There's some speculations that some of the blacked out area's will be opened in the expansion. But extra quests and hunts are a 100% safe bet.
It's the camera and the useless AI of your team mates that ruin the combat. I hated my companions because of this.
I would still prefer turn based over this though, but that's what I grew up with.
Are we talking about questlines?
Sorry for sounding a bit specific, just wondering if we have any sorts of timeframe for these.
I mean I was expecting the newly announced patch that is coming on 22 to feature some interesting stuff and all i see are some items, a carnival event and some pretty ridiculous attires :/
I was expecting some quests at least. (and a Pro patch)
What is the cheapest/easiest way to see kingsglaive and the anime?
just done the deadeye hunt, man it was cool as hell. the scale of the monster (and monsters in general) is just everything i have ever wanted from a FF game.
Is there a better sword than the ultima weapon in the game?
Some are better situationally like Sword of the Father, but no I don't think so.
Is there a better sword than the ultima weapon in the game?
I saw a video of a guy using flare magic, I know how to produce the Flare spell but what caught my attention was that he had like 50 flares casts available from this single spell.
How do you get so many casts of a given spell?
I thought most were like 5 casts using the catalysts.
I got the Ultima blade but I fail to see how it is better than Sword of the Father. With Ultima I am doing less damage than Father's sword. Father sword gives a lot of strength.
Called Balmung and you can find it in the Steyliff-ruins after Chapter 15. Has 248 ATT. Ultima has 208
The air combo on Ultima is sometimes more useful, and it sometimes hits harder. It depends on the enemy. Base attack on Ultima is around 200 points higher.
I use both.
Ultima has 364.
Called Balmung and you can find it in the Steyliff-ruins after Chapter 15. Has 248 ATT. Ultima has 208
No, it has 364 when YOU equip it ( Stat is boosted by accessoires or Royal Weapons ).Balmung would have 404
Regular Steyliff or Sealed? I went there for a hunt (Ch.15) and didn't see the sword.
Sealed. But it's in the very first segment so you don't have to finish it
Thanks! Will take a look!
It's showing 364 on the inventory page. Regardless of whether it's equipped or not and isn't affected by removing or adding any other gear.
In game now, just checked. What am I missing?
I'm not sure what is affecting it, but the weapons have a basic stat which apparently you cannot see ingame. I have the guide though and every weapon has a base stat andhas the highest one.Balmungyou only get +11 on MP instead of the +40 Ultima gives
Pretty sure that info is either outdated or incomplete. I found Balmung and it hit for lower than Ultima so I sold it.
In game, no matter what I do, Ultima has by far he highest attack stat when equipped with my best star boosting gear.
The stats that show on the inventory screen are entirely separate from stat buffs too, and it reads 364 there.
Unless I'm missing something here I think that info is incorrect.
Noctis didn't learn it, the bros did. They'll use it automatically when they need to.
Pay attention to the ascension screen as it highlights exactly who will be using the skill you're acquiring (bottom of the screen, thumbnail will be highlighted).
Haven't posted much of late but just finished up the platinum trophy for FF15 after putting 77.5 hours in and just need to get my thoughts off my chest somewhere even though these things have likely been said to death.
I'd personally give the game a 7.5, maybe an 8. I'm not going to play the game of "where would I rate it in the mainline series" because that's too damn many games and I've played all of them. They all have their strengths and weaknesses.
First, the non-spoiler comments:
I could have done without all of these garbage tie-ins. Eos is not Earth, and I'm playing a Final Fantasy game to experience high fantasy and borderline science fiction. Throwing in the entire Coleman camping catalog, Cup Noodles, American Express, and others was painfully blatant. The Cup Noodles side quest was so in-your-face advertisement that I damn near turned off the game and didn't go back. Not even Activision or EA are as blatant with their advertising in game, and they're pretty damn bad with it.
While I generally enjoyed combat, two things frustrated me, especially later on: The camera and the dungeon design. The issues with the camera are well documented in these threads, it's too damn slow and not suitable AT ALL for confined spaces. Dungeons that rely on cramped spaces really highlight the flaws with the camera and I'd say that the vast majority of my problems with combat stem from JUST the camera. But then there's the fact that one of the core combat functions - point warping - is completely obliterated in most dungeons and largely throughout the back half of the game. Not only do we have to fight poor camera controls, now we lose a key element of Noctis' entire combat repertoire simply because they didn't make the rooms large enough or complex enough to support the function. Just frustrating.
