Loving the A+ing of most jobs'primary weapon skill rating - except PUP, what the hell, A should have been enough, that's MNK's tur, and I'm not sure a few extra Martial Arts ranks make that much of a difference when PUP have magic damage added to their arsenal...
The new shuriken passive for NINs looks pretty interesting too, as do the blue magic tweaks.
I guess Atomos is what we can get from the new WotG quest they announced?...
Is PLD/NIN a good option for soloing most content? (With alter egos)
Or is PLD/DNC really superior?
I'm thinking of buying the ultimate collection when it goes on sale next, probably during steam autumn sale. I know they changed a lot to make solo leveling easier and such but have they made fame easier to gain? I was thinking of going for NIN but the thought of turning in ore x100 to get fame for the scrolls is kinda killing my buzz haha.
edit* Does the Sylph LS have any people active during EU playtimes? My old char is on Bahamut now I think, after the merge. I think I left him with around 1mil in gil and some decent gear but it's all lv 75 stuff so guess that won't matter much anyway, should I decide to just start anew.
Quality of Life Improvements
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums.
[dev1236] Quality of Life Improvements
Fame is easier to get now. It's not as crazy, but you should still anticipate a moderate grind for it if you're spamming one quest over and over (do multiple). Also ores and yagudo necklaces stack now.
We have a couple people who are around on EU time. Plus those of us on EST play late on the weekends.
Yeah I understand that grinds will happen but if they toned it down a bit it would be a warm welcome change![]()
While I haven't attempted Norg fame again (though I do have a character holding a ton of zinc ores), I can tell you that city fame definitely got tweaked a lot. Had a mule in Sandy turning in flint stones that had been at level 4 for a while. Got around to turning in some more stones, when to check fame... level 9. Threshold is much lower now. Just need the time and energy to run them to Jeuno as they ALSO lowered the fame requirements for the gobbiebag quests!
The October Version Update Has Hit the Shores! (10/06/2014)
Explore a glimpse into the future with a new Wings of the Goddess-related quest, A Forbidden Reunion, and test your mettle against old foes with high-tier avatar battlefields!
Enjoy some quality of life adjustments with an increase in available equipment sets and the ability to store skirmish stores with Divainy-Gamainy, and try your hand at content both old and new with job adjustments, some changes to Walk of Echoes, and much, much more!
Read on for the version update details!
Is there any place that would summarize the updates that have happened Seekers of Adoulin came out? I quit almost a week before the expansion and I'm really considering coming back to this. Right now its between 11 and 14. I'm really interested in Rune Fencer. How is it as a job? Would it take me ages to get up to snuff? Do people consider it gimp?
I have a well equipped for its time SAM with an 85 Masamune, NIN with an 80 Kannagi, and a BST with a lvl 80 Farsha. I also have full Neo-Nyzul sets, was working on Salvage gear, and have a very well equiped BLM and RDM. I was on the Fenrir server as well. Would I be able to catch up on content with the lower lvl delve missions? I'd most likely be all on my own. Is it worth coming back at all just for Rune Fencer? Or should I just move on to 14 and try that? If anyone could give me a recap since then that'd be great.
I'm getting a new laptop soon (HP Pavilion, AMD A10 with 6gig DRAM) so I was considering it. It's got HDMI out so I can enjoy 11 on a big screen again.
I've been watching some youtube videos and Rune Fencer looks like a lot of fun. I want be a magic tank lol
After two-ish months of doing Dynamis almost every day (yeaaahhhhh), I finally completed my Annihilator today!
Now to do all the trials to make it useful![]()
Announcing the November Version Update!
The next version update is scheduled to hit the servers in early November!
This update is packed to the brim with content for every type of player, with top billing going to the thrilling conclusion to the Seekers of Adoulin missions! What fate awaits the sacred city during this unprecedented moment of crisis?
