What sorta spells?
Anything but Thunder
Dungeon is filled with Thunder Bombs
What sorta spells?
I did it at level 63... but ramuh helped me once in there. Also, that puzzle/maze thing... I needed a guide online.I'm currently in chapter 8 at level 68. Should I do thedungeon?Costlemark
Anything but Thunder
Dungeon is filled with Thunder Bombs
Heard those Bombs are troublesome in there.
I'm currently in chapter 8 at level 68. Should I do thedungeon?Costlemark
Im a little bit past this point and man... this chapter just goes on and on...So I'm a decent chunk into chapter 13. No idea how far percentage-wise since I have yet to beat it, but I think I am a good ways in since I hit a notable milestone.got the sword from Ravus' corpse
Honestly it sucks. I read so much about it and expected that it wouldn't, but it does. I'm skeptical that the proposed changes would do much to fix it. Not even sure how they could fix it in a light-touch sort of way.
I'm definitely going to get this game and was going to get it as a gift for Xmas but I feel like there's no point in getting it now. Anyone else think this? All they're talking about is what's going to change and improve in future. Think I'll just hold off.
I'm definitely going to get this game and was going to get it as a gift for Xmas but I feel like there's no point in getting it now. Anyone else think this? All they're talking about is what's going to change and improve in future. Think I'll just hold off.
Heard those Bombs are troublesome in there.
I couldn't wait because I had been looking forward to this for years, but if you can wait then yeah, you should. They are promising (we will see) tons of patches to make certain troublesome sections more fun, flesh out the story and add more gameplay variety in addition to improving performance (plus putting out DLC to expand the story further and add online multiplayer).
So, yeah. If you aren't dying to play this, just wait until some of these major pieces of content drop then pick it up.
Are you getting it primarily for gameplay? Because if you are, it's some of the best in the series.
Are you getting it primarily for story? You're going to be disappointed no matter how long you wait. Any changes they make will be band aids and could just as likely make things worse than better.
Can someone tell me if they've done this before or if this is game-breaking? Chapter 13 spoilers:
So I beat that Foras demon on the first encounter. I guess you're supposed to run in the elevator but I was level 99 and wanted to see if I could beat him. I found a method where he won't regenerate health and took him out.
I googled it quick since clearly they didn't design it that way and everything I saw says he's a part of the story the next 10-20 min, so has anyone else done this and does it break your game at all?
My god...I'm atand this is annoying. My camera gets stuck and I can't turn it, so I'm going into battles blind half the time.Costlework Tower
I just barely beat the room with. I can't see shit, and I can't burn through my items just to fix the camera for 20 seconds.the fire giants and the medusa enemy
I am now beginning to think your GIFs represent the game running in HDR, because they look gorgeous!
Fuck Costlemark!! How many times do I have to do this same room over and over again?
Nah, just make sure you are atleast level 60+ and you won't have much issue there. Even magic isn't needed for the most part.Oh man
I dread the time when I will eventually go there X(
Especially since I ignored the Magic tree in the Ascension completely -__________-
Wait mode is a godsend for that dungeon.
Use plenty of magics (anything that casts multiple times should do, that isn't thunder)
Just finished it. The last part was an exercise in frustration and tedium. Burned through so many Hi Elixers.Oh man
I dread the time when I will eventually go there X(
Especially since I ignored the Magic tree in the Ascension completely -__________-
It's not that the fights are difficult, it's that I can't turn my camera.
I'm about 50hrs in, at chapter8. I did a lot of grinding with the rare coins so I'm at lvl 82, and did abit of the ap trick with thebeast whistle with royal shield that does aoe dmg.
I dunno but I'm finding the game pretty bad on all levels and I find myself comparing it to xenobladeX a lot. They're very different games, but there are just simple things that I took for granted in xenobladeX and found lacking in ffxv, which makes the experience that much more unbearable.
The obvious one is the combat system (active mode). There's no hard target lock button which makes fights chaotic because the character is always switching who he's atking, even with the soft lock button, it still makes your character change targets somehow. I could be atking a monster and almost bring it down and for some reason I'll switch target.
This brings another issue, you can't choose/switch your target so easily, you have to get close enough to the target you want to atk and hope that your aiming reticle switches to them. While in xenobladeX, you could target lock an enemy and switch to the enemy to your left or right whenever you wanted to.
Another thing about the combat is the large aggroable range the monsters have, it's ridiculous. Considering most of the monsters I've met are aggressive towards me, it becomes annoying. I could be trying to just get that blue shiny thing on the ground, but nope, it's just within range of some frikin monsters. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if lvls actually meant something. In xenobladeX if you are 10+ lvls higher than the monsters, even if they are aggressive, they will not atk you. This can be interpreted as you're stronger than me, I best not mess with you. I'm level 82 in ffxv, a pack of level 2 wolves still tries to atk me, just annoying me more than anything.
