I'm sure a lot of us just queue for CT, take an item and then just leave...CT just isn't worth it nowadays.
I'm sure a lot of us just queue for CT, take an item and then just leave...CT just isn't worth it nowadays.
You guys are jerks.
I'm sure a lot of us just queue for CT, take an item and then just leave...CT just isn't worth it nowadays.
Talk about a close one. Ran tam-tara in a roulette as pugilist, we managed to slice up the mindflayer literally a few seconds before maintenance initiated. And one of our party members was new to the dungeon to boot. That should leave a nice experience for them to remember.
In in for the long run for better or worse...but I can understand people jumping in and out for an item. Now trolls? No comprende. I just dont see how someone could get enjoyment like that. Maybe ganking people a few times if the game had open pvp...but just straight causing mass death along with their own?
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Hotfixes (Mar. 10)
A countermeasure has been implemented for the issue wherein servers were experiencing heavy load.
The following adjustments have been made to the ready check feature.
Players can no longer use the ready check feature if they have generated any enmity on a monster. If a party member who has yet to generate any enmity initiates a ready check, the ready check confirmation answer for players that have generated enmity against a monster will automatically be submitted as No.
A Respond Later option has been added. When this option is selected, the player can place a temporary hold on answering the ready check confirmation. To submit an answer after selecting to respond later, select Ready Check from the social menu to re-open the ready check confirmation dialogue box. If the player is still using the Respond Later status after the 30-second confirmation period elapses, that players answer will be automatically submitted as No.
The name of the player who initiated the ready check will now be displayed on-screen and in the chat logs.
The results window will no longer automatically reappear after a player has selected a ready status.
The following issues have been addressed.
An issue wherein the level of the Plasmoid monsters in Outer La Noscea were incorrect.
An issue wherein a portion of dialogue spoken by the NPC Jbrohka in Eastern La Noscea was displayed in Japanese.
An issue wherein the journals listed objective for the tradecraft levequest Red Letter Day was listed as Tomato Pie when it should have been Rolanberry Lassi.
As a warrior sitting on 1000 myth in darkish armour with a relic weapon, is my priority to upgrade the armour, or get the relic+1 weapon. I'm guessing the armour, but I'm not sure if the new weapon is maybe worth it for extra enmity.
It's really up to you although I'm of the opinion that the extra weapon damage isn't that big a factor in emnity gain. Of course when 2.2 rolls out in a few weeks and the myth cap is removed you won't have to stress about it! If you really want a guide to gear progress with the goal of running The Binding Coil, then the most general thing would be to prioritize an accuracy of around 472 (the general number for landing 99% of hits in Turns 4 and 5, can't recall the accuracy for lower turns) and then Vitality to survive stuff obviously and finally Parry for damage mitigation; everything else doesn't matter too much. Don't forget you can supplement gear progression with a piece of Crystal Tower gear that is i80 once a week. Just taking into account myth cost per piece, maybe pick up the CT chest and leg piece since that saves you two weeks of myth to use on other pieces of equipment?
Also here's a handy site: http://www.ariyala.com/ffxiv/gear.html
An issue wherein a portion of dialogue spoken by the NPC “J’brohka” in Eastern La Noscea was displayed in Japanese.
At the following time, Sony Computer Entertainment will be performing maintenance on the PSN℠. During this period, players on the PlayStation® 3 version will be unable to log into FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. Please note that players that are already logged in can continue to play as long as they remain logged in.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.
[Date & Time]
Mar. 10, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (PDT)
* The completion time may be subject to change.
[Affected Service]
- PlayStation® 3 version of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn
It takes like 5 seconds to replace someone in CT with DF.
Better be a jerk than suffer through CT every time.
I was checking FC list today and i noticed something. Some of the online players had this msg written next to their name "Another World"
What does it mean? Are they in different server? Can you jump between worlds?
Your new best friend: http://ffxiv.ariyala.com/So I just dinged level 50PLD (First level 50) last night, and now I sit here at work looking for a good website to find gearing guides and such. Most of what I'm seeing was published in October and hasn't been updated. Anyone know a good site that regularly updated and has an active community?
Back in my FFXI days I used Allakhazam and Killing Ifrit, but I can't seem to find the FFXIV equivalencies.
Also, I'm level 30ish Armorer, and I'm looking at the next 20 levels and going WTF? Is there anything of value I can do with that class at late game which is useful besides affixing Materia?
Or should I switch and go GSM and BSM instead?
So I just dinged level 50PLD (First level 50) last night, and now I sit here at work looking for a good website to find gearing guides and such. Most of what I'm seeing was published in October and hasn't been updated. Anyone know a good site that regularly updated and has an active community?