If you find communal activities to be more to your liking, you'll want to take a look at the new Unity Concord system and the ability to hire an NPC to distribute linkpearls for you. Also hot off the presses are new rankings for Monster Rearing and some additional job adjustments.
Get your hard hats ready!
Unravel the Tangled Web of Adoulin's Main Scenario with a Relationship Chart on the Seekers of Adoulin Website!
Weave your way through the twists and turns of the Seekers of Adoulin main scenario with a newly released relationship chart on the official Seekers of Adoulin website.
The first two entries are now available with additions coming down the pipeline soon!
Head over and check it out!
A New System, Unity Concord, Will Be Added
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums.
[dev1237] Unity Concord
Mog Gardens Additions and Adjustments
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums.
[dev1238] Mog Gardens Additions and Adjustments
11/11 is a day to celebrate FINAL FANTASY XI! Feast your eyes on two limited-time campaigns! (10/28/2014)
We're bringing you two fresh campaigns in celebration of 11/11 and with thanks for all the work you've done making Vana'diel a brighter place.
Read on for details on the Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign.
Read on for details on the Discount Campaign.
This campaign means that you again can play for FREE from November 10th through November 17th.
"Seekers of Adoulin" Expansion Pack
$29.99 -> $4.99
* 83% off the ordinary retail price
FINAL FANTASY XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition
$39.99 -> $9.99
*75% off the ordinary retail price
World Transfer Service
$18.00 -> $9.00
* 50% off the ordinary price
This one has some cool stuff in it that everyone can enjoy for two weeks:Announcing Another Idyllic Vana'diel Initiative (10/28/2014)
Not content with the Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign and Adventurer Appreciation Campaign commencing on November 10, we are pleased to announce the return of the Idyllic Vana'diel Intiative, where we have a whopping eleven different campaigns on offer!
Take your time in Vana'diel to all new heights!
Campaign Period: Monday, November 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. (PST) to Tuesday, November 25 at 6:00 a.m.
Read on for details.
Announcing the Adventurer Appreciation Campaign! (10/28/2014)
Get your bags in order, stalwart adventurers, for those who had active PlayOnline/FINAL FANTASY XI service accounts via a SQUARE ENIX account between September 1, 2014, and October 31 will be receiving some lovely in-game items!
Read on for details.
Discount Campaign
Throught the campaign, downloadable versions of the "Seekers of Adoulin" Expansion Pack and the FINAL FANTASY XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition, together with the world transfer service, are available at discounted prices. Vana'diel is a living, breathing world that has expanded over time. Take this chance to get each expansion pack and experience the land of Altana in all its glory!
Monday, November 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. (PST) to Tuesday, September 25 at 6:59 a.m.
* Note that the Discount Campaign ends at a different time than the Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign.
Fees and Pricing
"Seekers of Adoulin" Expansion Pack
Digital Download
$29.99 -> $4.99
* 83% off the ordinary retail price
FINAL FANTASY XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition
Digital Download
$39.99 -> $9.99
*75% off the ordinary retail price
There was a post on the OF about this, the dates are messed up.
The correct end time is Tuesday the 25th of November
Anyone else confused by the date here? What the hell does "November 10, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. (PST) to Tuesday, September 25 at 6:59 a.m" mean. Is this discount campaign going to last for almost a year?
I ask because I saw someone who said they took advantage of the discount campaign already on Reddit, yet I still see the prices at only 25% (not 75%) off right now in the SE Store. I assumed it started on the 10th of Nov.
I ask because I saw someone who said they took advantage of the discount campaign already on Reddit, yet I still see the prices at only 25% (not 75%) off right now in the SE Store. I assumed it started on the 10th of Nov.
Dang, it seems like the only recent campaign not coming back is the one I really wanted to see again (Walk of Echoes surge)![]()
That seems like one that we'll see more often than not. I wouldn't worry about it.
Did they ever rework the UI?
I remember they're were working on it.
If you've played in the past, but aren't right now, the Return Home to Vana'diel Campaign is the one you care about.
