Dangit! Live Letter started already? Missed so much! D:
Live letter already done.
Not too much information given.
Dangit! Live Letter started already? Missed so much! D:
You can link your profile all you want, but you did state right there that you stopped playing, so I was correct that you did stop playing for a while. Is the onus on me to go to lodestone to look you up to confirm your active status? By definition skimming is going through a lot of posts without thoroughly poring over every post, therefore something like 'skim some more' doesn't actually mean anything nor does it change the fact that you stopped playing for a spell.Skim some more.
I've been here since launch, stopped around 2.2 and got back again now, in Ultros GAF and having a fine time. I never not paid attention to the game, even while dogging it after burn out. Having a fun ass time right now. =D
Your wording and attitude was the problem.
Should I expect a trailer or something soon? Cause, I can't find a video recap of the live letter yet.
Seems like a very meh Live Letter. Did they show more about the new dungeons?
Seems like a very meh Live Letter. Did they show more about the new dungeons?
Nope, just CT2 and FL
Oh well, there is plenty of time for them to give us a trailer showing off more of the new dungeons. Hoping for new crafting stuff as well.
Q48: Will you be adding any high level accessory recipes that are higher than item level 70?
A48: Yes. Look for this with the release of patch 2.3!
E3 was pretty disappointing for this game over all
Ahhh well that's much better...to be honest, they should have introduced these back in 2.2
I think people expected a little too much...
ilvl 100 for the new CT?
I don't need to waste more soldiery on armor....
300,000 gil for personal room in FC house apparently
So cheap? Everyone will get one. How will that work?
So cheap? Everyone will get one. How will that work?
Presumably personally instanced/phased.
Not sure how you'd show other people your room except perhaps being in a group with them and being the group leader (just an assumption based on how WoW does similar phasing)
But if it's a glorified inn room, how is that good?
Sounds a little disappointing to be honest. I really hope you can get a MB and summoning bell in there.
Maybe I could have made something useful on my master Goldsmith then, no real need for it now if its i90. :/
man whats the point of doing pvp now if morale has no effect in frontlines. so dumb
You're going to get to it through FC housing, I think, so I'm not sure what point a dedicated bell would serve.
It's an interesting intermediary step before full player housing, and will at least let me use some of the crap my retainer is finding, without being house-level expensive, so sounds good to me.
Duty Finder queues for healers are so...instant. Took me 90 seconds tops![]()
Ninety seconds!? You mean it didn't pop within five seconds!? HAX! Duty finder is totally broken, maintenance plz! XD
You're going to get to it through FC housing, I think, so I'm not sure what point a dedicated bell would serve.
It's an interesting intermediary step before full player housing, and will at least let me use some of the crap my retainer is finding, without being house-level expensive, so sounds good to me.
At least melee dps queues aren't too bad but those instant tank queues made leveling my WAR such a breeze.
Still only get one drop, and either at the start or eventually the 'upgrade' item for soldiery is getting dropped which brings it to ilvl110, and lotting/winning one of those likely will mean a CT lockout just like how the sword furniture material drop locked you out. If anything CT is going to make soldiery more valuable to a lot of people who haven't been getting stuff from the new coil.
Seeing the cap of soldiery, you're also locked to one piece of armor each week. And seeing you still need the item to "upgrade", if possible to look for allagan drops rather to waste soldiery to maybe manage to level it to lvl 110.
Unless you going fo BiS, seems more smart keep soldiery for the weapon/accessories and get your ilvl 100 CT armor drop.
So, they basically just miscalculated in this respect. I'm glad that they place a high value on engaging their player base like this, but that doesn't mean they should stretch these out longer than they need to be.
We're pleased to announce the special Letter from the Producer LIVE: E3 Edition will be focused nearly entirely on answering the burning questions from the community! This special Live Letter will be hosted in English and take place at E3 on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. (PDT) / 20:00 (GMT)!
Will join in an all GAF CT alliance just for the memories
Frontlines still looks good from what little they showed. Would assume it's more than just deathmatch and capture the flag when the map is as big as it is. Npcs and monsters are never in either of those types of matches so obviously there has to be some purpose they serve.
Q48: Will you be adding any high level accessory recipes that are higher than item level 70?
A48: Yes. Look for this with the release of patch 2.3!
Q48: Will you be adding any high level accessory recipes that are higher than item level 70?
A48: Yes. Look for this with the release of patch 2.3!
never go full gaf