Man, at least we've seen that drop before. I just got bad rolls.![]()
Never gonna drop.
But then you got cases like the caster chest where we've been clearing the turn every week for almost 5months and still never seen it once.
Man, at least we've seen that drop before. I just got bad rolls.![]()
Never gonna drop.
Dunno if it has been posted? New mount!?
You should see tanks get flustered when the DPS is too good
They'e like WTF?, why am I @ still 1 stack or voke off me, it's your turn, w/o realizing, the faster you deeps Mr Pottato man, the faster you will see phases come and go
Some tanks pull off me @ 1 stack, ruining the whole mechanic of swapping, even if you tell them voke @ or after 2 stacks, preferably during Stomps/LS
One time a tank voked off me right as I was about to get mountain bustered (my 2nd stack), their timing was so off, he turned around, took 5 people out lol
Man, at least we've seen that drop before. I just got bad rolls.
But then you got cases like the caster chest where we've been clearing the turn every week for almost 5months and still never seen it once.
So they ended up running the LR crossover event twice for JP and NA releases. And yet there is not even one X|X-2 crossover event. Praise Tanaka and Toriyama!
Actually, the uneven rate of drops in this game are a good reason why you should have multiple classes to gear up. Though of course even if you have 2-4 to gear, you still might not get the best rolls. XD
You roll a 1 on your Main Coil Class for Loot
You roll a 96 on your 7th Alt class, you'll only use once ever for stupid reasons....
Looks like a good size for Roegadyn. Almost makes me wanna switch to a male Roegadyn, lol.That mount is perfect for Lala's. Looks silly for anything else though. XD
The X series has probably sold well enough that they don't think it needs the help.So they ended up running the LR crossover event twice for JP and NA releases. And yet there is not even one X|X-2 crossover event. Praise Tanaka and Toriyama!
Looks like a good size for Roegadyn. Almost makes me wanna switch to a male Roegadyn, lol.The X series has probably sold well enough that they don't think it needs the help.Maybe we'll see something when XV gets closer in a couple years.
is the gaf fc something i can be in and not be required to play with other members daily? i just don't want to let people down if membership entails frequent raiding and stuff. also, i'm still low level (9) and new to the game.
Nah, help with what you can/want to help with. The more people the better.
is the gaf fc something i can be in and not be required to play with other members daily? i just don't want to let people down if membership entails frequent raiding and stuff. also, i'm still low level (9) and new to the game.
Come join me in "What's CT?" land!
cool! that sounds perfect then.
ok, i've filled out an application on that guild work website. so, now i just go on and send one of these people a /tell? i'll do that in a little bit. i'll have to figure out what a /tell is lol.
Maple Cookie
Strawberry Shortcake
Safflower Amariyo
Tiv Einsfell
Mira Mora
Guy Incognito
Renault Cathetel
Remiel Cathetel
Elliott Kirkland
List looks right, if you're going to be on for a long stretch of time, post in here with your character name too and one of them might notice it and invite you in game as well.
Dunno if it has been posted? New mount!?
I hope so too, because being slave to RNG is so fun and great A+ design.
I wonder if the guy in the bottom left is Hildibrand's dad. Same race and hair though that doesn't mean too much in a game with a character creator. Still, Hildibrand mentions his family's in the jewelry business at the end of his 1.0 quests when he gives you that ring so I wonder if his dad took over Eshtaime's Lapidaries sometime between Niellefresne's death and ARR.
We finally got our first double weapon drop this week... the spear. ( ._.)
You guys got 2 spears at once?
Yea, you don't get two weapons every week?
I didn't even know 2 weapons could drop, I thought it was always 1 weapon and 1 item.
Oh, whatever. Fuck you guys too.
Then why must the coil gear be better, you're so skilled you don't even need good gear, right? The myth system is supposed to be a supplement so people can make insured gear progression if they are willing to put in the time. Yeah you could spend 2-3 months and get near full i90 just from myth from running whatever easy 4dungeon several hours a week, but why is that gear so much more undeserved then the guy who hits the RNG jackpot and gets several pieces in a single night of coil?you can always make up with skill, you don't need the best gear for everything until then. embrace the RNG.
Well that escalated quickly.Oh, whatever. Fuck you guys too.
Oh man, that camera angle. Hate that room.
Then why must the coil gear be better, you're so skilled you don't even need good gear, right? The myth system is supposed to be a supplement so people can make insured gear progression if they are willing to put in the time. Yeah you could spend 2-3 months and get near full i90 just from myth from running whatever easy 4dungeon several hours a week, but why is that gear so much more undeserved then the guy who hits the RNG jackpot and gets several pieces in a single night of coil?
This is great. Truly great.
Wow, I apologize to Teknoman and the others in the Crystal Tower party I was just in... My game started massively lagging. I'm talking the video and audio started skipping like when you have a DVD/BD that's scratched to hell and back.
Edit: Got it back on. I still don't know what the hell happened; I've never had anything like that occur.
Hey, wait a second.
I wonder if the guy in the bottom left is Hildibrand's dad. Same race and hair though that doesn't mean too much in a game with a character creator. Still, Hildibrand mentions his family's in the jewelry business at the end of his 1.0 quests when he gives you that ring so I wonder if his dad took over Eshtaime's Lapidaries sometime between Niellefresne's death and ARR.
Kinda crazy thinking he's the son of a Syndicate member.
Well I feel like a dunce for never realizing that infernal howl was a line of sight cast.