Is it just me or is Miriel a terrible unit? Really crappy growths and her starting stats weren't great. Should I bother using her early on? I benched someone else in favour of her and am not sure why now.
She's been pretty slow for me too. Replaced her with Ricken when he showed up, haven't looked back.
A block is only 128 KB, so it should easily fit on a 2 GB card.
For what I understand, all the DLC put together amounts to 150MB aprox.
Actually Miriel has better growths than Ricken, offensive wise at least. Beats him handily in Magic, Skill, Speed and Res.
I want Gregor to be better than he is. Because he's awesome. "Gregor ees on job."
I love Russians. Can't wait for Boris in Metal Gear Rising.
His growth rates are actually pretty good. Better than Sully all around, but he's not a hot red head, so people will use him less. Really there doesn't seem to be any really terrible characters and reclassing will 'fix' any bad RNG rolls.
When playing on Hard and Lunatic, it can make each map even more difficult if you're not paying attention to growth rates to some extent.If there's something to avoid at all cost when playing a FE title, it's reading the growth rates of each character. It just strips them of their mystery, their magic, and push the players to get rid of the units who don't meet theirs standards. And, well, the RNG God(dess) can make any unit an invincible badass, or a weak slowpoke. Thus, it's just best to play the units who you like.
... And drop the ones that, inevitably, are just too bad to be useful. Leonardo, I'm looking at you.
If there's something to avoid at all cost when playing a FE title, it's reading the growth rates of each character. It just strips them of their mystery, their magic, and push the players to get rid of the units who don't meet theirs standards. And, well, the RNG God(dess) can make any unit an invincible badass, or a weak slowpoke. Thus, it's just best to play the units who you like.
... And drop the ones that, inevitably, are just too bad to be useful. Leonardo, I'm looking at you.
He seems to go down pretty quick for me. Maybe I'm unlucky. I haven't been paying that much attention to stat increases at level up.
If there's something to avoid at all cost when playing a FE title, it's reading the growth rates of each character. It just strips them of their mystery, their magic, and push the players to get rid of the units who don't meet theirs standards. And, well, the RNG God(dess) can make any unit an invincible badass, or a weak slowpoke. Thus, it's just best to play the units who you like.
... And drop the ones that, inevitably, are just too bad to be useful. Leonardo, I'm looking at you.
Godamned, when did enemies get criticals?
I take back what I said about Gregor. He just massacred an entireworth of enemies and barely took a scratch doing it. GREGOR SMASH!ship
I take back what I said about Gregor. He just massacred an entireworth of enemies and barely took a scratch doing it. GREGOR SMASH!ship
What'd you promote him to? I regret having made him into a hero. I'll try switching him into a Berserker.
Also the Second Seals are awesome. Tharja was an xp hog and capped out early, so I just sent her back to level 1 without any decrease in attributes.
Right now he's a level 4 Hero. He was a level 1 Hero at the beginning of the level, though.He's paired up with a barely-used Cherche. I want him to have babies.
Right now he's a level 4 Hero. He was a level 1 Hero at the beginning of the level, though.He's paired up with a barely-used Cherche. I want him to have babies.
Damn, I wish mine were a beast. I've seen people mention that Sully wasn't good either, yet mine tanks that (with Virion).
I'm hoping they dish out the DLC at least twice as fast as it was released in Japan. That, and the spotpass side chapters. I can't wait 3 months for.Parion
Seems like 3ds games rarely get a discount unless it is a promo like $10 off any preorder at Newegg ;p. I assume Nintendo still does not give any sort of digital discount? With DS3, DmC PC, and Ni No Kuno still to play, I just don't see any value spending $40 on FE now when I probably wont get around to playing it for another month or two.
My Sully is really good, but I've used her in pretty much every battle since I got her.
I had him waifu Nowi.
So, this will pretty much be my first Fire Emblem and I see it has a casual mode that turns off perma-death. Do you guys recommend playing it this way since I'm new or does it ruin the tension?
So, this will pretty much be my first Fire Emblem and I see it has a casual mode that turns off perma-death. Do you guys recommend playing it this way since I'm new or does it ruin the tension?
So, this will pretty much be my first Fire Emblem and I see it has a casual mode that turns off perma-death. Do you guys recommend playing it this way since I'm new or does it ruin the tension?
I'm gonna start a new game, because I felt like I married the wrong person, heh.
I married Lissa. I thought it would be funny to screw Chrom's sister, but her character is kinda bland. Next time I'm gonna screwChrom's daughter BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Then Morgan is brought into the world with them having no siblings. Having MU marry any regularly marry-able female results in them having a sibling, but MU doesn't play by the rules! MU don't give a shit! MU marry who they want!