Why is windower still down. 4 days now? and I can't find it hosted anywhere else.
It looks like the hardest part would be killing Abyssea NMs dozens of times. It would suck having to farm KIs every time and trying to find people to go with you to kill it.
Dagger and great axe are a pain because farming ki and killing Glavoid is a pain in the ass.
Great Axe is what I need. :/
Did anyone pick up the 10th anniversary memorial book thing?
I really want it, but I dunno is it worth it for someone who can't read Japanese? It would be nice to look at the pictures but I feel it could just annoy me not being able to read bits I want to read lol.
Empyrean Weapons are out of my league (I've poured about 20 hours into an unlucky few runs of Black Triple Stars and haven't completed it yet still). Now if I were able to complete all the trials(although I wouldn't go for a Twashtar now as it's not really worth it to have one), the parts where you have to farm the difficult Abyssea pops and NMs would be way too much.
I don't have WAR, but if I did, I'd settle for the low quality Empyrean as it's easy to get the weapon skill that way.
I kinda wished this revival of sorts had happened earlier, then I would have had more inclination to keep playing ffxi(had stopped in April) but then again if server transfers weren't $25 I would move over to Sylph to join you guys.
Empyrean Weapons are out of my league (I've poured about 20 hours into an unlucky few runs of Black Triple Stars and haven't completed it yet still). Now if I were able to complete all the trials(although I wouldn't go for a Twashtar now as it's not really worth it to have one), the parts where you have to farm the difficult Abyssea pops and NMs would be way too much.
I don't have WAR, but if I did, I'd settle for the low quality Empyrean as it's easy to get the weapon skill that way.
Great Axe is what I need. :/
For those who need it, it appears that the Windower site is back up.
Edit: Or not, the forums still aren't online I guess, just the front page...
Dumb Question:
I think I know the fact that we don't need to download Abyssea because the files are in the update right?
My friend said that he can't find way to download them, but I told them that it's the updates that he have to download. I want to make sure that I am correct, right?
That's correct. Everything after Wings of the Goddess was distributed through updates.
They are, flush your DNS cache.
He gets an Ukon before I get my Twashtar and the world burns. BURNS.
Wow, people weren't lying that it's easy to level up now. Did they change the amount of base xp earned in battles? I went from 1-7 in mabye 45 minutes and only because I was running back to the Field Manual a few times to check up on what I could do. But that aside, I was earning over 100 for DC matches and with Empress band on I was earning over 200 for some solo battles.
Yup. Base XP has been increased. You get a minimum of 100 soloing now.
That's crazy. And is there a difference between Fields and Grounds of Valor? I've read around and it seems the only difference is the location, unless I'm missing something.
That's crazy. And is there a difference between Fields and Grounds of Valor? I've read around and it seems the only difference is the location, unless I'm missing something.
Grounds of Valor has a growing 'bonus' to each page you finish culminating in double the starting EXP at the end.
I spent months leveling SMN to 75 by myself with Fields of Valor back when its was new, no one was doing it and most the time I had the books/monsters completely to myself haha.
People on LS would be like why are you in Cape Terrigan so much??? Eventually it caught on and any time I came back for the odd merit or whatever the outpost became lag-city for me and claiming a page monster was like camping NMs.
Then people started doing SMN burns and its like oh.... well that would have been easier. Still I had capped skill from doing it 'properly' so I didn't mind, and it made me feel more attached to my pets cause we had such a long journey getting stronger together. <3
Now with Grounds of Valor and auto resubscribing pages etc the same thing could probably be achieved in a few days lol.
In the last few years of the game I leveled so many jobs I'd always wanted to play 'just for fun' because exp wasn't an issue anymore, only storage management.
Saving to the Server
At the character selection screen, highlight the character to save the data for, and press the following buttons/keys. Then choose the slot in which you want to save the configuration information for the highlighted character.
PlayStation 2 Controller: L1 button + L3 button
XBOX 360 Controller: LB + left stick button
PC/Keyboard: Shift + Alt + Ctrl + B
Restoring from the Server
At the character selection screen, highlight the character to restore the data for, and press the following buttons/keys. Then choose the slot from which you want to load the configuration information for the highlighted character.
PlayStation 2: R1 button + R3 button
XBOX 360: RB + right stick button
PC/Keyboard: Shift + Alt + Ctrl + R
Deleting Data and Restoring Default Settings
At the character selection screen, highlight the character to restore the default data for, and press the following buttons/keys. Confirm deletion to restore default settings for the currently highlighted character.
PlayStation 2: R1 button + L2 button + R3 button + L3 button
XBOX 360: RB + LB + right stick button + left stick button
PC/Keyboard: Shift + Alt + Ctrl + D
SMN solo goes to Uleguard Range.
I still haven't gotten that mail. I got lucky with the Helm though. It'd be nice to have, especially for say like my PLD on the crazy occasion I actually want to deal damage with it!
Did anyone pick up the 10th anniversary memorial book thing?
I really want it, but I dunno is it worth it for someone who can't read Japanese? It would be nice to look at the pictures but I feel it could just annoy me not being able to read bits I want to read lol.
I ordered it and according to Fedex tracking it's delivered but I'm still at work. I'll post some photos and impressions tonight. Hope I remember to post it here, but will def post in the pick-up thread.![]()
I think the random number generators are starting to like me.
That looks pretty boss... What job do you play as?
I know this will sound like a weird request but does anybody know a place that sells FFXI with all the expansions for the 360 for less than $50-60 I saw on amazon? I used to play on Sylph character name was Selba and ever since i've heard about the new expansion been dieing to get back in. I know I should just bite it and just go PC but honestly rather just get it on the 360.