I really did not like or enjoy the implementation of magic and summons this time around. Magic crafting feels like an after thought. Overly complex and yet an underwhelming mechanic because it's entirely possible to beat the majority of the game and the majority of sidequests without using a single spell (I know, as I did just this, not using spells until I started working on the hardest post-game content).
While I didn't think the soundtrack was terribly strong (but I'm biased since I'm old and still equate Final Fantasy to Uematsu's compositions), I did like the small touches of using increasing complex arrangements of the same variation in locations/situations. For example, Lestellum felt different depending on where you were based solely on the way the music added or subtracted elements; the marketplace had a very marketplace feel to it.
And, yes, I must agree that the story was all over the place. Thankfully I went into the game having watched Kingsglaive and Brotherhood so I wasn't terribly lost but I still hate the very notion that the bulk of the backstory that is necessary for a coherent narrative is placed outside of the game itself.
On to the spoiler bits:
Once I went into Chapter 9, I felt like the game really went off the rails. Everything after leaving open world Lucis felt bolted on and lacked a lot of real emotional oomph (at least until the ending, which was well done). I feel like the development team reached a point where they just couldn't figure out how to merge the two designs and just gave up, slapping Chapters 9-14 on to the end of Chapter 8 and calling it a day.
Chapter 13... what a shitshow. I have a personal pet peeve about games where you've spent several dozen hours leveling and setting up your character's skills only to have the developers decide to rip it away from you for "story reasons". "Hey, we know you spent a ton of time grinding for your Ultima Blade but too bad, have this ring and access to one royal arms for most of the entire chapter." FFS. (Aside: Watch_Dogs 2 pulls a similar shitty move during its final mission and it almost ruined that entire sequence for me.) Did no one at SE playtest chapter 13 and think to themselves: Ok, this might be dragging on a bit too long here. Because after about an hour of the same tired hallways, that's literally ALL I could think about.
When I reached The World of Ruin, I was originally really annoyed at the entire thing because it felt like everything I did back in open world Lucis was for nothing. All those side quests I did, the cat I fed twice, the people I helped or saved, the stranded motorists... they were surely all dead or turned to daemons. I was pretty annoyed by this. Maybe petty but it still felt shitty.
I feel like they missed a golden opportunity to have an open world Lucis, followed by a significantly shorter linear section culminating with Ardyn's big reveal/Noctis time of reflection in the crystal, and then a full second act with a smaller open world in the World of Ruin. This would have accomplished several things:
- It would have allowed a lot of these post-game dungeons to become GAME dungeons. Honestly, while I appreciate having things to do once finishing the main game, most of this stuff should have been optional things to do before the final conflict. The sealed dungeons would have fit perfectly in a World of Ruin act. Adamantoise should have been the ONLY thing to go back and do after the main game was completed. Anyone who wanted to go back and do the optional things could have done what we've always done with Final Fantasy games: Load a previous save.
- It would have given an actual USE for Regalia Type-F since the ground would have been far too treacherous to traverse. By making it a post-game item it became a novelty that's not even worth using since fast travel is superior in every way. Given the 10 year span, it could have easily been explained that the car (or what was left of it) had been retrieved and upgraded by Cid and Cindy.
- It would have allowed for time to explain what happened to some of the characters and locales (thus preventing the whole "ok, everything went to shit anyway so I just wasted my time in the earlier chapters" feeling). What became of Arenea? Dino? Dave? Whats-her-name from Guldan Quay? Wiz and his Chocobo Farm? That damn Black Chocobo chick I went out of my way to save from certain death? I mean, if Lestellum was essentially the last bastion of humanity on Eos, it would have been nice to see it and have some daemon hunts to participate in.
All in all, I enjoyed it and I'm even considering the season pass simply because I'd want the character episodes (I only have one friend on my friend's list who is playing so I wouldn't have much use of the multiplayer coop, sadly).
Looking past the story issues, my biggest gripe of this entire list boils down to the camera often ruining combat entirely. Well that and the damn bombs that blow up into smaller bombs and then putting those big bombs 4 to a room because fuck you that's why. Still, I stand by a solid 7.5, maybe even an 8, and I've recommended it to my friends who like RPGs or who liked Final Fantasy in the past.
Do chocobo's count towards survival? Because running laps of the world is boring af.
I heard about using a rubber Band on the anolog stick, i dont know the detailsGoddamn it D:
I'm in the gym right now trying to get jacked and have FFXV running at home using the rubberband trick to up survival. I'll be at home in 30 mins so I'll report in then.
9. I'm in the gym for 80 mins.
How long did it take those of you who levelled Gladios survival naturally to hit max?
I'm at 95 hours (wasted some of that in menus) and the skill's at 9.4. I tend to run around quite a lot.