Guys, I have a level 21 monk. Am totally brand new and need help levelling. I am on bahamut server. Currently at the valkyrum dunes.
where do I go next to level grind ? my main goal in game is to ding 75 on as many jobs as i can.
From levels 12-30 go to the Gusgen Mines in Konschat Highlands for Alliance Fields of Valor partying.
From levels 30-50 go to the Crawlers Nest in Rolanberry Fields for the same.
Parties in this are pretty casual now, you walk up in the place and see people killing things and either sit there with your party flag on, or /shout {Any vacancies?} and someone will invite you when there's a spot. It's pretty much a murder fest and very simplified compared to how it use to be.
You also can leave when you want cause it's an alliance of three parties unless things are slow. When you hit max level is when you can start doing low man parties, exp requires parties but it's not difficult at all to get into a party like it use to be. You can be any job now, it doesn't matter what you are for EXP.
Here you go.
That's a lot more, but I don't know, something about playing a server that isn't so jam packed sounds kinda nice.
As for tips for someone new, keeping a wiki window visible probably helps to make the most of the things you gets and places you're in.
Conquest points can be a nice way to access gear for early levels for no gil.
A bit of a double edged sword - the more people, the gerater the odds of finding someone who wants to do the same things - it's mostly annoying when competing for mobs, but to get story stuff done it sounds easier.
how about gear ? Is buying gear on the auction house the best thing ? I'm getting owned by mobs in the valkyrum dunes
Another reason to check the wiki is to see what gear you can get for free from quests, I resorted to that a lot early on.
If you're in Valkurm, if you can make it past the bats in the tunnel to the southwest, Gusgen Mines, which you can reach from Konshtat Highlands, is your best bet.
Need to start the training regime that everyone else is doing. After killing the right batch of enemies, you'll get a few hundred XP. Repeat forever.I'm in the gusgen mines. Am i supposed to just join a party and stand and gain experience ? I'm only getting 20 or so xp per skeleton kill. I do have that skeleton training tome.
Need to start the training regime that everyone else is doing. After killing the right batch of enemies, you'll get a few hundred XP. Repeat forever.
I'm using the skeleton one. Getting about 700xp per 6 kills
And your page bonus will increase with each page you finish till you hit the cap.
Not looking forward to hunting for weather conditions for SMN though.
just a repost from the PSA thread:
Had a question for those who play on multiple systems. I wanted to buy the 360 collectors edition as a back up whenever I have my PC preoccupied with heavy workloads (editing, rendering etc). I wouldn't need a separate purchase for the PC since everything still ties to the content ID, would that be correct?
just a repost from the PSA thread:
Had a question for those who play on multiple systems. I wanted to buy the 360 collectors edition as a back up whenever I have my PC preoccupied with heavy workloads (editing, rendering etc). I wouldn't need a separate purchase for the PC since everything still ties to the content ID, would that be correct?
i'm still at gusgen mines. i'm getting about 1300xp per 6 kills. already level 32. An hour afterwards:
I met someone who was kind enough to assist me in the direction of juno. I went to the crawlers nest and have my homepoint at juno currently. holy crap, does my head hurt. currently level 34 monk.
Was leveling my 38BST in Korokola tunnel and got a Carbuncle ruby off a leech when I wasn't even looking for it. I remember spending hours on that damn thing in the past so that really made my day. Not looking forward to hunting for weather conditions for SMN though.
I did pretty much the same thing tonight. Got my WAR to 35 in gusgen. Will probably hit 50 tomorrow.
Those things keep dropping once you're levelling in the Oubliette, so nowdays there's little point in hunting for them specifically.
As for the weather, between the outpost warps (especially during Thrifty Transit days), the new waypoints and voidwatch warps there should be plenty of ways to eventually see all weather types - the wiki covers the likelier areas for each type, so you can just check for stuff that can be done in each so that trips have a double purpose and time won't feel wasted.
what do you guys mean by weather ? is this the only way to get summons ?
holy crap. I died twice going to the crawlers nest from jeuno, and when I finally arrived to the nest, I pretty much got owned by the crawlers. Where do I go level up now ?
guys, i'm already level 50. Can you do the limit breaks before you hit the cap, or can you do it beforehand ?
IIRC you have to be at the 50 to do the 1st, but the rest can be done 1 level before the prior cap (51 to break past 55, 66 ti break past 70, etc...
As for the pace of the game, depends on your priorities - high-end stuff requires tome time investment gearing up, but there's plenty you can do before that, like early nation missions and maybe some Chains of Promathia stuff, not to mention countless quests, working on maps and warps, etc... A lot of little things help further down the line.
so I wanted to try and cap my lv 76 WAR this weekend so I can clear the next limit break. Any gaffers on Sylph that are within that range?
so I just did my limit break. is this the right route to level grind now ?
I still see people in the 50's in crawlers
You can go up to level 60 in Crawler's Nest but the exp starts to slow. Shouldn't be a problem now, at least until Double EXP runs out.
Does double xp count for tabs ? also, can I get the limit break materials in the AH ? i had a high level player whom i asked in jeuno help me with genkai 1
Jesus, registering for this game is a process. first i need to make a square enix, then hit new playID to input that I have the code and set it up, and then use that weird playid to set uo 2 accounts to log in on one service. Then I needed to set up how many characters I wanted. Im not even sure I have my chocobo shirt or beret code in and I have no clue where to use those. And now I have a 45 minute file verification to sit through.
Anyways, its all getting set up now, trying to figure out what class and race I should play. I keep seeing BLU is a great class as it has many options, how viable is it for a complete noob?It is quite a hurdle.
Anyways, its all getting set up now, trying to figure out what class and race I should play. I keep seeing BLU is a great class as it has many options, how viable is it for a complete noob?
Anyways, its all getting set up now, trying to figure out what class and race I should play. I keep seeing BLU is a great class as it has many options, how viable is it for a complete noob?
Edit: Gah now a hour and 45 minute update.![]()
Jesus, registering for this game is a process. first i need to make a square enix, then hit new playID to input that I have the code and set it up, and then use that weird playid to set uo 2 accounts to log in on one service. Then I needed to set up how many characters I wanted. Im not even sure I have my chocobo shirt or beret code in and I have no clue where to use those. And now I have a 45 minute file verification to sit through.
BLU is not that good a first job because of the work needed to get all the spells.
guys, if I hit level 75, can I solo most of the storyline missions ? or would it be better to hit level 99 first ?