheap on gil enough that the gil you get from the quests is good, and selling scrolls you get from quests can really add up. That's a good way to start. You can probabaly get 1M gil by doing most of the quests.
Then you can figure out after that whether you want to invest time or not. Quests are at least fun. Fishing/Cooking is fun for the accomplishment of skilling up but it's a huge timesink you may hate.
Teknoman said:I think I managed to put a small dent in it...not much though. Kinda figured "Hey its in Tavnazia, I should be able to take it down". :lol
Teknoman said:And of course obligatory Stars of Destiny youtube playlist post for linkshell publicity
Teknoman said:Dual box?
demigod said:Ultimate Collection is $7.50 on steam today only, get it quick!
Freyjadour said:There any way to know what servers are available for transfer without logging into POL Viewer? Or rather, if Fairy/Slyph are?
pancakesandsex said:I don't think so. Wait till after the update when the open them up again.
Freyjadour said:So they're currently closed all together? Totally out of the loop on this stuff.
TAJ said:Eh? I fought it randomly recently. I was raping it until it petrified me through shadows. It took him a few minutes to knock off the shadows I had up before that. Still petrified... Then it started hitting me occasionally for 300+ damage. Still petrified... FML. If not for that one move, it would be a complete joke, though.
Tabris said:My account + an old friend's account, you alt-tab between windower sessions. So i.e. play 2 characters.
Teknoman said:Oh thats how people do that. :lol I always thought they had two PCs or a PS2/360 nearby.
Bebpo said:Ok, I just bought FFXI on steam because it was $7.50 and FF is my favorite series ever and I've loved FFXI for so long through the soundtracks and artbooks but I've never actually played it, so I will finally give it a try.
I've never played an MMO in my life. Was going to wait and have FFXIV be my first, but this sale was so cheap I figure even if I only play a month and quit I should still get $7.50 worth.
What am I in for?
Bebpo said:What am I in for?
jiggle said:so much fun! most of gaf members are going to be on sylph, remember!
SonOfABeep said:So, I bought this for 360, the ultimate collection. Can i get on and find people from GAF to play with? I'm a total 100% MMO newb but it's the only final fantasy I haven't played. I do have a keyboard to use.
Bebpo said:Do you get to choose your server? I'm still downloading/installing the game. Will start it up tonight when it's all done and ready.
Teknoman said:Probably Sylph if you cant create on fairy (I think the upcoming server merge between the two prevents it). Both you and Bebpo: Just play it the same as you would a normal FF game...just with lots more player characters than NPCs. Thats what I do anyway.
Bebpo said:If that's the case, I'll wait until the move to start. I want to make sure I'm on a server with friendly people.
Heh, you're gonna subscribe too? I'm currently debating whether to do that at the moment. It would be good to know that I wouldn't be the only totally new char.Bebpo said:If that's the case, I'll wait until the move to start. I want to make sure I'm on a server with friendly people.
Call SERaoh said:is there a way to retrieve an account if it was once linked to your xbox live gamertag?
Teknoman said:What OS are you using?
Nakazato said:Call SE
Reknoc said:Vista Home Basic.
Raoh said:spoke to a guy named andrew there.. i dont have my original registration code info, my original credit card info so he aint budging..
trying to figure out if there are other ways of acquiring my account..
i was ready to give up but i was just at looking up some items and came across my old auction house history...
San d'Oria 6 | Tried and Tested Knight
LS Community Profile
Last scanned: 17 Months
made me very sad to not be able log it in seeing how its already a rank 6
PandaPandaPanda said:you are pretty much out of luck if you don't have any of the registration codes
even if you call multiple times to speak to different reps, you're going to be told the same thing
Raoh said:Man that blows..
Llyranor said:I can't believe I'm asking this, but can this game be played basically as a regular FF but in co-op (say, 4 players)? I meant just going through the story mode. No farming, no grinding, no repeating quests multiple times (and perhaps avoiding most sidequests altogether); just playing normally through the story, pacing-wise being fairly similar to your typical FF.
Llyranor said:I can't believe I'm asking this, but can this game be played basically as a regular FF but in co-op (say, 4 players)? I meant just going through the story mode. No farming, no grinding, no repeating quests multiple times (and perhaps avoiding most sidequests altogether); just playing normally through the story, pacing-wise being fairly similar to your typical FF.
We're on Fairy at the moment but no one can create there nor Sylph (the server we're merging with when update happens). So you'll have to wait to create a char until update/merger has happened.Terproerg said:Well i just rebought this game. What realm should i goto again to join up with you guys?