Other than Abyssea where else can i level post 75? I just came back so I'm still accumulating stones, trying to find something to do until I have a decent buffer of stones.
I keep getting weird errors when I try to reactivate my account :/
Did you switch to the new payment option?
Other than Abyssea where else can i level post 75? I just came back so I'm still accumulating stones, trying to find something to do until I have a decent buffer of stones.
Don't worry too much about accumulating stones for abyssea. If your in an halfway decent exp party, you'll gain tons of time, and if your abyssea time is over 120 min when you leave, you will keep that time for next visit to abyssea, and noot have to use any stones.
Don't worry too much about accumulating stones for abyssea. If your in an halfway decent exp party, you'll gain tons of time, and if your abyssea time is over 120 min when you leave, you will keep that time for next visit to abyssea, and noot have to use any stones.
There's a lot of nifty shortcut keys in the game. <3
Did you know that Control L is linkshell chat? Or that you can propose a vote with /propose?
Also, for those of you having targeting issues in Alliances, you can make "/target <bt>" into a macro, and it'll automatically select a mob that your party or alliance is in combat with.![]()
Started playing this very briefly last fall but was put off by the complete lack of quest info in-game, the glacial walking speed and the time required by the little holiday quests I was logging in for. All of the hubbub in this thread and my recent acquisition of a Destrier Beret got me to pick it back up again.
I've been getting a surprising amount of enjoyment out of logging in to get some free "mystery box" items and auctioning them off for gil. It's allowed me to afford a little bit better equipment from the AH, since after my first trip to Gusgen my equipment was quite out of date. The slow movement speed still drives me nuts, but the beret seems to have sped me up a little.
I started playing with the intent to go through the "main story" and maybe an expansion or two, but before I can do any of that I really need to:
- get a skull so I can finally unlock my subjob
- get to Jueno for the first time and unlock all the inventory expansions (which looks like a pain in the ass)
- level up high enough to not need to drag other people along on the story quests, while still retaining some amount of fun
Do I have any relatively easy avenues to increase my movement speed and/or ability to teleport around?
It's more for NOT xping, and doing things like getting the essential KI's. The BG wiki guide I linked in the OP has a nice list of "what you need" in order to really participate without being "that guy".
Alright, Can anyone convince me about Sylph?
How many people at peak of time, economic, etc. Pro and Con
Are you transferring or something?
Are you transferring or something?
Finally got access to Sky last night. Didn't realize the RotZ missions were so quick to go through. I spent a ton of tabs on repatriation doing them, so if anyone wants to do done Grounds Tome partying, let me know.
Finally got access to Sky last night. Didn't realize the RotZ missions were so quick to go through. I spent a ton of tabs on repatriation doing them, so if anyone wants to do done Grounds Tome partying, let me know.
Offhand, does anyone know what auction houses are linked? I was trying to find some stuff in Sandy and couldn't find what I wanted so I did the warp to Whitegate to check the AH there, and it's the same one :/
There was an update a while back that linked all the Auction Houses in one to create Voltron Defender of the Universe.
Haha, awesome. I just wonder why there wasn't that much stuff available for my character regarding some armor choices. The stuff in the AH was rather depleted, although it could be because it's all low level stuff, as in like 10-20 for the items I was looking for.
Also, I'm only L10, but I was doing searches for people in the 14+ range, around when I figure I'd start wanting to party, and there is like no one 14-20 playing :/. Hell, I've done searches for 20-50 and I don't see many playing. Do you still need full parties pre-75 to level up or can you get by with a group of 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever? While I do think the game should have been more solo and small party friendly, I don't want to solo up to 75, lol. I did enjoy the multi-player aspect of the game.
Also, I'm on Ragnarok, but I doubt if this kind of thing would be server specific.
I'm not sure how popular Ragnarok is, you could do a /sea all and see how many players are currently on.
From levels 12-30 go to the Gusgen Mines in Konschat Highlands for Alliance Fields of Valor partying.
From levels 30-50 go to the Crawlers Nest in Rolanberry Fields for the same.
Parties in this are pretty casual now, you walk up in the place and see people killing things and either sit there with your party flag on, or /shout {Any vacancies?} and someone will invite you when there's a spot. It's pretty much a murder fest and very simplified compared to how it use to be.
You also can leave when you want cause it's an alliance of three parties unless things are slow. When you hit max level is when you can start doing low man parties, exp requires parties but it's not difficult at all to get into a party like it use to be. You can be any job now, it doesn't matter what you are for EXP.
Cool thanks. This kind of thing should be in the OP, unless it's linked and I didn't click on it, lol I'm hoping it'll be easy to get in groups.
Also, they added the warping from Sandy to Whitegate, is there easy ways to get from Sandy to Bastok or Windy, Jeuno, etc.? Other than the standard Airship or tele-choco.
Also, they added the warping from Sandy to Whitegate, is there easy ways to get from Sandy to Bastok or Windy, Jeuno, etc.? Other than the standard Airship or tele-choco.
There's a couple other ways. You can start Voidwatch with the 3 nations which will give you warps right outside of those nations. You can also skill up Synergy and make warp earrings to pretty much any major town. There's also a Kupower that will let you warp between the 3 capitals, but it's not up all the time.
Almost 17,000 relic weapons in the game, with almost 10,000 of those being obtained in the last year.
They need to adjust the requirements for Relic and Mythic weapons. They are ridiculous.
Well they can't turn around and make Relic more difficult to obtain now that they opened the floodgates, but they do need to adjust Mythic requirements.
Cross-posting from the pickup thread, here is the artbook.
Final Fantasy XI 10th Anniversary artbook. It's so amazing, It's almost entirely filled with art and concept designs.
I didn't mean they need to make it harder. They need to make it easier to get them. Right now, they sound almost impossible to get, just from reading the wiki.
Most of you guys are on Sylph? I'm reactivating after not playing for years, curious to see how everything has changed.
Does anyone know what specifically that peak time is on that image?
Alright, might jump on tonight with a new character now that everything is updated. The last time I played was shortly after the Aht Urghan expansion was released. I actually had a decent level 30 something character, some advance jobs, and an airship pass but that was years ago.
Thinking about starting as a Monk again, getting that to 18, level Warrior, then maybe focus on Dark Knight. Was planning on starting in Bastok and doing Alchemy for my trade.
Anyone have any advice for someone who knows the basics but hasn't played since the ToAU expansion? Thanks.
Edit: Oh crap, there's a returning player guide in the OP, guess I need to read that first.