Bow to the RNG Goddess!These twin avatars.
Bow to the RNG Goddess!These twin avatars.
When I got them, they were higher level than my team. They show up (green) like skirmishes on the main map.
Bow to the RNG Goddess!
Do you get EXP from fighting the Spotpass teams? Or just the opportunity to recruit?
Did you talk to her inHow do you recruit her? I talked to her, but she didn't join.
Did you talk to her in? She doesn't join in that map.Sidequest 2
And Leif, although I like that one better than Leaf, TBH.Well, looks like my friend's crisis has been averted. They translated Sigurd into Sigurd and not Siglud. Wait what... Seliph?
I own Fire Emblem: SS due to the ambassador program, but haven't gone through it yet. If I get Awakening and play it first, will I enjoy Sacred Stones less?
I'm debating whether I should go through Awakening with the rest of the early buyers or if I should just wait...
Well, looks like my friend's crisis has been averted. They translated Sigurd into Sigurd and not Siglud. Wait what... Seliph?
And Leif, although I like that one better than Leaf, TBH.
There's nothing wrong with starting with Awakening, and I actually recommend it since it's very beginner-friendly. If it peaks your interest, then you should definitely try out the other entries, but you should go with the mindset that all of them have less features than this game. Although you probably should avoid FE1, 2 and 3 since they haven't aged quite well, but all of them from FE4 onwards are great games on their own right and for the time they were made.I own Fire Emblem: SS due to the ambassador program, but haven't gone through it yet. If I get Awakening and play it first, will I enjoy Sacred Stones less?
I'm debating whether I should go through Awakening with the rest of the early buyers or if I should just wait...
Chapter 8 and Paralogue 3 spoilers:is there anyway to save the three villagers in Ch 8?
So I'm currently leveling all of my characters to Level 10 [at least] before I progress. I'm on Chapter 6 and purchasing Reeking Boxes, completing the map, and then selling the Bullions to gain 500 Gold per battle. It's working out well [and I'm building Support!].
Donnel the hell do I level him? I tried Pairing him up with another, but he rarely attacks. When I try to attack on his own he does little damage and if he's attacked he's lucky to survive one round. I've heard he has good growths, but that doesn't matter when he's as fragile as he is. -_-
Sounds like you should forge him a strong weapon and feed him kills
At least it's not Serlis?There'll just be some features you wish were in the game and such. It's still a good game on its own, though the easiest GBA FE though.
I'll never get used to Seliph.
That's ok-ish. Too used to Leaf though.
Thanks guys [and/or gals]. I'll give it some more work tomorrow!
I didn't even think about Forging, that's a definite possibility [or the weaking/finishing off strategy]. At the very least I'm building Support/Gold along the way. >![]()
Does anyone have the red xl? I just noticed best buy has them on sale and I really want to play this game but not really feeling the xl colors, I hate two tone but I want this game sooo bad. How does the red look?
Well looks like I'll most likely have to get it digitally. Best buy backordered my order a few days ago but then sent me an email saying it was a mistake. I just got another email saying that it is now backordered again. It just seems to be my local store, as the other nearby best buys will have it in stock.
I agree.Champion of Yore is hilarious.
For anyone doing Hard, how hard is it to come by funds? Do you have enough are are you just barely surviving with what you have?
Ah, my first real RNG screw over of Awakening. My Chrom got an awesome 7 point level up, but then Vaike decides to bite it in the next turn. So, restart, and then when Chrom gets that same level again, a whopping 2 point increase. Thanks RNG. :/
America only has knowledge of a handful of FE characters so unless they are looking for FE7->, I would say no.Man, I really hope NoA does a popularity poll like they did in Japan and uses the results for some new DLC. It's always such a shame the North American counterparts don't do more of those types of things.
America only has knowledge of a handful of FE characters so unless they are looking for FE7->, I would say no.
Yes, I know FE fans would know otherwise.
The popularity poll he's referring to covered Awakening characters only. They pretty much used the top picked characters and gave them special scenes in the DLC.
Just try grinding the lower level maps. enemies are always carrying a bouillon or two somewhere in there (you sell those for money).
So if I play the Spotpass chapters, is my team going to be overpowered?
Are the Spotpass chapters separate from the additional skirmishes that you can grind on the main map? Or are they the same thing?
So is this unlocking for DL at midnight? Is that how they normally do it? I thought Nintendo usually do their big releases on Sundays.
As soon as it's Monday at Eastern time, it can be downloaded from the eShop.
Depends. The level of the spotpass characters can vary wildly. If you attempt to get them by beating them in battle, they should never be too overpowered, but hiring them for gold can result in overpowered characters joining fairly early.
"Spotpass chapters"? Those are different from skirmishes, and closer to the paralogue chapters, if that's really what you're talking about. However, those are separate from the content related to legacy characters.
If you're talking about the spotpass skirmishes to get the legacy characters, then those encounters are similar to streetpass ones, and, yes, they can be used as skirmishes... outside of Lunatic. In Lunatic, spotpass battles don't give experience. DLC does work as usual though.
To stay on-topic, I have new a question (by the way, thank you very much for answering my question a few pages back) : how much supports a character can have with others ? Is it like FE7/FE8/FE9, where each characters can only have 5 supports conversations (which mean you can only have 1 rank A support with a character, and then 1 rank B support, or 2 rank C ones) ?