Back in my FFXI days I used Allakhazam and Killing Ifrit, but I can't seem to find the FFXIV equivalencies.
Also, I'm level 30ish Armorer, and I'm looking at the next 20 levels and going WTF? Is there anything of value I can do with that class at late game which is useful besides affixing Materia?
Or should I switch and go GSM and BSM instead?
some people in my fc can't even be arsed to do coil anymore. no reason to go there when you have everything you need and can farm it to hell for alts in a few weeks. less drive with all those great game releases lately too.
So they went from predicting a fix by 2.3 to being able to deliver it in a hotfix pre-2.2
Good stuff.
I use this, not perfect, it's your choice of whatever you want your char to excel at
As you see there's Ideal, Good & finally Less Alternative
You try to start in Less and work towards Ideal
As a PLD, you really want to get go for things that drop in the later Turns, so grabbing hands, head, (body due to head, cause tin can DL fucks you in the regard) is a good start on your myth spending, once the flood gates open for no more cap for myth and coil lockout, then you can just ilvl90 fully in Myth gear them work on Coil 1-5 and slot in BiS items to make yourself ready for the next tier of content, when you feel ready for it
Crafting-wise, the game really didn't help itself, to keep the game economy fresh and the cycle of buying and selling going
Sooner or later, crafters rather than buy materials, just gathered their own stuff or gatherers saw not much in return in doing the labor just started crafting those raw materials into stuff to sell
If you're self-sufficient, you get out ahead a lot, the crafter who can gather or a gatherer who can craft, has nice returns
In the beginning the way game made you feel like that you need armorer and black-smithing to coincide with your tank class, was complete bullshit
It brought in miniscule returns, it wasn't a mutual or beneficial grouping
More people just get gear fixed from vendor than go get lvl40+ and use dark matter to repair their gear
If your leveling crafting for gil, that ship has sailed a long time ago, certain people do have chokeholds on certain markets, they can swallow losses to get rid of you or if you get into a hot market, sooner or later under-cutters will come in and shit away all the profits by lowering the price so much, that the time invested into getting said materials isn't worth it to most
Remember, that in a few weeks, all this shit goes out the window, and new stuff will replace all of this, so yeah
Don't worry, just wait till SE unleashes 2.2 Trailer, like they did with 2.1
Watch as people get hyped and the next month just bash heads against new and refreshed old content, then wan when they get tired and the cycle repeats
Turn 8 or 9 better be fucking cockblock of extreme scale, if Turn 9 gets beaten within a few days hell a week or two... Jesus!
Thanks for the insightful reply! So yeah, basically Hand classes are only good for making repairs and affixing materia. That's a damned shame, as I do enjoy crafting in FFXIV.
It seems FFXIV Guild is exactly what a was looking for, thanks for sharing that link! I still have alot of stuff to do story wise before I get to Primals and Coil. I haven't even done Garuda story mode yet. Was having too much fun tanking FATEs, haha. Tanking Gorgimera is way too exciting.
hopefully coil armor is at least a little better than armor you get from tomes this time. getting everything handed to you just for subscribing is getting old.
CT is fun if everyone knows what to do.
. . .
But aside from that, CT is fun!
Dunno if it has been posted? New mount!?
Myth cap will be removed ?? Then dungeons speed run will be back again. There will be people walking around with i90 everywhere.
Also here's a handy site: http://www.ariyala.com/ffxiv/gear.html
Dunno if it has been posted? New mount!?
Outgearing a fight still won't save the vast majority of the community who still struggles with HM Titan.
I'm sure a lot of us just queue for CT, take an item and then just leave...CT just isn't worth it nowadays.
I hope so too, because being slave to RNG is so fun and great A+ design.hopefully coil armor is at least a little better than armor you get from tomes this time. getting everything handed to you just for subscribing is getting old.
Outgearing a fight still won't save the vast majority of the community who still struggles with HM Titan.
I hope so too, because being slave to RNG is so fun and great A+ design.
They'll still have to master the mechanics of it, true. However for Ruda, an outgeared party will probably only survive her final phase once. Similarly, nails will go down more quickly for Ifrit, and everyone will have more health to start out with.
Titan will still be a challenge, because his mechanics are so unforgiving and a lot of them come at you quickly. However, even there, the Add's will go down faster, Tanks will be able to withstand more, and Titan's health will go down more quickly. So the fight should still be easier.
That said, you're right. If you're nowhere remotely close to being able to tackle Titan EM now, better equipment probably won't make a difference.