..a little too late SE.[dev1009] New Trigger Conditions for Notorious Monsters
* [dev1009] New Trigger Conditions for Notorious Monsters
o Trigger conditions for following notorious monsters will be adjustedto spawn by trading specific items to the ??? in the respective area.
Fafnir / Nidhogg: Dragons Aery
Behemoth / King Behemoth: Behemoths Dominion
Adamantoise / Aspidochelone: Valley of Sorrows
- The ??? will respawn a minute after the battle is over.
- The NM will despawn if unclaimed for 90 seconds at the spawned location.
- The feature wherein the level of these monsters will increase after battling them for a period of time will remain unchanged.
o How to obtain the trigger items:
Fafnir: Treasure from Early Bird Catches the Wyrm
Behemoth: Treasure from Horns of War
Adamantoise: Treasure from The Hills are Alive
* At least one of these items will be dropped in every battle.
Nidhogg: Treasure dropped by Fafnir
King Behemoth: Treasure dropped by Behemoth
Aspidochelone: Treasure dropped by Adamantoise
o The treasures dropped by the following notorious monsters will be adjusted as follows:
Fafnir : Wyrm Beard removed
Nidhogg : Drop rate of Wyrm Beard decreased
Behemoth : Behemoth Tongue removed
King Behemoth : Drop rate of Behemoth Tongue decreased
Adamantoise : Adamantoise Egg removed
Aspidochelone : Drop rate of Adamantoise Egg decreased
Well they were 100% from HQs, so by decreasing their drop rate, they probably mean matching the current droprate on the KS/NQ versions, which iirc are pretty low anyway. So for people that dont/never bothered with Kings, like us, its about the same!Shouta said:wtf, they made it harder to get the black belt? Assholes!
B.K. said:I think I just suck. Horribly.
If ANYTHING needs adjusting in an update, it's this fight. It has to be the most unfair battle in the game.
BentMyWookiee said:I installed FFXI and updated everything the other day, but I didn't really sit down and play until last night (Portal 2 was calling me first). My friend and I started up characters on Sylph and we were both pleasantly surprised to see that San d'Oria wasn't a ghost town. There were a decent amount of people running around, actually.
I quit this game 5 years ago and off and on since then I've missed the game and had cravings to play. Now that I've finally started up again, everything just feels so familiar and comfortable to me. Sure, some things have changed and I've forgotten a lot of macros and what not. But this game... it just feels... so right. It's good to be back.
I know ZetaEpyon (Talym) mentioned to hit him up for a linkpearl on the last page, but he wasn't online when I did a search for him. Are there any other sackholders that would be willing to give out a pearl to my friend and I if we're online at the same time? Don't worry, even though I'm starting from scratch again and I'm subjobless at the moment, I'm not going to be begging for gil or asking for help with every little thing. I just think it would be fun to be in a linkshell with some other Gaffers and hopefully party up in the future when I've caught up in levels.
FYI - My name on Sylph is: Beoulve
hgplayer1 said:what you have to understand is the Maat fight is based more on luck than anything for most jobs. You can plan everything right and still lose because he'll do some move at a weird time or something. I think BLU is the only one Ive heard of that you could set macros and almost never lose.
B.K. said:Yeah, but what makes it suck is that Maat has almost zero delay for his attack and almost no casting time for his spells. If it was a more balanced fight, it probably wouldn't be too bad.
Yes, spanish or gtfo!hgplayer1 said:If you do need some gil write this name down, Danicolas. You'll need to speak to him in Spanish though or he will treat you like a common peasant.
Kandinsky said:Yes, spanish or gtfo!
That sep made my day lol, man I miss Macho and PR.pancakesandsex said:Sep. Yo quiero dinero.
BentMyWookiee said:Since some of you are subbing DNC and have first hand experience, could you guys enlighten me as to why DNC sub is awesome?
B.K. said:Experience point penalties when KOd will be eased for characters level 75 and below.
At levels 130, the penalty will be removed entirely. At levels 3175, the amount of XP lost will be lowered as indicated in the chart below.
I don't know if I like that. I don't like no penalty at all for dying.
wwm0nkey said:What level can you get sub jobs? I am level 24 right now.
wwm0nkey said:What level can you get sub jobs? I am level 24 right now.
Nope usually dont see most of the Linkshell stuff going on to be honest :/hgplayer1 said:So what youre saying is last night you didnt see everyone in the linkshell asking you when you were going to do your subjob quest and if you wanted help doing it?
wwm0nkey said:Nope usually dont see most of the Linkshell stuff going on to be honest :/
Conrad Link said:Time to re-adjust my DRK merits!Been harping for those changes for ages, sad they took so long. >_>
The EXP thing doesn't make a lot of difference really, under 30 never lost very much as it was. Still nice I guess, but again something in the too-little-too-late category.
hgplayer1 said:edit: Oh didnt even notice the new JA for DKN (wtf).
B.K. said:Seriously. That seems really counter productive. The whole point of Soul Eater is to use HP to do more damage. Less HP used should mean less damage.
StateofMind said:Whether or not Desperate Blows scales with the new Last Resort duration is going to determine if DRK just got an overdue boost or a big BOOST.
Also really like the idea of being able to, you know, use the job's two staple abilities (especially both of them)!
I'm not going to assume that will be the case because I've been playing the game long enough to know better lol.hgplayer1 said:scales? weapon delay will be reduced the entire time LR is active which is a big plus.
BentMyWookiee said:Thanks again to Hgplayer, Grahf, and Weylin for helping with the subjob quest drops. You guys seriously made life much easier!
Getting back into this game has been so much fun, and all the changes have made it a much more friendly game. It still feels weird that I reached all the way to 18 without ever having to party and kill anything in the Dunes.
Right now I can't wait to make it to Jeuno so that I can buy some armor on the AH. Seriously, my gear is soooooo gimped right now because nobody puts anything up on the Sandy AH. My body is ready for a merging of the AHs.
*EDIT* I've been playing this on my PC so far through Steam (so I have everything except for Abyssea). But I was thinking about installing the game on my 360 so that I can play in couch mode when I feel like it. The thing is that the FFXI 360 disc that I have only covers up to Aht Urghan. If I install that on my 360, will the update process automatically install the other expansions that my POL account already has registered through the PC? Or would I have to get my hands on the actual 360 discs to install everything that came after Aht Urghan?
BentMyWookiee said:Ok, thanks. So rather than buying it, could I just use my friend's 360 disc to install it? Since I already own it on pc, it should be tied to my POL ID, right?
Also, do I need the FFXI disc in my 360 when I play? Or does it run straight off the harddrive? It's been so long since I've played on 360, I can't remember at all.
Congrats!B.K. said:Finally beat Maat.
All.BentMyWookiee said:Congrats!
Does the Maat fight raise the cap for all jobs? Or is just on the job you beat him with?