Also, I forget if this was from xenoblade or xenobladeX, but the higher level you are, the higher your evasion is. What that meant was that monsters 10+ levels higher than you, were much harder to hit and even unhittable at a certain range higher than you. However there's none of that in ffxv. I was lvl 7, and I managed to kill a lvl 52 monster, granted it took me 20mins but still, it's ridiculous that it's even possible at my lvl. This also occurs in vice versa. I did a hunt to kill a grp of lvl 17 crabs at lvl 40ish and I got whooped.
This shows another issue I have with the game, lvls are a really bad measurement of anything. Not to say more lvls doesn't hurt, but the strength of the monsters to their lvl are really inaccurate. For example, if those lvl 17 crabs were able to fight some level 30-40 monsters, they'd slaughter them like nothing. So, what this means is that you don't know how strong you really are.
I also have a problem with the fighting in general. You don't really feel like you have control of your character. For example, when you press the atk button on a far away target, he'll sometimes go closer to the target before atking it and other times, just start swinging away even though it won't hit. So, by not knowing how your character reacts, you'll feel like you aren't the one in control. Then add on the random switching targets that be occurring and it gets chaotic.
That's about it for my issues with the combat, now onto the story. I'm at chapter 8 and I still can't tell much of what's going on. Everything is moving so quickly and is very, extremely bare in telling you wtf is going on. I guess I can blame it on me not watching the anime and the movie. But the way in how the game opens and throws you into its world is ridiculous. You start off talking with the king, then boom the world. After that everything just moves so quickly storywise, if you ignore all the lvling, side quests, etc. There's no foreshadowing, no explanation, and a ton of skipping. For exampleafter defeating Titan, you're saved by this guy who you find out is an imperial minister. That's pretty important and you'd be wondering why he saved you, but nope, it does a time skip instead. Wtf?
My last issue is the side quests. They are simply just fetch and kill monsters type of quests. I did them all until chapter 8 and I found that there's no story at all to any of them, making them all pointless. They are simply there to waste your time. So, unless you need money or a particular item, I'd skip them. For me, side quest are supposed to build a world, making it feel fuller and alive. That was how Witcher3 felt from all the side quests. But in ffxv, the world feels dead and unnecessarily big for no reason.
I have more to say but, they're just nitpicky stuff.
TLDR: Combat is very bad, Story is very bad, Side Quest is very bad.
oh, I know. I've gone through that dungeon. Wait mode's wait camera is significantly better that the camera during active time. If you want to get a lay of the land in battle its your best option. As for the magic, it will help you handle crowds a lot better, which is why I suggested it.
I'm about 50hrs in
The obvious one is the combat system (active mode). There's no hard target lock button which makes fights chaotic because the character is always switching who he's atking, even with the soft lock button, it still makes your character change targets somehow. I could be atking a monster and almost bring it down and for some reason I'll switch target.
Though that's basically what XenobladeX has. Story in every side quests.as for the sidequest - they are sidequests, I don't expect a storyline for every side quest.
Tbh, I'm surprised you got to 50 hours without realizing there's a hard lock, and a way to switch targets.
So there is a glitch where enemies and hunts just stop spawning.
I disagree with the combat part, I can agree with the camera part though, the combat is fun, and it is responsive and acts the way I want to, I think you did not level your ascension to be battle heavy.
I dunno, I found it to be quite chaotic. But I forgot about wait mode. Hope it changes my experience.
You can kill a higher leveled monster when you are level 7, but I do not see something bad about it? sure you can kill it, but is it worth the time? the items ? there is more to it.
I guess this comes from me being used to playing rpgs and mmos where high lvl monsters kills you like nothing and you dmg them for 0 and 1 because their defense were so high and such
as for the sidequest - they are sidequests, I don't expect a storyline for every side quest.
I don't as well, but when the nearly all of them are fetch quests or kill these monsters, then it just becomes tiresome
hunts are hunts - you take a bill and you go get it, I don't know how do you want this to go otherwise.
I was talking about the side quests killing monsters, I'm fine with the hunts actually.
Didn't want to compare this to Xenoblade X in this thread, but since we are at it.... The invisible wall really annoyed me in this game. In Xeno X, I just go anywhere and jump over anything. But then I remember Xeno X is the exception, not the norm of openworld game.
Hard lock is R1+R3![]()
I just checked the english wikia and I didn't see something very important story-related mentioned there. I played the german dub/sub, so maybe this info is missing in the english version?
I'm not sure, so I will post this info here [big spoilers!]:IIRK, Ardyn tells that the plague is caused by parasites that came with the fallen meteor.
That stuffisn't mentioned by Ardyn. Its mentioned in notes in World of Ruin Hammerhead where they say something about microbes causing the eternal darkness.
Are they going to add quests or locations in this game ala Witcher 3 had with extra quests and expnasions?
I know about the episodes for the cast members that are laready announced but these seem completely separate offerings.
I am just asking if the world is going to have extra locations added and quests
Trying to farm Cactuars to get a Cactuar Needle, and all I keep getting are Oracle Ascension Coins