i'm presuming the skills are for accuracy when hitting mobs/bosses ?
Did a marathon run at Abyssea yesterday with Aeana (Tiv) and went from lvl 76-90 along with clearing my limit break up to lvl 95. I really didn't imagine I would be able to accomplish that much leveling in so little time even when my old LS did the fastest leveling possible at the time before I left in 2008. Now I just need to cap up to 95 and knock down that road to 99 so I can start refining my WAR and level other jobs.
Man guys I am lostI just started as a Hume RMG in Bastok and after the initial cut scene where you meet a girl who offers to help I have no clue where to find her at all. I just found the main menu button and map. Talk about learning curve.
Alright will do, still have to find my way out of the damn city :lol Then time to figure out the battle system.Shiet. Telling you man, forget the story and just level grind. Come back to it when you're high level, say 75 ?
Alright will do, still have to find my way out of the damn city :lol Then time to figure out the battle system.
Man guys I am lostI just started as a Hume RMG in Bastok and after the initial cut scene where you meet a girl who offers to help I have no clue where to find her at all. I just found the main menu button and map. Talk about learning curve.
Skilling up on a fortalice. Yeah, buddy, this is excitement.
I do not believe Utsusemi's starting to get forgotten as a defenseive option...spells like Occultation help, but still...
I'd use /WAR more often, but /DNC and /RDM give me sneak/invisible options which are too handy to pass up for most things I do.
Much higher than that. I think it's about level 82 or something along those lines. Considering that my skills are so low, it won't cap out for me for a while.Don't those things cap at 50 or so? You'd be better off joining an Oubliette party and get some exp or merits out of it in the process.
And do you think I can remember my PlayOnline password? Looks like I can't find anyplace to reset that either - strange. Have contacted support and now I wait... Any tips?
Sounds like you're already on the phone with support. Just be prepared for some obtuse and arcane hoops to jump through. As long as you stay reasonable they should be helpful!
Sent an email ticket. Can't find support #... Otherwise would call.
It's buried in their support site somewhere. You'll probably have to call eventually.
Using their online chat support now. I'll need my account recovered. I remembered how obscure and painful the whole POL experience was and apparently it's not any better now. Words fail me...
While I'm waiting. Does anybody know off the top of their head how much space on the 360 HD this will take up w/ the newest expansion? Last time I installed was when TAU came out. I'll need to make room, I'm sure. And I'm sure installation will take six plus hours as before?
If you have a PC that will run it (doesn't take much) I HIGHLY recommend playing on pc.
No doubt, but alas, I've got the 360 and the discs already. Just need to figure out how much space I'll need to beging the arduous install and patching. Finally got my account transfer in progress though from POL to SE. What a maze they've created...
Q: Are SMNs still expected to be healbots, or can they DPS now?
I should be in w/in the hour... Can't find the new expansion anywhere (retail) for the 360 thoughAt least I'm up through WotG.
how come FF11 is not seen on the hard drive when I install it ? I can't see how much space it consumes
Fry's is semi-near, are they likely to have it? I mean, no place else does - not even SE. "Out of Stock" on their webpage.
Another question (sorry). When I left the last time @ Wings of the Goddess, melee ruled the roost and magic users (I was BLM at the time) couldn't get the time of day. Do melee still run the show or did SE even things out? I'm trying to figure out which direction to take now that I'm heading back in.
I'm stuck at genkai 3. oh boy. I've been trying to get some help in jeuno. But no avail. I'm thinking it is because of the time, I should try on the weekend and fridays...
Which job?
I don't really know what goes into getting the resistance ones though.
Oh, awesome. Ill try that. Seems you only can get 80 points (1 quest per day) at a go? Damn that's a lot of runs I have to do.
Slowly working toward dual pet PDT axes. I've managed to finish lizard trials for both axes. I guess Eldeimewill be my home for the next little bit as I work on the next few trials. I'd never make it without that WeatherMon plugin that lets you know via a sound alert when weather has changed. Lots and lots of waiting.
You can probably get tons of them via chocobo diggin in altepa, especially if you're a low level digger!.Easiest way to get Zinc Ores? My ninja could use that scroll now heh.
Easiest way to get Zinc Ores? My ninja could use that scroll now heh.