This game is still up? I thought they closed the servers?
Only for PS2/360.
This game is still up? I thought they closed the servers?
IIRC, most places want your email address and password, but POL wants your username and password? It's either that or vice versa.Yeah...I'll probably have to resort to that. It's weird, the Square Enix ID/Password combo I'm using works literally everywhere else I've tried.
About three weeks' work:
So yeah, now I get the joyful task of collecting about 350M gil worth of heavy metal plates, riftdross, and such. Yaaaaay.
I've heard that the story in this game is great, but I only ever played the trial back in 2009 and found myself very lost at the time.
Is it worth picking up to blast through the story? I might stick around afterwards.
this is somewhere FFXI exceeds basically any other game. Its side quests were witcher 3 before witcher 3. Not to say all the objectives are great as there is plenty of fetch stupid shit, but pretty much every quest has a cutscene and loreThe story is great. It's everywhere too, you get random lore worth watching in something as small as a weapon skill quest.
Is the IHOP linkshell still active?
Yeah we're still around. Hit us up when you need a pearl. We also have a discord running if anyone wants in on that. Makes it easier to communicate out of game, and we use it for voice chat.
So! Starting this today/tomorrow
...I have an ultimate edition code and installed
man this is going to be weird
So! Starting this today/tomorrow
...I have an ultimate edition code and installed
man this is going to be weird
So I'm going to come back to this after over a decade away. I'll need to but the ultimate collection of course. I already know I don't get a free month if I use my 12 year old character but do I have to create a new play online account too? Or is it just the content id being new that matters? This old account system is so bad.
If you're using your 12 year old character then you have to use the POL account that it's bound to. If you create a new account then your old character won't be available.
So not sure how accurate this is, but this is coming from jp side. In september they are adding augements to all the armor sets from ambuscade. They are also talking about REMA upgrades and Soa2. Supposedly 2 new areas and hard mode content coming. Again I'm not sure how accurate this stuff is, but jps are a buzz with this stuff.
id be down for this for sure. End game content is more enjoyable when its better encased in the lore anyway, plus things like delve are a full adventure unlike ambuscade, high tier battlefields, and escha NMssCredit to Dew from BG:
Very interesting if true. I am so looking forward to playing the game full time again and ambusade isn't doing itSeekers was so much fun too.
Credit to Dew from BG:
Very interesting if true. I am so looking forward to playing the game full time again and ambusade isn't doing itSeekers was so much fun too.
I only finally started getting Reisen gear recently, and only have 3 pieces. This campaign has been proof to never ever toss dark matter at himOseem pls...
tell me nobody ever gave this guy dark matter for his services.
The producer and director of the game will be holding an AMA on /r/ffxi on the 25th:
This is the only FF I don't own or have played... A part of me held back after he mentioned a few years ago that it was possible FFXI might jump to PS4 or other current-gen systems.
Final Fantasy XI is never coming to any console. They're working on a mobile reboot of the game now. Console support for the game is over. Even the PC version will probably close in a few years. If you want to play it, it's now or never.
Final Fantasy XI is never coming to any console. They're working on a mobile reboot of the game now. Console support for the game is over. Even the PC version will probably close in a few years. If you want to play it, it's now or never.
"I wonder if there's also the possibility of porting FFXI. I'd like to try making a FFXI spin-off where the server would be the PS4 and the Vita would be used as the client and you could do parties by everyone gathering together with their Vitas or something like that."
Why is the guide generally to level up to 99 right away? Does this mean not doing any main story unless required? Is this just a time thing or is there any downside to doing some MSQ every now and then?
oh BK you are always so upbeat
Question, does the free month start when I first add a character or is it from when I enter my key?
EDIT: Typing it out I know it sounds stupid and almost certainly starts when adding my first "Service account", but just want to be sure.
Sticking with an existing character lets you reap some benefits from past progress, mostly Exp through Records of Eminence objectives and whatever else you've already unlocked, like travel options...
Overall, it was not as useless as I thought it would be. It was very disappointing to hear that the only 'new' content are Ambusade and Master Trials-no-one-do until March. No server merges, no improvements to server loads, no subscription changes...really, nothing assuring about the future of the game was provided by this AMA. I suppose one can question what the whole point of this AMA was if not to cast doubts that anything positive is coming.
Anyone feels like posting a screenshot of Boganza results?