How is the game on the 360? I might be able to play it well on PC but I'm not entirely sure. I got bad frame rate issues in WoW capital cities and raids.
Oh god. Is this really going to take ten hours to update!? On a broadband connection?
No. It says 10 hours, but the timer will go down a lot faster. I bet at most you might have 2 hours, maybe 3.
EDIT: For what it's worth, the timer has actually gone up. Again. ;p
It should be noted there is also a backloggery linkshell on sylph a bunch of us are a part of. If you have a backloggery account you can be pearled. (Make one, it's semi active and casual and it means we don't all have to carry around another linkpearl oh god my inventory why)
The updating after first installing the game is horrible. It took me about half a day to update the last time I installed the game.
Welp.. made a Galka anyways. At this point if I feel extremely gimped I can always roll a new char for mage type classes.
What he said. Show me your account and I'll pearl you. There is typically at least ONE person on that shell at all times. I cannot guarantee they are awake lol. It's not an endgamey group at all, they like fireworks and dancing and we're happy to run over to where you are and give you a hand. The core group is currently trying to run through storylines. (If we don't get Apocalypse Nigh done in the next two weeks, I'm gonna strangle someone.)
I think Lv30+ is very reasonable within the 30-day trial period, especially if you get up to 18 people doing Fields of Valor stuff together.
Elvaan has the lowest INT in the game, and Elvaan BLM is one of (if not the only) race/job combinations that is seen as utterly bad.Galka is the least versatile job in the game. It can't do mage classes at all. Even Taru's can be amazing in DD classes.
Elvan has low, but acceptable MP, and with the INT bonus, does very well at BLM.
Hume, and to a slightly lesser extent, Mithra are going to be the most versatile races.
Elvaan has the lowest INT in the game, and Elvaan BLM is one of (if not the only) race/job combination that is utterly bad.
Galka can be a very good mage, since MP gear is very easy to come by. The HP <-> MP trade off in this game is not an efficient one, but in end-game content (especially Abyssea) it can turn out as a benefit.
Just as Taru DD tend to always be above-average because they've put effort into their inherent weaknesses, Galka mages tend to be the same.
Race really doesn't matter. The only time you'll even notice is in extreme cases, early on, and it's not worth picking anything other than what you want.
Don't feel bad, the sheer amount of useless FFXI information that I have stored in the recesses of my mind from playing the game constantly during my formative years is not something that I'm proud of.Don't know how I got that backwards, could have sworn Elvan had the highest INT.
Don't know how I got that backwards, could have sworn Elvan had the highest INT.
Level 30? You can get to 99 in that 30 day limit, if you can get enough people to help with Limit Breaks. You could get to 30 in five or six hours.
Found a torrent with all the update files. It's going at a whooping 1MB a second. 10 Mintue update. Sooo much better than PlayOnline.
Level 30? You can get to 99 in that 30 day limit, if you can get enough people to help with Limit Breaks. You could get to 30 in five or six hours.
Yeah, there was a 1 hour update two weeks ago for everyone. Torrent probably didn't include all of that.Should have just done this in the first place. 40 minutes totally beats out the five hours it was going to take.
Yeah, there was a 1 hour update two weeks ago for everyone. Torrent probably didn't include all of that.
For new players who don't know up from down:
Go here for information on missions, quests, and older content:
Go here for information on game mechanics based on actual testing and not speculation, and newer endgame content:
anyone here on Asura? after a 6 year break, im going back in from scratch.
If you're starting from scratch you may as well come to sylph.
Am I seeing this right? Do you really get 200+ Experience for a Decent Challenge mob now? Holy shit.
They doubled EXP across the board a year or two ago, on top of that they tripled Campaign EXP and Besieged EXP, this was all done to give 'alternative' exp format to Abyssea which can be even more absurd then that. You can get 600 EXP a kill at a clip of 1 mob killed every 5 seconds when everything is setup properly in abyssea, its often done in an alliance to make mobs die faster plus more people to open the chests. When you have the double EXP plus the rotating FoV/GoV mini quests you get EXP at such an accelerated rate you can competently and casually level up a class solo or in a duo with little issue now. lvl 1-50 just flies by even in solo, just constantly chain kill easy prey mobs setup through GoV or FoV.
For new players who don't know up from down:
Go here for information on missions, quests, and older content:
Go here for information on game mechanics based on actual testing and not speculation, and newer endgame content:
This is very helpful.
How's the economy in the game these days anyway? Easy to make money?
I'm on Sylph, but I'm not in the gaf shell also.
Also looks like the Abyssea edition is $10 at GamersGate.
Does the key tie into steam? Please say it is so.
Does the key tie into steam? Please say it is so.
The old gaf ls on sylph is kinda dead at the moment, I don't see it not being dead unless shouta and sacan come back. I can happily pearl people, but there is some actual activity over at the backloggery shell, and I'd recommend trying to hop on there, seigyoku can pearl people, just make a backloggery account first and then tell sei.
you register the key on your SE account. steam loads the game and it SHOULD see that you have Abyssea properly registered. i havent done it yet, but @ $10 for the whole setup, ill dive in. unless someone knows how to get the 3 abyssea packs on the cheap.....
Steam has the game + three abyssea packs for $20
Not to mention we should be seeing steam sales going up at some point. I wonder if just waiting will be better or just drop the 20 and dive right in.
I dived right in, but it was essentially free for me. (Diablo 3 money yo!)
Steam has the game + three abyssea packs for $20
I saw you Sophira! Had to log to go do some errands. Will be back on later. Taeyang the tiny Galka. You inspected me in town it was kinda akward.... haha kidding.
My problem is I bought the game during the last steam sale for $5 back in 2010. I got everything except abyssea at that time.
Anyone know if the serial given by gamersgate is individualized? I'd hate to keep the whole code when all I want is the 3 add-ons.