This campaign means that you again can play for FREE from November 10th through November 17th.
There are some requirements if you haven't played in a really long time, so make sure you check out the link for the full details.
For anyone who wants to do the Return Home Campaign - if you never linked your POL account to a Square Enix one, I think you have to do it by TODAY to be eligible for the campaign.
Just an FYI.
Thanks, I hadn't done this. Logged on to squares site and am transferring my POL account now. I believe I purchased a version of this game on Steam a while ago, planning on just reinstalling that client to play.
Promotional Video for the November Version Update! (11/04/2014)
The next version update is scheduled for a Monday, November 10th (JST) release.
Head to the forums to read up on all the content that will be added!
Take a look at the promotional video for the November version update!
Akihiko_Matsui said:[NA]Details on the Upcoming Version Update!
Hello, adventurers of Vana’diel! Matsui here.
I’d like to give you all a preview of the content slated for the November version update.
The upcoming version update welcomes the epic conclusion to the Seekers of Adoulin storyline.
The event team has poured all their energy into creating amazing cutscenes for you all to enjoy, and they truly went all out and did some special things for Arciela’s expressions. Additionally, the ending music is a very fitting song that was created by Naoshi Mizuta. I hope you all check out the conclusion to this magnificent storyline!
We’ll also be continuing to add content and quests for Seekers of Adoulin, even after the conclusion, so you can all enjoy the storyline even more!
Another large element we are adding in the November version update is the “Unity Concord” system.
For Unity we are aiming to create something that is stronger than the nations you belong to and a bit looser of a connection than what you have with linkshells. We want this to be something that players can use to play with and communicate with others.
As a part of this new feature, we will be implementing a new battle system known as “Wanted” where you can fight against high-tier versions of existing NMs, and we will also be adding Unity-related objectives to Records of Eminence. Moving forward we’ll continue to add various new elements, and we are looking forward to receiving your feedback.
Additionally, as another way to foster our community, we’ve created the “Linkshell Concierge”. This is a new system where an NPC will distribute linkpearls for you, and we hope it comes into good use for invigorating existing linkshells. We’ll be looking forward to your feedback on this as well!
In addition to all of the things I’ve mentioned thus far, we will also be adding NMs to certain Adoulin areas, unlocking rank 2 for Monster Rearing, adjusting both beastmaster and summoner, and much, much more.
Speaking of all of this content, we’ve put together a trailer to show it all off. We even used a portion of the Seekers of Adoulin ending song during the mission segment, so please be sure to take a look.
Finally, I have an announcement.
As many of you who frequent PlayOnline.com may have already seen, from Tuesday, November 11 (JST) we will be holding the Return Home to Vana’diel Campaign once again, as well as various other special campaigns. We’ve prepared a whole line of campaigns so that players who are returning can join up with the current adventurers and have a good time. I hope you and your friends enjoy adventuring in Vana’diel!
Among the items scheduled for implementation with this version update, there are still some that are currently in testing. Please keep in mind that we may remove certain items from this implementation list in the event that bugs take an unintentionally long time to fix or balancing issues occur during the development process.
The final chapter in the Seekers of Adoulin main scenario will be added.
A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums.
[dev1241] The final chapter in the Seekers of Adoulin main scenario will be added.
The November 2014 Login Campain Descends Upon Us Soon! (11/07/2014)
The November login campaign will be held during the following period.
Campaign Period: Monday, November 10, 2014 at 7:00 a.m. (PST) to Tuesday, December 2 at 6:00 a.m.
Receive login points each day just for saying hello to the citizens of Vana'diel, and exchange them for various in-game rewards!
If you are logged in when the campaign begins, you must either relog or change areas in order to receive your points.
Read on for information on how to participate and for a list of items available in the November 2014 Login Campaign.
Are you ok?
Was it all too much for you?
For those wondering what's up, Adoulin rewards were announced, and they are crazy.
They're not so great.
You crazy.