After the PS4 beta I couldn't wait till April so bought the game for PS3.
Having lots of fun, I got to level 10 Marauder last night. Is it always so empty though? I'm hoping it was the maintenance stuff, because I had to do a lot of FATEs all by myself, which was a little boring. The PS4 beta had a lot more people, I guess because it was free.
After the PS4 beta I couldn't wait till April so bought the game for PS3.
Having lots of fun, I got to level 10 Marauder last night. Is it always so empty though? I'm hoping it was the maintenance stuff, because I had to do a lot of FATEs all by myself, which was a little boring. The PS4 beta had a lot more people, I guess because it was free.
Didint think this one through did you
Well, there are a lot more PS3 owners than PS4 owners and since this game has reportedly done well I thought that out of the hundred of thousands of players out there at least a few would be beginners as well.
There was literally no one out there though and even the towns were pretty empty last night (and I'm almost sure the first night I played there was more people in there). That's why I'm asking if the maintenance had anything to do with it.
I'm still looking forward to the PS4 launch though and will probably switch class by then.
Well, there are a lot more PS3 owner port an PS4 owners and since this game has reportedly done well I thought that out of the hundred of thousands of players out there at least a few would be beginners as well.
There was literally no one out there though and even the towns were pretty empty last night (and I'm almost sure the first night I played there was more people in there). That's why I'm asking if the maintenance had anything to do with it.
I'm still looking forward to the PS4 launch though and will probably switch class by then.
I'm seeing the same. I got on around 9 in the morning and it was really dead but I do usually get on at night and it isn't much better . I'm only level 17 so hopefully FATEs get a little more fun, because right now it's me and maybe one other person. And it's boring.
Replaying the first 15 levels after plunking down 20 hours on the PS4 beta is sooooo painfullll.
So, question. Since it appears we'll be fighting Gilgamesh in either 2.2 or 2.3. Assuming this is a Trial, what do you think will drop for that fight?
Question about SCH/SMN pets.
In Cutter's/Stone Vigil. do you have to worry about your pets much in the boss fights (second/third in Cutters and last one in SV) during the AoE moments? is it best to put on the heel command to spam on your cross bar for those moments?
I thought gilgamesh was gonna be a FATE boss like Odin and Behemoth
I have now played every Battle class to 15 and Paladin to 50
The only class I found boring was Thaumaturge
Started out as an archer, but I always fall back into the tank role... been playing that part so long (EQ1) that anything else feels wrong
The game just keeps getting better as you progress in it, to bad the first 15 levels suck compared to the rest of the game
Well worth the money
Run dungeons until you are into the twenties. Then if you really want to run Fates, head to Quarrymill and either check party finder for a fate group, or set up a fate party on the party finder yourself.
A lot of players don't bother with Fates before 20.
5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
Yeah I think I'm about to do my first dungeon with the quest It's Probably Pirates so I'm looking forward to that.
tiggerkiddo... that avatar...
My subscription will be up near the beginning of April. I've already decided to subscribe for an additional six months.5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
Just think about how much you want to play with me.5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
Just think about how much you want to play with me.
I already re-subbed for another 6 months. Not much for me to do until 2.2 though.
5 days till my sub runs out. Moment of truth!
Forgot how fun crafting can be. Spammed leves for a bit, will go back tomorrow and just craft everything on the list at least once for that bonus exp. Also finally got that darn allagan healing chest.
Make me some crafting AF dude
I already re-subbed for another 6 months. Not much for me to do until 2.2 though.
Help those people in the FC!
I already re-subbed for another 6 months. Not much for me to do until 2.2 though.
If that worries you, just wait until Ifrit EX.Ugh, this game. I was so excited because I finally beat Titan HM, so I decided to try Ultima HM. It's like the game is saying "so, you thought you were good at healing, eh???"
Ugh, this game. I was so excited because I finally beat Titan HM, so I decided to try Ultima HM. It's like the game is saying "so, you thought you were good at healing, eh???"
I remember the first time I ran a dungeon, I hope you enjoy our, it's a blast with a good party.
Anyhow yeah, Fates aren't as fun when there is only a few people running them. They were probably the most fun for me during the beta, when a ton of people were running them, but not so many that they practically broke under the onslaught of players.
Well, that and they were still shiny and new. XD
If that worries you, just wait until Ifrit EX.
You're correct! The dungeon was really fun and it feels like the game is finally opening up. Did 3 dungeon runs and each party seemed great with nobody being disrespectful to anyone. Had a great time.
Now I wish I had a clue what people in the clan chat are talking about. CT,T1-4, Titan....I know nothing...