I'm gonna go against the grain and say that I'm really disappointed in this game, and my disappointment is only growing worse the deeper in I get.
For the record, one more time: I've played every mainline FF, largely in order of release, and I don't have an issue with the series changing and evolving. It's what FF does. And because of that, not every entry is going to resonate with everyone. I'm glad most people here are digging this one, but I don't think it's doing it for me. There are so many things that aren't working for me.
The world feels so empty. I did the desert area last night, and I made it a point to explore every nook and cranny of the field. My efforts yielded exactly nothing interesting of note. Then I got to the desert city, and the same thing happened. No good treasure, no merchants selling new gear, nothing interesting to engage with outside of a couple of bland sidequests that yielded negligible rewards.
The Eikon fights feel like hollow spectacle. These are so scripted that I'd barely call them gameplay. They're a weird mashup of QTE's, button-mashing, cinematics, and sluggish combat where the numbers get fudged under the hood to make sure no one gets left behind. I think they're incredibly tedious.
Even the story and characters aren't doing much for me. Everything feels so joyless. I do like that Clive's visual design is a little older and more adult than the typical pretty-boy teen FF protagonist, but personality wise, he's pretty one-note. Jill is even worse. I did enjoy a lot of Cid's dialogue, so it's not a total loss.
I'm not even really liking the combat anymore. It can be satisfying in the moment -- lining up a parry or a precision dodge feels great, and there's definitely something satisfying about staggering a boss and going to town on it. I just don't feel like I'm making very many interesting decisions. None of the enemies require distinct strategies. None of my gear matters. I never feel like I'm working towards anything with my abilities or my character build.
It feels like such a huge missed opportunity. Stranger of Paradise, a spinoff game that wasn't even made by Square, did Final Fantasy as a character action game just last year, and it managed to do it while incorporating a job system, a full party of characters, and a vastly more complex gear system. Alongside FFVII Remake, it's obvious that FF can have a strong focus on action without sacrificing its RPG depth, so I'm not sure why they felt the need to over-streamline things so much here.
Oh well. I'll keep pushing through because I'm a huge sucker for FF. As always, I'm open to changing my mind and I genuinely hope I do. I'm just starting to think maybe this one isn't for me.